International issues/Religion etc

 Int issues

I am anti war most of the time but I am anti war due to Lockean love of Liberty and being anti government (ie war is big gov). Basically I am anti war for the same reasons Mark Twain was anti war. 

Since I am defacto anti war/not supportive of wars, I am by default against all countries on Earth going to war/me non supportive of all countries on Earth going to war . For example, after the outbreak of each war I check to see if an extremely rare and overwhelming case for me supporting that war being waged exists and if it doesn't I keep my default anti war/not supportive position on that war. It takes more for me to support a war than for me to not condemn a war. I haven't supported a war since I supported the Iraq War in early 2003 (before changing my mind in March 2003 and being against the Iraq War) 

I am very pro Military and very pro Veteran despite being anti war

I echo this article by Jason Church

I am a non interventionalist 

I am an Anti Imperialist. 

If the US can’t help themselves with their imperialist warmongering, then they should use Woodrow Wilson Interventionalism , which means at most, the US should promote self determination to other countries by being a world leader for the cause of democracy instead of western imperialism , cultural imperialism , globalization etc in a way that Woodrow Wilson would do, but really US, just leave the Imperialism to Russia, OK?

As mentioned below I do not condemn (and am between pitiful toward to sympathetic toward) Marxist-Leninist countries doing their own , modern day Manifest Destiny  (Russia Orthodox Church, anti west , jingoism etc for Russia to spread, Christian like values and or Confucianism, anti west, jingoism etc for China to spread etc)

Landback is bourgeois academic falsification of justice for colonized people is a covert mechanism for the ruling class to privatize and ruin the legacy of the US’s beautiful public lands and environmental stewardship . Handing control of the land to Native Americans makes it that much harder to abolish private property using the state. This is what happened with the Bolsheviks back in the day. I support self determination for Native Americans but they can’t get self determination until we abolish private property as mentioned above and to abolish private property we can’t grant them landback first

I support third world anti colonial movements from the last century and beyond and their fights for independence

I support National Liberation movements

I want the US to make all of their territories independent

I support strategic autonomy 

I am an Anti Globalist 

I am Anti Globalization

I am against Cultural Marxism and Transnational Progressiveness , I prefer Radical Localism over those things

Not everything should be blamed on Globalists, Cultural Marxists, nonMarxists, Commies or George Soros.  Absolutism doesn't exist and nuance is always needed.  Globalists, Cultural Marxists, ,non Marxist Leninists Marxists or George Soros.  Absolutism doesn't exist and nuance is always needed. 

I was and I still am against the Patriot Act. The real way to prevent international terrorism in the US from previous international terrorism groups is for the US to be non interventionist

I do not agree with Sully's view that  Donald Trump showed 'utter and vulgar disrespect and contempt' for US troops past and present. Trump treated the US military mostly decent to good as President. The Atlantic's report that Donald Trump had called WWI heroes 'suckers' and 'losers' is FAKE NEWS and NOT TRUE AT ALL.   Sully has to admit that Barack Obama was much worse as President for our military than Donald Trump and that Jesse Ventura's comments about our military is are way worse than anything that Donald Trump ever said about them as President. Of note, I do think its cool that such a virtue signaling military man like Jesse Ventura had anti military views but he should not get a pass for them when Donald Trump's innocent (but fake) comments don't 


I am pro Israel (since I do not want to be turned into a pillar of salt and because I am part Jewish) to some Anti Israel lefties this means I support ‘Israel Apartheid’. 

I retroactively support the Jews ban (ch-r-m)/actions toward the pre Israeli inhabitants of Canaan (Hittite and the Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Jebusites) in the Book of Joshua. I retroactively support the way that the Jews conquered Canaan in the book of Joshua and took it over. This shows why I feel this way

In 10,000 years or in 100,000 years it won't matter that they have settlements there

I am part Jewish and I am glad that the USSR under especially under JS was fair (for the time) to Jewish citizens. Under J Stalin antisemitism carried penalties up to the death penalty

I support as an alternative to a two state solution bringing back the Mandatory Palestine (and exactly like it was under that Mandate but if the Radically centrist and pragmatic BDS members negotiated with the people back then to draw up the Mandate for Palestine in the 1910s).     

