
Showing posts from May, 2022

Rank politicians

 I have concerns with Vladimir Putin and his cronies that echo this opposition groups’ 2009 concerns with him: “ We see the "successes" of Vladimir Putin's policy only on television, when in reality we observe a continuous deterioration in all spheres of life. Citizens of Russia are still dying at the rate of a million a year. Utility rates are constantly rising. Paid medicine and education are being introduced. In fact, censorship has been established in the media. Elections at all levels are fully controlled by the government and business. Russia's interests in the CIS countries are being surrendered. The Caucasus is on fire, and Kadyrov's bandit clan is financed from the Russian budget. The incomes of the oligarchs are constantly rising (fighting some of them, the authorities redistribute capital in favor of others). The list of failures and crimes of power can be continued. Under these conditions, we do not consider it possible to provide any support to the au


Taboo I am absolutely against Polygamy, Polyamory and open marriages. I don't want anyone to engage in Polygamy, Polyamory or open marriages ever. I want Polygamy, Polyamory and open marriages to be illegal forever. Monogamy is a googolplex times better. Sadly, very few gay people find the concept of monogamy enjoyable.  Because of that, I feel as long as same sex marriage is legal, polygamy and polyarmy should also be legal but for same sex couples only I am against Pedophilia and it should stay illegal forever. My views on Pedophilia generally match Josh Hawley's views on Pedophilia along with Law and Order SVU's views on Pedophilia. Pedophiles need Christ's love to get healed and their sins are no worse than any other sin (but more addicting) I am against the Pro Pedo USA Today trash article and similar 21st century pro pedo sympathy by far left loons , though if I was a pedo, I would have liked that article and sympathy.  Pedophiles aren't born as pedos and Pedo


Science We now live in a society that is ruled by Academics and Experts (i.e Psychologists) who use their elite status, credentials and moral authority to dictate how our country is run, what is moral and not moral and similar things. We need to end this control they have over our society which is Scientism Academicism etc. They are not Gods and they are not infallible. Most of them are far left or left themselves and are pressured via groupthink. I am talking about things like CRT-wokeness, LGBTQ+ findings, PC (political correctness), whether to spank a child, those type of things. I don't mean other more hot button things. Just because they are right about Climate Change, the pandemic doesn't mean they are right about most of the rest of the things. Michael Crichton warned of the dangers of consensus in some cases, as noted  here Religion I believe in the Gap theory. I believe there was a break between Genesis 1.1 and Genesis 1.2. That God created the original Earth and unive

Blog navigation

 My views All of my views (unsorted) Specific Animal rights Drugs/Crime Fiscal views Gun rights Identity politics/SJW/cc etc International issues/religion LGBTQ+ views Migration Misc Polemic/Elections Race/Ethnicity Women's (and Men's) issues Youth/Disabled etc My story Outside areas  / Pol memes


 Misc I follow Noahide laws like the early proto Judeo Christians and follow their 'high priest' (J-sus) or in other words I am a Faithful Christian  (:‑J People's Temple:‑J) I have an anti modern streak in terms of being anti consumerist, anti Transnational progressiveness, and similar things etc. This blog should give a glimpse into my anti modern streak I am against Donald Trump's Garden of Heroes idea.  He honors our nation's heroes enough through his speeches (like after Charlottesville when he spoke positively of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson), and through his drafted list of 'American heroes'  So we don't need to build statues and gardens for them too. What he did above was enough. The federal government (including our Presidents) should not tell us who our historical heroes should be and should not force these names upon us. What right does our government have to dictate to us who was 'worthy' enough to get a statue?  This is the

International issues/Religion etc

 Int issues I am anti war most of the time but I am anti war due to Lockean love of Liberty and being anti government (ie war is big gov). Basically I am anti war for the same reasons Mark Twain was anti war.  Since I am defacto anti war/not supportive of wars, I am by default against all countries on Earth going to war/me non supportive of all countries on Earth going to war . For example, after the outbreak of each war I check to see if an extremely rare and overwhelming case for me supporting that war being waged exists and if it doesn't I keep my default anti war/not supportive position on that war. It takes more for me to support a war than for me to not condemn a war. I haven't supported a war since I supported the Iraq War in early 2003 (before changing my mind in March 2003 and being against the Iraq War)  I am very pro Military and very pro Veteran despite being anti war I echo  this article by Jason Church I am a non interventionalist  I am an Anti Imperialist.  If th


I won't complain if the US brought back the Articles of the Confederation elections Ideally we should vote like on Wikipedia during Arbcom elections, everyone votes as many times as they want. I am against removing or replacing the Electoral college. I am apolitical First past the post voting I am against Instant runoff voting  I support democracy replacing representative democracy and giving people a more clear picture of political things DC should not become a state Former felons should be able to vote on conditional basis. If they have truly changed, I guess it would be ok for them to vote Prison inmates should only vote on things related to their prison and if they have shown good behavior in prison.  I do not know or care one way or the other if the Democrats and Joe Biden stole the 2020 Presidential election and frankly don’t give a damn. "It is enough that the people know there was an election," "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who cou

Gun Rights

 Guns I support the gun control that the  old NRA  implemented from the late 19th century through the mid 20th century. It was needed back then and helped break our country transition out of the 'wild west' type gun ho/toting mentality to a more gun responsible society, but we've been giving too much gun rights away since the mid 20th century and that needs to end.  I would get a S- grade from the late 19th century through mid 20th century NRA, and a good competency assessment in a Competency-based learning grading system from the modern NRA I am ok with Stand Your Ground, people bringing their guns to work, and open carry. If I had it my way, guns would be abolished and bows and arrows, yumis and crossbows would replace them but since I respect something called the CONSTITUTION, I respect gun rights. I shot a bebe gun as a kid at my friend's house and it felt great. I am against the March for your lives protests (which were spectacles, David Hogg knows better and its s

Animal Rights

I am against Zoophilia and it should stay illegal forever. Science has proven that Zoophilia causes disease and death. I am an on again , off again vegan I believe animals should be in circuses but only a few circuses in their lives then retire them to wildlife conservations. I fully support the existence of Wildlife Conservations There is nothing wrong with riding on Elephants or Camels as long as the person is light and the Elephant or Camel is in top shape and not on them for very long. I fully support the Calgary Stampede using live animals.  I reject Critical Animal Studies and I believe that Critical Animal studies are nonsense and garbage I sort of almost pity Animal liberation activists.  I'm against people hunting animals but I respect their right to do so (so I wouldn't want it illegal). I would however, want to encourage hunters to use air soft guns or laser tag hunting instead of real hunting so they can 'hunt' without hurting animals. They'll die natura

IP/SJW/Cancel culture

 SJW/CC/IP I support solidarity and liberation which will lead to a classless society without hierarchy. This is a natural progression. This will emancipate bigots from their bigotry and prevent bigotry from arising I like people BECAUSE they are different, whether it's because they don't celebrate their birthday, they don't wear tennis shoes, they are a minority, they are homosexual/lesbian, they are transgender etc.  I don't like everyone being or looking the same, hence why I have this viewpoint  I toxically love diversity (I am a diversity enthusiast and fanboy) . I toxically love seeing LGBTQ+, BIPOC+, women etc get as much visibility as heteros, whites and men. That shakes things up, adds new elements (like a salad bowl), and makes things less boring and predictable.  Though  Chris Hedges  makes some diverse points to give me some counter perspective All forms of antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism and racism etc are against my principles. Sadly, some whites are said