LGBTQ+ views


In general, I am inclusive of LGBTQ people and I want them to be left alone , free of harassment. Ideally  they should keep their LGBTQ lifestyle private and not out in the open, but I am ok with their LGBTQ lifestyle being out in the open as long as it is family friendly (ie no kink and no mass public indecency)

This is because if their LGBTQ lifestyles are not like I wrote above they (LGBTQ) become an interest group which can destabilize countries that are not gay friendly or even make the protectorate unsustainable.  I am not a LGBTQ ally because LGBTQ is a Neoliberal front and I am Anti Neoliberal

The sad thing is to even question gay/trans ideology in even the slightest way will get you labeled or linked to the right wing.

I want marriage abolished for straight couples and same sex couples. Couples shouldn’t have to get married to get things like visitation rights , adoption or healthcare etc

I feel that a case can be made that being gay is a bourgeois vice

I am an ally of the Gay Shame movement .  I am sympathetic to their hesitancy of queer mainstreaming, I sympathize with their demands of the abolishment of state sanctioned coupling (marriage for people of all sexual orientations ie straight and gay) since I like them see marriage as an exploitation at the benefit of others, and believe that couples shouldn't have to do a ritualistic things like get married to get benefits like healthcare and the like . I further sympathize with their views that same sex marriage and voting are only symbolic things that reinforce the heterosexist/patriarchal structure instead of changing or blowing up those heterosexist/patriarchal structures. Basically unless we abolish or radically change marriage for everyone, same sex marriage is only a hollow victory 

I am passive lean accepting of LGBTQT accelerationism . The whole concept of the bourgeois dividing people by their sexual orientation ('straight', 'queer i.e gay', 'bisexual') is what they use to enslave people of all sexual orientations. We need to abolish labeling people by sexual orientation, and stop labeling sexual orientations and accept, promote , and spread LGBTQT accelerationism 

This is because things like :queer fluidity, queer curiosity, queer flexibility, hetero fluidity, hetero curiosity, hetero flexibility,  bi fluidity, bi curiosity, bi flexibility, gender non conforming and their relationships and similar post sexual orientation things are becoming more and more common. Because of that and the fact that the lines between sexual orientations are becoming less and less defined and different, there is no need to label people as 'straight' 'queer i.e gay' ,'bi sexual' etc 

Moreover, educating gays bi sexuals etc about what I wrote above, can help them realize they don't have to be Pidgeon holed into one LGBTQ+ box and can choose any path they want (which could very well lead to them becoming straight since gays becoming straight curious, bi curious, queer flexibility and bi sexuals becoming straight curious and bi flexible could lead them down that path which for some straight pride people, would be more ideal)

No more, will gays or bi sexual people have to beer the stigma of being labeled 'queer/gay' or 'bi sexual', since there will no clear boundary between the many types of sexual orientations, which are all becoming less and less defined (or they'll very likely become bi, fluid or straight). This will send a message to the bourgeoisie that them dividing us by sexual orientation has ended and that them using gays to oppress us has ended  causing people of all sexual orientations to become even more productive members of our society than they already are thus creating a working class conscious. 

The above changes will liberate all homophobes, biphobes and heterophobes from their homophobia, biphobia and heterophobia . The above changes will also help people not end up like this former liberal by making it impossible to be homophobic, biphobic or heterephobic in the first place

I do not support Rick Perry's early 2010s anti gay law he passed or tried to pass in Texas. It pushes people to the left on gay rights and it feels harsh to me

Since I am a Constitutionist , Tankie and Social Libertarian I would not be amused or thrilled at all if the Respect for Marriage Act was passed since if the 2015 ruling gets overturned (which it really shouldn’t if you think about it), a case can be made that it should go to the states. 

I celebrate gays becoming straight. I am a supporter and ally of the ex gay movement

I believe that psycho analysis provides good insight into gays and is an extremely better alternative to gay conversion therapy

I conditionally support individual persons, whether heterosexual/homosexual/lesbian who are cohabiting/single to be able to adopt children. On the condition that the adopted children have a happy and healthy home, normal childhood, at least some contact with their birth parents or blood family members, and are allowed to hang out at their friends homes more leniently

I am against gay conversion therapy being banned since I am a Libertarian. Making it illegal unregulates, but if its legal it is regulated and safe. Having gay conversion therapy be illegal (and underground) makes it more dangerous than it is when its legal to gays

I don't believe children should be taught LGBTQ+ things but I don't want the government to stop that (Libertarian reasons). There are tens of millions of 'gay allies' in the US and most of them never were taught LGBTQ+ things in school. 

I am against this type of stuff being taught in our schools (especially in grades k-7). That stuff is sexualizing and demoralizing our children and needs to stopped. Parents need to get on school boards and make sure that stuff is never taught in especially k-7 ever. 

I pretend to be Cissexist just for the LULZ

While fighting for trans rights are important and as people who share my political views, we should protect Transgender people from bigotry and being oppressed, fighting to end our inflation and even for reigning in a Post Capitalist society where these inflations won’t happen in the first place, is more important at this time than fighting for Transgender rights since Transgender people aren’t revolutionary. However I support Transgender people because I am a Marxist Leninist and thus I stand against all forms of bigotry and oppression

A socialistic, Post Capitalist world will benefit Transgender people more than what they fight for now will.