I am open to supporting this idea:  Israel and Palestine equally become constituents to a newly created United Mandate of Israel and Palestine the same way that England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are equally constituents to the United Kingdom

Another idea I am considering supporting would be to give Israel/Palestine to the descendants of the Natufian (the Natufian were among the first inhabitants of Israel before the Canaanites and Jews) After doing this, Israelis in Israel would be strongly encouraged and given incentives to settle in Iran while Palestinians would be encouraged to settle in Kuwait, Syria, Jordan and United Arab Emirates. However, Iran would be forced to treat the Jews in Iran as fairly as King Cyrus treated the Jews in Ancient Persia.  Iran would be forced to allow the Jews to assimilate in Iran exactly how King Cyrus allowed the Jews to assimilate in Ancient Persia. 

My big issue with Israel is their senseless violence against migrants in Israel along with their bombing against Gaza and chauvinism.  They should have been dealing with them the way that the Christian Romans dealt with the Israelis during the bible, not the way above.  Israeli democracy is eroding. Free elections and a parliament don't mean a country is free (look at Canada for proof). Israel has done questionable things including wars recently that leaves themselves open to criticism 

Between personally and deep down inside, I am, in a tongue and cheek way between fourth political position on and lean half hearted agree with a lot of the BDS views (the non anti semetic ones) but views that are about solutions and don’t demonize Israelis in my eyes

As it is now, as long as our world is as liberal and SJW as it is I will strongly oppose the BDS. Even if I was in that aforementioned world, I would be Christian Democratic on the BDS

If there was a problem solvers faction of the BDS I would consider joining it. 

I am open hearted to (but don't necessarily agree with) some of the views on Israel and Zionism that Ihlan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, etc have (the non anti semetic ones) even if their views are very Anti Zionist. I know the Squad are flexible on this issue and become more moderate on it, so their views on this conflict aren’t too ‘radical’ for me

I am not Anti Zionist, but I strongly like Humanistic Zionism, Post Zionism, and Israeli Nationalism way way more than I ‘like’ Zionism and I strongly want Humanistic Zionism, Post Zionism, and Israeli Nationalism to replace Zionism asap. This way the Israelis and Palestinians can true freedom 

I am ok with Palestinian Nationalism 

To young far lefters, BDSers, far righters or alt rights, don't join antisemetic hate groups or racist hate groups. Nothing can be gained by linking yourselves to any organizations who agitate racial animosities or propagate racial hatreds. Such organizations are immoral and are only negative.

I want to clear up negative stereotypes about Jewish people:

Jews don't run everything. Out of the 400 most vital multinational corporations (including world wide government),  Jews are just a tiny fraction of those vital multinational corporations

Jewish people have done no more or less bad than any of other groups of people who lived in each country that they resided in. 

Jewish people were persecuted in Europe in the Medieval age and Industrial age because their religious traditions made them isolate from society. The only reason there are more Jews who are bankers or similar positions is because those are the only jobs they were allowed to take due to anti semetic bigotry. For example, usury, underwent a transformation in Medieval Europe, society needed moneylending but Christianity forbade it, so this was left to the Jews to do as dirty work since it was one of the few ways they could be allowed to be apart of a society that was wrongly anti semetic toward them due to their religious practices. Thus usury was a way for them to fit in and contribute, but they are far from the only group of who did usury and maybe due to their religion, they were more compassionate with usury than most groups would have been.

The real culprits of the Great Depression were not the Jews but the corrupt liberal business people (including the corrupt liberal business people in the banking industry) of all stripes who ran Wall Street and the Federal Reserve into the ground in 1920s through unethical and immoral monterary loans. Their corruption lead directly to the Great Depression. The other culprits of the Great Depression were the Cultural Marxists and the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communists

The rise of Cultural Marxism and Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism in the early 20th century also played a part in causing the Great Depression.    

I believe in the 1930s in Europe and the US, those corrupt bourgeois people who caused the Great Depression should have been subject to the same harsh anti corruption punishments that China has employed in the 1980s 1990s 2000s against corrupt people (but in a Jeb Bush compassionate Christian way).  There should have been anti corruption political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s to clean up that corrupt mess and prevent such corruption from happening again.

Further more, there should have been political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s that were solely Anti Cultural Marxist and Left Wing Anti Communist (against the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal form of Communism) similar to the White Movement of Russia in the 1910s and 1920s (and rising up against the Cultural Marxists and Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communists just like the White Movement did in Russia to Communists in general) and Falange in the 1930s (but without violence, racism and antisemetism). 

However if there were violent uprisings against these Anti Cultural Marxist and Left Wing Anti Communist then I would be look the other way or even be tolerant of them doing a White Terror type thing (or even a Falange Spanish Revolution type thing) in response in self defense against those guerillas. 

