
If I was born and raised on another planet, I would say “I am pro extraterrestrial WBIPOC adjacent”

If I was born and raised on a similar planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, on that planet I would say 

“(extraterrestrial) White adjacent Privilege is not real but if people want to believe it is real, that is their right to believe that. I would never stop them from believing that”. 

Then I would say on that similar planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, “I think that we should counter such conspiracy theories in a peaceful, friendly and uplifting sort of way where we are not labeled racist or bigoted (if not we shouldn't counter that stuff). Besides labeling everything as 'privilege' will have a slippery slope effect which would backfire on (extraterrestrial) BIPOC adjacents so its a benefit for them not to label things as '(extraterrestrial) White adjacent Privilege' “ 

On other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, I would say that (extraterrestrial) Anti white adjacent conspiracy theorists are deluded 

There is , was or will be an extraterrestrial political party/group on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe that are similar to a left wing version of an alternate history (AXIS) Fascist Russia in the 1930s to mid 1940s. I view and talk about that extraterrestrial political party/group on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe that are similar to a left wing version of an alternate history Fascist Russia the same exact way that wehraboos view and talk about the NDSAP 

There is an alternate history anti hero splinter group of an alternate history wing/breakaway political group of an alternate history Erwin Rommel created, molded and lead spinoff party of the NDSAP (that alternate history wing/breakaway political group is to the alternate history Erwin Rommel created, molded and lead spinoff party of the NDSAP what Strasserism of our reality were to the NDSAP of our reality). 

In some alternate realities, on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes there are, were or will be extraterrestrial factions/affiliates of that alternate history anti hero splinter group of an alternate history wing/breakaway political group of an alternate history Erwin Rommel created, molded and lead spinoff party of the NDSAP (that alternate history wing/breakaway political group is to the alternate history Erwin Rommel created, molded and lead spinoff party of the NDSAP what Strasserism of our reality were to the NDSAP of our reality).  

If I was born and raised on those other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, I would talk about (and have the same exact relationship with) those extraterrestrial factions/affiliates (on those other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes) of that alternate history anti hero splinter group of an alternate history wing/breakaway political group of an alternate history Erwin Rommel created, molded and lead spinoff party of the NDSAP (that alternate history wing/breakaway political group is to the alternate history Erwin Rommel created, molded and lead spinoff party of the NDSAP what Strasserism of our reality were to the NDSAP of our reality) the same way that the Father Coughlin of our reality talked about (and had the same exact relationship with) the German American bund and NDSAP of our reality

If there was, is or will be a planet with intelligent life beings on it in another solar system, galaxy or universe with regions/factions on that planet that are like the Old South/CSA was , but where instead of using slavery on their slave adjacent workers , the slave adjacent workers (who were all of a non human intelligent life species) in the extraterrestrial Old South adjacent place on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe were coerced into to being a combination of Corvee-Statue Labor and Debt Bondage-Indentured servants and they were treated by their 'bosses' exactly how the Apostle Paul (via his Epistle to Philemon) wanted Philemon to treat Onesimus 

I would somewhat symbolically support those extraterrestrial Old South adjacent region/factions on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe using such methods on their Corvee-Statue Labor fused Debt Bondage-Indentured servants workers, and if a war broke out on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe between that planet’s extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction and extraterrestrial Union adjacent faction  , I would support the extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe in that war 


If there was, is or will be a planet with intelligent life beings on it in another solar system, galaxy or universe with regions/factions on that planet that are like the Old South/CSA was , but where instead of using slavery on their slave adjacent workers , the slave adjacent workers (who were all Palingeneticly inferior to all humans on Earth and on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe) in the extraterrestrial Old South adjacent place on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe were serf workers in the same exact type of serfdom system that China used on Tibetans up until 1959 combined with the revisionist history Old South of our planet’s type of ‘wages paid’ work that was mentioned in an early 1800's Charleston newspaper want ad.  However those serf workers were treated by their overlords/bosses exactly like the fictional Mammy character was treated by her overlords in those Old South revisionist myths that CSA apologist make up

I would be open minded to leniently tolerating those extraterrestrial Old South adjacent region/factions on that other planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe using such methods (and treatment of) on their serf workers. If a war broke out on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe between that planet’s extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction and extraterrestrial Union adjacent faction  , I would regrettably and with a heavy heart support the extraterrestrial CSA adjacent faction on that planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe in that war  


I am a fan of Real Time with Bill Maher. I don’t agree with most of the views of the vast majority of his guests , but I respect their opinions, agree with some of their views and even try to be open minded to some of their views which I disagree with 

I am a fan of True Blood.  I have no real issues with a few of the anti supernatural groups who exist on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are very similar to or are dopplegagers of the True Blood season 5 anti supernatural group that was run by Sweetie Des Artes (ie the group that wore masks). I see those other planet anti supernatural groups (including the True Blood one mentioned above) as something between empathetic villains and the way viewers of All in the Family warmed up to Archie Bunker (Archie Bunker while a bigot and ignorant, had Carroll O'Connor's humanity. Archie also had hidden empathy, and a grumpy willingness to see the world change around him.Moreover Archie was far wiser of heart than Donald Trump despite Archie being antediluvian)

I am a fan of Anime and i know that Anime and its fans are not racist despite what some woke rapper said years back. I am glad that those Twitter users in 2020 or 2021 triggered that woke rapper into getting himself banned on Twitter. Karma

I support the Loptous ruled Grannvale Empire

I more than support the rights of Nicki Minaj , her fans , and other anti mandate protestors who protested along side them in 2021 at CDC HQ to protest and I am sensitive lean empathetic to those protestors and their demands


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