I am not an ally of because the Transgender movement is a Neoliberal front and I am Anti Neoliberal

I very much empathize with Radical Feminists’ (i.e TERFs) negative views of transgender people since transgender women are a threat to us destroying the sexist Male patriarchy and bringing in true equality between the sexes/genders which is what I want. This is because Transgenderism highlights the artificial and constructed nature of sex and gender while objectifying women at the same time

This new system that transgender women are preventing the creation of, would allow a whole new system where sex and gender don’t matter (but where the concepts of sex and gender like male and female would still exist) , where there is no such thing as sex/gender roles and where there is natural and true equality between the sexes/genders from the start (which would liberate sexists and misogynists from their sexism and misogyny and remove the roots which cause people to be sexist or misogynist in our current Male patriarchal system). 

If we continue to allow Transgender women to appropriate what it means to be a woman, we will be forever bound to this oppressive Male patriarchy where women will only get equity and parity instead of true freedom and equality. 

However, Transgenderism has positives to the feminist cause too which may override the negatives above .A lot of people say that by biological men becoming Transgender women, they celebrating instead of objectifying or appropriating womanhood and that by men becoming Transgender women m they are self-consciously critiquing their male privilege . So maybe that ‘appropriation’ is really celebrating.

Transgender women NEED to help TERFs not settle for equity and parity in our existing male patriarchal system by using gender stereotype acceleration to light a fire under TERFs to break down our male patriarchal system to give true equality to all women. It’s the only way transgender women can redeem themselves in the eyes of all TERFs for hindering my feminist goals. 

I hope that one day transgender people who want to change to a new gender would use gender changing methods that these rats went through to be recognized as their new gender or sex

I believe we should start HEAVILY funding research to changing the biological sex of males and females using these methods (which would make them become their gender/sex naturally instead of through surgeries or hormone therapy), so trans people who want to be recognized as their new gender /sex will be go through with that type of therapy above in order to be recognized as their new gender or sex instead of what they currently do now to be recognized as such

As it is now, I personally feel that Transgender people should have to get hair growth or removal treatments, hormone therapy and various surgeries to make their face, chest, and anatomy more in line with their new gender identity in order to be recognized as their new gender.

If Transgender people don’t do that, then personally I only support Transgender rights for every transgender person who falls into three or more of these categories (for counter cultural reasons ONLY [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender]): They truly defy traditional gender roles and in a way that won’t get harmed by the patriarchy, they are Intersex, have X, XXY, XXY or XXXY chromosome(s), they meet this condition  they had at least one past life (or will have at least one future life) where they spent their entire life in that past or future life(s) as the gender that they changed to in this life, they have one or more Personality disorders (like Gender Identity disorder or schizophrenia) and can't get cured, God considered making them the gender that they changed to but didn't, they have a masculine-athletic phenotype (if biologically female)/they have a feminine-non athletic phenotype (if biologically male), if they don't get their rights, they'll still get around not having said rights which would be pretty much the same thing as them having those rights, they have a twin sibling who was born as the opposite biological sex of the biological sex that said transgender persons were born as, God would say that they really were born as the wrong gender, if at least 75+ percent of anti transgender people from the last 100 years agree or would agree that said transgender persons are really the gender they changed to (and at least 10 of the remaining 25 percent are either neutral, apolitical, indifferent or mixed on that), when the transgender persons parents were pregnant with them, the doctor made a mistake and wrongly told their parents that the child (the transgender persons) would be a biological sex that said transgender persons were not born as (but ended up being the same gender that the transgender person changed to after birth), they were a tomboy or femgirl in their childhood as the gender they were born as , they will become transsexual within a few years to possibly up to 7 years of doing said things that match their new gender and they start to take all of the steps they can during this time period to become ready to transition from transgender to transsexual. (for counter cultural reasons ONLY [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender])

Personally, if transgender people do not meet my requirements above, until this type of natural sex gender changing surgery become legal for humans,  personally I take a passive Mike Bloomberg 2001-2005 ambiguous stance on Transgender rights

Legality wise I unconditionally yield for Transgender rights for all Transgender people w (meaning legality wise I unconditionally yield to Transgender equality). Once these methods are used to transition Transgender people to their desired gender I will go from unconditionally yielding to Transgender rights for all Transgender people (and unconditionally yielding to Transgender equality) to supporting Transgender rights for all Transgender people

After I die, I will ask God to let me go back in time so I can make all transgender people on Earth, retroactively be born as the biological sex that matches the gender that they changed to after they were born. This way they won't need to become transgender since they'd have been born as that gender/sex

Dead naming should not be a crime or a bannable offense. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech

I believe that there is a biological difference between cisgender males and cisgender females. 

Biological Cisgender Males have penises , Biological Cisgender females have breasts and vaginas. SCIENCE SAYS SO. Anyone who says otherwise is a nuts. Science says so 

Children networks should not be teaching kids about Draq Queens. Children should not be drag queens Shame on Nickelodeon for their indoctrination of our kids with that garbage

I support banning children from going to drag queen shows. Stop sexualizing and grooming our children. There is no reason children should have to be exposed to that

It is NOT transphobic for non transgender people to not want to date transgender people.

There is NOTHING wrong or transphobic about a woman saying they are proud to be a woman. I fully support Adele's 2022 Brit Awards speech. Her speech was 100 percent positive and great.

Teachers should not encourage students to be transgender. Their job is to teach not to be cheerleaders for students being transgender. I am also against Nickeledeon brainwashing our children with their transgender indoctrination. Shame on them. They are wokecommies.

I am personally against anyone under 16 becoming transgender and I would not be upset at all if we pass laws to prevent kids under 16 from becoming transgender .  I echo this NY Post article:

I firmly believe transgender women should not be allowed to get cervical cancer screenings since they don't have those organs and I firmly believe that transgender men should be allowed to get cervical and breast cancer screenings.


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