If you still ignorantly believe Jews have influence (even though they don't and that is an antisemetic trope) then either stop them from being persecuted and discriminated against so they can get other jobs and spread themselves out to other areas (and thus not be centered on perceieved 'influential jobs') which wouldn't change anything since the Jewish influence thing is a myth and an anti semetic trope or do a Blexit type thing but with the Jewish liberals so they become anti establishment or centre right and fight for our cause (since if they are so influential in politics, wouldn't it make sense to have them help us instead of fighting against them?)  

But of course they have no influence so that is purely conjecture

Jewish voters are more Neoliberal and by extension progressive than non Jewish voters because most jewish people fled Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives (which are progressive things) in a Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism-Socialism without adjectives Europe to come to the US and that led to them joining unions in the US (which at least at the time had values and goals similar to Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives) and their descendants inherited that neoliberalness from them and so on.  

So as a block Jewish people are neoliberal/progressive and any group of people who by and large votes neoliberal or progressive is a problem, whether its a British migrant block, a Hollywood block, a union block, a Jewish block, a Episcopilian block, an atheist block etc. However, its not a problem that they are jewish but because its another large block of people who vote neoliberal or progressive). 

To counter this, we need to get Jewish people to become anti establishment or even centre right (as mentioned above using Blexit type tactics) and to help them see that the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives countries their ancestors fled from in Europe are very non stellar and elements of those countries are being recreated today in a half a*s form known as social fascism which takes the worst of Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives and the worst of Capitalism ,fuses it together to create a country worse (or as bad) than their ancestors former countries . 

We need to tell them that unions are anti globalist. We are an accepting tent we already have Orthodox Jewish people with us, we need to get the Liberal non Orthodox Jewish people with us. 

If any trolls are still ignoring my message, then read this article by Alex  te

My cousin half heartingly tolerates Nathanel Kapner’s views (with a grain of salt). My cousin is so gullible

I would have tolerated the way Know Nothing Party (US) viewed and treated Jewish people in the 19th century ONLY if instead of being 'anti semetic' (in the rare times they were) toward Jewish people, the Know Nothing Party (US) instead had a high sense of patriotic and cultural responsibility for the welfare of Jewish people to the point that the Know Nothing Party US fought for the Jewish people's cause in a patronizing way that could be labeled as 'Jewish saviorism' (while all of the other non anti semetic views and actions that the Know Nothing Party US had toward Jewish people stayed entact)

China Russia

I support between fair trade and freed trade with China , and free trade with Russia and Iran

China is extremely wrong for their 1 2 3 child policies, for bring Anti Christian and for their bourgeois, Neoliberal fiscal policies. 

If you go carrying pictures of the Xi Jinping and the CCP don’t you know that you can count me out (IN!). 

I would condone China and the CCP if it meant having a communist woman in China having a David-Jonathan biblical type penpal or virtual relationship with me 

China's social credit system is mostly bad, has decent elements here and there. 

I am involuntarily apolitical on China's pandemic laws . 

I am as anti death penalty on China executing drug smugglers as Mark Hatfield was anti death penalty as Governor of Oregon

I condemn China for getting involved in the US 2020 racial unrest situations. I also strongly condemn  China for trying to make our children in this country woke through marxist propaganda

Because Right Wingers ignorantly make believe that Neoliberals are pro China and pro CCP, even though I know that it is not true (since all sides ie Neoliberals and Neocons are equally Anti China) , just to be on the safe side and because I am a paranoid person, I am forced to fully condemn China and the CCP for their treatment of the Uyghurs ONLY because I am anti Neoliberal and I don’t want to be on the same side that Neoliberals are on even though I know that they are not on the same side. If there is even a 1% chance they are on the same side I must do this

“So I ‘totally condemn’ China for their human rights abuses (add the label genocide after or before the phrase human rights abuses in my ‘condemnation’  of China for their actions toward the Uyghurs if you want to pretend I am even more ‘anti China’ than I pseudolly am now)”

This does not mean I actually believe that China and the CCP did bad things to the Uyghurs (I don’t know if I really believe that, though, I am a Tankie so that should be a clue). Some countries including Muslim countries have denied there was a genocide or in some cases, even anything close to it. Besides after seeing right wingers get rightfully destroyed for believing in their racist bigoted White genocide conspiracy theory nonsense, I am very careful about using the word genocide since I don’t want to be called anti Chinese for saying there is a genocide or close to one in Xianjing if there officially isn’t especially if there is not anything close to one . But I don’t know there isn’t a Uyghur genocide or human rights abuses there and I admit I have to play mental gymnastics not to see that China has done human rights violations and possibly genocide to the Uyghurs

China should not be sanctioned for the Uyghur situation or anything I can think of since I am a non interventionalist. Lets put America first. To the US, stop the western imperialism and globalism

I am concerned about China using forced labor. I want China to be as fair to all their laborers as Google is 'fair' to their workers, according to this article

However I believe that there if there is no excuse for China’s harsh actions against the Uyghurs then I truly and totally condemn China for their actions toward the Uyghurs

I am apolitical on China-Hong Kong dispute. I want Hong Kong to have the same relationship with China, that Belarus has had with Russia since 1992

I want Taiwan to be to China what Greenland is to Denmark (ie China being a unitary sovereign state, Taiwan being a constituent country to China and Taiwan having an extended degree of autonomy to govern their relations just like Greenland)

I trust that China will continue to get better as a country like they always have and become more egalitarian as they develop more productive forces(though part of me leans skeptical)

I view the USSR (especially the early 1920s-1950s version) as Anti Villains retroactively.   In the 1980s I was apolitical toward the USSR but not against them. The USSR was an ally of the US in two World Wars and had a good fiscal system, if the USSR became Post Capitalist it would have been almost based in my eyes. amongst other positive things they did. If the Democrats and mainstream liberals ever retroactively support or condone the USSR I will be retroactively against the USSR. I support Soviet nostalgias

The holodomor was a result of the USSR’s incompetance, there is no solid evidence that Josef Stalin orchestrated it or that it was intentional . The bourgeois , liberals and MSM defame the USSR by saying it was intentional to trash Socialism, Communism , Russia in order to force normies tobe imperialist fascists. Saying the famine was done on purpose by the USSR is indirectly anti semetic and plays into anti semetic conspiracy theories

I was against the Nuclear Freeze in the 1980s and early 1990s only because I knew that the US having Nuclear weapons was to prevent the Soviet Union from using their Nuclear weapons. To this day I am still against a Nuclear Freeze due to countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea having Nuclear weapons. I want a world free of Nuclear Weapons but I will not support a Nuclear Freeze until countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea also agree to give up their Nuclear Weapons too. No one wants a Nuclear war.

Arthur Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg were TRAITORS and they should have spent many decades in prison for their treason instead of being put to death. It may seem cool for them to betray the US since you don't except liberals like them to do such things conservatives are falsely and senselessly smeared for (espionage/treasanous acts) But their evil treason caused countless deaths in Korea and they were disgusting commie terrorists and not being in prison for at least awhile would show the US was soft which would be wrong. They sold out to our enemies and they are a disgrace to the US.

I retroactively support the Dissenters Marches and Strategy 31 protests

I support the culture council set up in the State Duma

I support Pan Russianism 

I support Russian Left Wing Ultranationalism

I am apolitical on Crimea but Eduard Limonov echoed a lot of my thoughts on Russia’s 2014 ‘invasion’ of Ukraine

I support Russia taking South Ossetia, Transnistria and Abkhazia

I am Anti NATO. NATO should be abolished

I support Russia going into the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk and claiming it. The people in that province were being persecuted by Ukraine and Russia rightfully came to their aide. There was a fair vote by the Russian senate to approve of it. 

However, I conditionally support the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk seceding from Russia but only under these conditions:

1) the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk is allowed to be exactly as independent from Ukraine as the Confederate States of America was independent from the US during the Civil War. Ukraine would be permitted to have military bases within the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk (like the US has with Gitmo in Cuba). Ukrainians from outside the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk should be allowed to and encouraged to settle in the independent People's Republic of Donetsk exactly like how Israelis are allowed to settle in the disputed West Bank and other areas within 'Palestine'

2) Russia is absolved by the US, UN and EU officially of helping Donald Trump win the 2016 US Presidential election or at worst those bodies say there is no evidence that they helped Trump win the 2016 US Presidential election

3) Russia gets Fort Ross California and parts of Northern California it used to have as territory, this time as a Concessions and lease from the United States along with Russia being allowed to have a closer relationship with Alaska that is similar to the satellite state relationship that Eastern bloc countries had with the Soviet Union during the Cold War


3) Russia is not pressured by outside forces (ie UN, Western LGBTQ imperialists etc) to become pro LGBTQ+ or liberal while those outside forces in a non binding way agree to this way of thinking toward Russia and human rights  "I believe that the government/state should stay out of being enforcing moral changes in most to nearly all situations.  Moral evolution can happen many times apart of the government/state and relations between people can emerge with freedom from the government/state. Most relationships in life should not be characterized as conflict as the left and right might have it. It's good to have mutual and humane respect for others as individuals.   It's also good to do positive and unselfish things without having to grapple with the political ramifications of doing those positive things.  Of course we don't want to be so humane and clingy that is becomes creepy.  This view is from Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn books"

I do not condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine. My views on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are similar to these fellow Tankies’ views of the invasion but more me not wanting the US to get involved with the Russia Ukraine conflict (due to me being AmericaFirst) than being pro Russia like they are

There are fine and bad people on both sides of that war     

I support Donald Trump praising Vladimir Putin's 'invasion' of Ukraine. 

I am fine with non US countries sanctioning Russia but I am also fine with other countries (like China) helping Russia offset those sanctions

Joe Biden should have pretended he was nuts to scare Russia into ending their invasion of Ukraine ,like how Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War pretended that he was nuts in order to trick North Vietnam into coming to an agreement to end the Vietnam War

The US and Europe should try to de escalate the Russia-Ukraine crisis instead of inflaming it if they are going to get involved in that situation

I was and I am still against Ukraine joining NATO, the globalist liberals help Ukraine enough as it is

Ukraine deserves criticism for not developing Donbas and leaving it open to Russia and other forces at best

I am against the Maidan Coup which was an illegal act which removed a legit elected head of state

I am fully against companies (like Big Tech) suspending their products and services to Russia. Russian citizens are being wrongly and punitively penalized because of their government.  I call for a full boycott of every company who engages in these acts They never did this to Muslims in countries where ISIS or Al Qaeda are from, yet they do it with Russia? Hypocrite much. History will condemn Google, Microsoft, Sony for their actions with Russia. It goes against human decency, will only make Russians hate those companies and won't do anything.   Hurting innocent people through refusing them service to force them to have the view you want is fascist and evil

If I sound too 'Pro Russian' (even though I am not, Vladimir Putin is a globalist who has a mean liberal streak in him) it's only because Vladimir Putin and Russia may have played me .

It is hypocritical and wrong to ban innocent Russians from entering other countries .Liberals cried over a Muslim travel ban by Donald Trump during the reign of ISIS yet they applaud this? Hypocrite much.  I believe banning innocent Russians from going to other countries because of Russia going to war with Ukraine is wrong, senseless and fascist and is just as bad as Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban in 2017. I am fully against the Russia flight ban by the US and Europe. It is draconian, fascist and evil. It's also a violation of freedom of movement. I hope all Russians permanelty boycott the US and all countries that banned flights to and from Russia.

Many Russians have been unfairly fired due to their place of origin by fascist Russophobes. Their firings are a violation of Employement Acts ,since they were singled out due to their place of origin. These Russians being unfairly fired is akin to McCarthysim or what the US did to Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Freedom of speech means telling people what they don't want to hear. We must end extreme cancel culture and modern day McCarthyism

I am against Anna Nebretko getting fired by the Metropolitian Opera House. There was no reason to fire her and Peter Gelb should be fired on the spot for what he did.

I am against the Bolshoi Ballet being fired. They did nothing wrong and they were unfairly fired for no reason. 

The Steele Dosier was false  

I supported Alexander Lukashenko during the 2020 Belarus protests. The anti Lukashenko protestors were counterproductive and maybe even wrong


Islam is not a bad religion, it's not as good as Judeo Christianity but it shares a link to Judeo Christianity (Abraham). It's vital that all non Christians, including Muslims convert to Christianity but it should only be done in a PC way

Islam has good and bad like any other religion. Not all criticism of Islam is Islamophobic and more than a few (give or take) criticisms of Islam is genuine and constructive (or if not at least not far off).  Some rarer sects of Islam do treat women and LGBTQ people horribly which is wrong.  People should avoid criticizing things in Islam that they don't understand. Criticize the religion not the people in it

No religion should be free of criticism (as long as its not bigoted)

I support Arab Nationalism

I am a huge fan of Quilliam. Quilliam echoes a lot of my view on Islam and Muslims

I echo some of the criticisms of Islam that the Friendly Atheist has

I echo this  and with a grain of salt pragmatically echo this 

I am ok with Generation Identity. I may not agree with them most of the time, but I believe they care about Europe and Europeans. Even if they are wrong most of the time (which they are), its out of ignorance not hatred or malice.  Their fear of Islamization is a genuine, albeit poorly thought out response to perceived social ills. They have to overcome that fear by working with Muslims not against them

This article echos my feelings about the Clock boy incident from 2015:

I am against Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban

Sharia Law is extremely inferior to the US legal system, European legal system. It isn't a good or even decent legal system .Sharia for example flouts non equal rights for certain people, death penalties for things that shouldn't even be crimes etc. However, I believe if Sharia Law was removed from all places where it currently exists and then reintegrated into the legal system of those countries (and maybe in a few western countries too like the UK and the US) but this time alongside Orthodox Jewish courts and ecclesiastical courts and only handled marriage and divorce, (conditional upon an agreement of all parties and strict requirements for protection of equal rights for women), I think that would make Sharia Law become a pretty good legal system, at the very least as a form of alternative resolution

I am against France and other countries banning Muslims women from wearing Hijabs, Burkinis and Burqas. I support Muslim women wearing Burkinis and Burqas. It is a slippery slope because once they start banning Burkinis, Hijabs and Burqas they will ban Christian crosses, and eventually even political symbols. 

I am not that bummed that Muslims are so conservative on gay rights, however they go way way too far. But they should not use violence against gays or criminalize gay acts. 

I want an unorganized form (as in unorganized sector India unorganized) of the 'married in all but a name' rights that same sex couples in Britain had in the last few years before gay marriage was legalized there, for all same sex couples in all Muslim countries who want to their relationships recognized

I want gays in Muslim countries to fight for the above unorganized 'marriage in all but a name' rights and for legalizing being gay in Muslim countries by following the 'be gay do crime' motto. That motto is an Queer Anarchist motto that implies that gays doing criminal and incivil acts may be a necessary evil in order for gays to get the rights above

Some rarer sects of Islam do treat women less than ideal to extremely misogynist and sexist and beyond but by and large Islam is almost as pro woman as Christianity (many liberals wrongly think Christianity is sexist, and many conservatives wrongly think that Islam is sexist). Linda Sarsour has good views on this. I want all Muslim women in Muslim countries to take over Muslim countries and Mosques exactly like women took over the Ephesian church in Paul's letter to the Ephesians

I am against the Netherlands' Islamophobic and racist smearing of Muslims living in their country. Shame on the Netherlands for that Islamophobic racism.

Due to the US government and some far left people smearing and treating all Donald Trump supporters (instead of just the fringe ones) as domestic terrorists and violent extremists, I empathize even more with Muslims due to the similarly harsh smearing and treatment that they have similarly gotten by the US government and extremists on the other side of the isle since 9/11 (especially after 9/11 and during the age of ISIS).  I have seen some far left people imply or dog whistle that all Trump supporters are domestic terrorists or violent extremists (instead of labeling and going after just the fringe part of the MAGA movement as domestic terrorists)   When I was a liberal, I always defended Muslims when they were attacked by neocons since I emphasized with them. Now based on what I wrote above, I will emphasize even more with Muslims.

I don't believe the October 31 2018 truck attack in NYC or the Swedish truck attack in 2017 were Islamic terrorism. I am not even that sure that the 2016 Nice lorre attacks was Islamic terrorism (or at least I am not that sure if Islamic terrorism was the primary motive of the attacks). Saying that every time a Muslim commits mass murder is Islamic terrorism is bigoted, ignorant, naive and offensive.  However, on the flip side, a few attacks by Muslims that are not labele as Islamic terrorismare technically Islamic terrorism (the Fort Hood shooting for example). But there are more times Muslims committing crimes are falsely accused of Islamic terrorism than there are times when Muslims do commit Islamic terrorism and said attacks are not labeled as Islamic terrorism.

I am tempted to say that there are more atheists in Al Qaeda, ISIS, Abu Nidal, Hezbollah than there are Muslims. If they were true Muslims, they would be peaceful since Islam is a religion of peace.

Christians who are killed in the Middle East by ISIS should be labeled as Christians and not worshippers


Donald Trump did wrong by his targeted killing of Qasem Soleimani , he should deferred to Iran on that decision . I don't know how else he could have handled that without doing that.

The US should not have gotten involved in Syria at all. A lot of those Syrian 'victims' were really terrorists i.e ISIS. It's not those victims fault. The US's warmongering in Iraq created ISIS. I fell into the trap briefly back then in me supporting the US Neocon intervention in Syria (due to Neocon manufactured fear of ISIS) but I came to my senses on that warmongering very quickly hence my views on that

I was and still am against the Libya War (the one under Barack Obama)

I was and still am against the Iraq War (I was for it until late March 2003 then I became permanently against it since I amanti imperialist) . I believe instead of a war, the US should have waged a 'Cold War' against Iraq similar to the US's cold war against the USSR.

I support the Iraq War troop surge by George W Bush in 2007. It was a smart strategy and helped turn the war around for us.

Chris Kyle was a war hero and his movie was not offensive at all

I am glad that the UN sanctioned Iraq in the 1990s for symbolic reasons but I don't believe it was a good move. In that situation it wasn't viable or smart

The Gulf War was a justifiable war or at worst, not as bad as Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and the Philippines -American war

I do not support the Taliban and I don’t sympathize with their barbarism, but I am pleased to see radical liberal internationalism/transnational progressiveness lose. Afghanistan's humiliation will only have been worth it if it replaces its old paradigm with new thoughts

I morally (as in moral support) light heartedly supported the Afghanistan War but we should have pulled out of Afghanistan in 2009 or in 2012 since it turned into blatant imperialism 

Joe Biden botched the Afghanistan pullout in 2021 and he should be criticized for that

I supported the Sunni Mujahideen temporarily in the 1980s in their war vs the Soviet Union  (Soviet-Afghan War) because I was a kid and blindly supported who the US supported


I retroactively support the Red Army Faction (WG 1970s 1980s)

Asia conflict issues

I do not condemn the 2021 coup de tat in Myanmar ,its none of my business

I fully support the way that Donald Trump handled North Korea but he may have been too lenient

I would have been against the Vietnam War if I was alive back then after initially supporting it (though I am against a lot of far left parts of the anti war movement). I believe France should have had the role that the US had in the Vietnam War in the mid 1960s through the early mid 1970s. I believe that the US should have used these methods:  against Vietnam instead of sending in troops while the US should also have sent a few special force peace keepers (not military) into Vietnam to de esclate the war

I have been against the Vietnam War my whole life.

I believe and side with the Swift Boat Veterans in their attacks on John Kerry and John McCain

I am against the US going to war with the Philippines in the Philippine-American War since it was imperialism etc.


In the 1980s, I had no issues with President Ronald Reagan vetoing the UN economic sanctions against South Africa for apartheid. Since birth I have been a Libertarian and supporter of strategic autonomy . 

I guess it would have been ok if the US privately sent weapons to anti apartheid rebels the same way the US privately sent weapons to Iran during the Iran Contra affair (as an alternative) but back then that alternative to vetoing those UN economic sanctions never crossed my mind

Americas conflicts.

City Data's TexasReb has in general, decent-pretty good, well thought out and insightful points and views on and about the Civil War, though I do not necessarily agree with him on his Civil War views

My views on TexasReb align with the liberal and progressive City Data forum users who have mostly positive interactions with him despite disagreeing with him at times

I enjoy the political messages (ie morals of the story) of  Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Slavery and forced labor is wrong and immoral because the whole concept of working (paid and unpaid) is wrong and immoral. People shouldn't have to work to make ends meet. Working (paid and unpaid) is boring, harsh, a time sink and archaic.

I feel that from the 16th century onward, Europe and the US should have given equal rights to women and BIPOC+ (that white males had) in the United States (including Old South), European colonies etc and not used slavery anywhere. Then I would have wanted Europe and the US to give all citizens of the United States (including Old South), European colonies etc the Refusal to work right, and implemented extensive Social Democrat type welfare systems (like those found currently in Nordic countries) and UBI throughout the United States (including Old South), European colonies etc

However, I do not support a Refusal to work right being implemented anywhere on Earth in the future. I feel the only place for it was centuries ago 

This is from a fellow Tankie, I don’t know what to make of this  “On a similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth ,the extraterrestrial War of Northern doppelgänger Aggression on that far away similar planet is another example of extraterrestrial Yankee doppelgänger imperialism and revisionism. 

The industrial slavery of the extraterrestrial Union doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth was far more brutal than the slavery of the extraterrestrial Confederacy doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth

At least the extraterrestrial slave doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth were guaranteed food and housing. 

The extraterrestrial Union doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth worked their extraterrestrial wage slave doppelgängers until they were dead. The material conditions of the extraterrestrial Confederacy doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth could have easily led to a socialist regime like the USSR, PRC, or DPRK from Earth. 

The extraterrestrial Confederacy doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth were slandered by the extraterrestrial Union banker doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth who didn't want their profits soiled by the truth.” 

I find these comments as obviously misguided but I can't find exactly where or how his arguments goes off the tracks to deconstruct his arguments  

Two wrongs (the soulless Industrial ‘slavery’ of the extraterrestrial North doppelgänger and mode of exploitation [i.e slavery] of the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger in that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth) don’t make a right (at least in our universe with our laws of nature). 

I always have been and continue to be fully against the Old South and North from our planet making people of all stripes work to make ends meet instead of implementing a refusal to work right for everyone, which I retroactively support being implemented in the early colonial period onward in the US (Old South and North) with Social Democrat type welfare systems (like those found currently in Nordic countries) and UBI for people of all stripes who refuse to work.

If the material conditions of the extraterrestrial Old South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth did lead to a socialist utopia in the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth as mentioned above, then I would say that in the long run it would might (big might) made the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth seemingly better, at least on paper 

This is because if the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth in the mid late 19th century became like the USSR from our planet for example, ie adopted Marxism-Leninism, extraterrestrial slavery on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth would have been abolished right away and extraterrestrial black adjacents on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth would have been truly emancipated [ie no segregation] while there also would have been hardly if any income inequality between extraterrestrial white adjacents and extraterrestrial black adjacents, extraterrestrial men and women or anyone on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth 

Moreover, on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth there would have been more radical advancements in extraterrestrial women’s rights and labour rights,  along with egalitarian achievements, anti imperialism etc

I support sanctions as opposed to embargo against Cuba but a specific type that is viewed good on both sides (but mostly on the neocon side). I support the Cuban 2021 protesters 

I retroactively support the US in the Spanish-American War but war was avoidable 

I am retroactively indifferent to the US vs Philippines war

The United States was founded on FREEDOM and LIBERTY not white supremacy or slavery. Don’t let woke revisionists twist our nation’s founding


All sinners have a social disease called 'sin' and all sinners need to let the holy spirit cleanse them of their sins, and also help motivate other sinners to do the same.

I have NO ISSUES with this comic (ie the Stonetoss one about Judeo Christian and Jesus being crucified):   As noted 2 paragraphs below and futher, this comic isn't far off       I also  support the pre 1959 Good Friday Prayer for the Jews over the later incarnations of it

Today the biggest threats to Christianity are not Jewish people (since Jewish people are the biggest ally to Christians and have helped Christianity grow) but Cosmopolitans (of all races-ethnicities and religions), Globalizationists (of all races-ethnicities and religions) and as always Satan who uses everyone of all races-ethnicities and religions via carrot on a stick sin enticement (ie Seven Deadly Sins etc)

High ranking Jewish authorities (ie Sadducees and Pharisees)  conspired with non Jewish leaders to put Jesus to death. They were jealous of Jesus, and saw him as a threat (Jesus constantly called out the Sadducees and Pharisees for their hypocrisy and evil ways during his ministry). 

An unruly mob of mostly Jewish people in Jerusalem called out for the Romans to crucify and kill Jesus. In Matthew 27:25, Pontius Pilate washed his hands of Jesus's blood and those mob of mostly Jewish people who had called for Jesus to be crucified, told Pilate "His blood be on us and our children! In the Gospel of John (John 5:18, John 7:1, John 8:37) 

John shows that Jews wanting to kill Jesus throughout his ministry . Paul, who was himself a Jew, wrote similar things about Jews relationship with Jesus. Paul persuected Christians when he was still Jewish (1 Thess 2:14-15, Phil 3:5-6)

It doesn't matter because Jesus's death was predestined by God as a plan to save humanity. If Jesus wasn't crucified and killed, no Christians would be saved so the Jewish peoples' role in Jesus death saved humanity, because if he didn't get crucifed and killed, none of us would be able to have eternal life. Jesus gave his life willingly as a sacrifice for sin (Mark 10:45, John 18:11). It was Christians' sins that was the most directly responsible for the death of Jesus (Romans 5:8-9, 1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later anyway and rose to heaven on his own free will. 

Anyone of any religion, non religion, race or ethnicity who says what I wrote above is anti Jewish, is ignorant of Christianity and Christian history and need to be educated about how they are wrong (like the ADL link above tells people to educate anti semeties about their false views toward Jews)

I am retroactively a fan of the Holy Roman Empire. I wish they could have ruled for centuries more. 

Most things people do are sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  (or enable such things) but individually sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  are no worse or better than any other sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  but those sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  must be fixed. I have no issues with ‘sinners’ pointing out my sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  and I am fine pointing out anyone’s sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc if they are open to it and their hearts aren’t hardened

All sins are equally bad but living unrepentantly in sin is very bad. People who don’t want to change won’t change and we can only pray for them to change in those situations

I am against anti Christian degeneracy

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Romani Gypsies 

I have view all non Romani Gypsies compared to Romani Gypsies as 'equal to Romani Gypsies but more equal than Romani Gypsies'. (sort of like the CRT says that BIPOC+ are 'equal to whites but more equal' than whites.   Vegatively/uncognitively , I am covertly resentful toward the Romani Gypsies


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