My views

I am a Tankie (Marxist-Leninist) Social Democrat (Luxemburgism/Social Democrats USA etc), Third Camp Syncretic-Populist. I am also a Contrarian and in the Nazbol vortex

I support Populist politicians in the Republican Party , Democrat Party other political parties in the US and also abroad

I support the Populist Right (Republicans) , Populist Caucus (Democrats) and the Far Left (Worker's World Party/A.N.S.W.E.R/other Far Left in the US/Far left party and factions abroad)


I am a Tankie (Marxist-Leninist/State Socialist), Social Democrat (including Luxemburgism), Anarcho Libertarian (including Libertarian Aristocrat and Agorist), and Anti Neoliberal (ie Post Neoliberal)

I support the Labour Party UK  (current Labour Party/New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy/Social Democracy that is similar to mid to late 1910s European SocDem/Blue Labour)

I support the Big Society (Distributism) goals of the Conservative Party UK-Liberal Democrats coalition and would want that implemented here in some form or scenario 

My combined socialistic economic views are assimilated by the most advance forms State Capitalism and that are an organ within what some people would falsely call ‘the body of bourgeois society’, . That through their guilds benefits all of the people and includes elements of socialistic Ordofabianism, Humanistic Socialist Corporatism and Marxist Socialism (non Cultural Marxist and non Democratic ordered)  . Elements of this can be seen throughout this blog

Many forms of Socialism are good because they are a later form of Christianity. There might be genealogical" afilliation between Christianism and many forms of Socialism

I am a Marxist Leninist because of how well it worked in the USSR.  Marxism-Leninism minus Feuerbach (ie minus evolutionism and sometimes appearing inertial humanism) gets major weight and priority in my Marxist-Leninist views.  

As such,  I support the nationalization of these sectors: health, central bank ie Federal Reserve, commercial banks , strategic industries , gas industry, mining industry, and the oil industry (the latter three being nationalized to fundamentally change state’s role to move on from the Washington Consensus)

I want us to transition to a Marxist Leninist society then slightly to a State Socialist society (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism). Basically I want us to go from our Capitalist plutocracy society to a Ura patriotic Socialist Marxism society

To begin our transition from a free market society to a planned economy, I support us implementing this  type of ‘planned economy’/state intervention into the economy, which would mean increased state intervention in the economy as se begin our transition to a Marxist Leninist society

This would be done by fusing a sort of command economy/community participatory planning with ‘voodoo economics’ 

Command economy ‘voodoo economics’ is where until we get rid of classes, rich people are forced via a command economy approach to invest more money to create a trickle down effect to help poorer people who themselves will along with others take decisions regarding community and economy. 

The latter of which incorporates a wide range of diverse theories and approaches to community planning prioritize integrating non know it all technical expertise while giving preference to the knowledge of community members in the planning process. This includes building consensus with collective community decision making while , in a non woke way, prioritizing the participation of marginalized groups in the planning process. There would also be a US realm cooperative chamber to take a leading role in economic planning

To further transition to a Marxist Leninist society and then slightly to a State Socialist society (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) we have to spread Stalinism and New (Stalinist) Jacobinism/Donald Trump ‘Stalinism’ in order to defeat Global Capitalism/Crony Capitalism, Globalization, Social Fascism, Globalism and Cultural Marxism.    

One way to aid that spread of Stalinism and New (Stalinist) Jacobinism to stop Global Capitalism/Crony Capitalism, Globalization, Social Fascism, Globalism and Cultural Marxism the for social revolutions to occur to bring the above structural changes , including to phase out most forms of the Capitalism mode of production and to phase out Global Capitalism, Globalization, Social Fascism, Globalism and Cultural Marxism. 

This can be done via seizure of political power by mass movements of the working class, free of Capitalist or corporate interest to force changes in capitalism independent of the unions, political parties and the state/government

After this beginning phase, instead of getting political parties and the nanny state to help them, workers would then be motivated to use self organized action outside of traditional organizational structures to further this transition. 

This would include more worker marches to show appreciation to our country's workers to get us to this point. Then workers of all race-ethnicities would be united in their jobs and there would be less and no less class conflict, this can happen .

This includes using methods such as half a** working, absenteeism, socialization of the workplace, great resignation (like mentioned above and workers collectively walking out on their employers to get better pay, it is especially good because it is free market at work), sabotage and revolutionary spontaneity (which includes using Right Syndicalism. 

Revolutionary spontaneity would then strip away the dangerous and offensive parts of any remaining Social fascism and liberalness, leaving them arbitrary, ineffective and able to be transformed into something that is workable and salvageable in a future Marxism Leninist society. 

Social fascism and liberalism got us into this mess but transforming it into something we can use can get us out of this mess.  This would be individualistic and not influenced by political forces or NGO type forces, thus it is one of the least offensive ways to have a revolution against the capitalist state as we head toward Marxism Leninism. Workers would be the change that they seek, they wouldn’t use party politics to make those changes to 'upgrade' Capitalism 

This means the working class and normies directly control things without having to degrade themselves by relying on SJWism ,corporate saviorism , identity politics or bourgeois saviorism to bail them out. 

However this should be aided via a People’s Democracy (who are structured autonomously like ANTIFA) which is basically labor/worker hypernationalism (a type of hypernationalism that promote peoples' right of self determination and right of secession, which would naturally would allow socialist states to transcend the political limitations of nationalism to form a federation) that we will use to eventually lead us to a stateless, moneyless (and or mainstream monetary policyless-traditional currencyless-state-issued currencyless) and classless society that is Communistic.  

This would be similar to a proletariate but where the workers directly manage society via democratic workers councils and unions, rather than a Socialist Party or a single party above them.

Even though this autonomous People’s Democracy is a (peaceful) dictatorship of the proletariat, it would allow classes like the peasantry, petite bourgeoisie and progressive bourgeoisie classes to participate somehow possilikely via Democratic workers councils and with further aid from underground networks, black markets and counter economics via Agorist methods

Through this autonomous People’s Democracy we can build cohesion within our Marxist Leninist ranks by merging our Marxist Leninist movements and political parties with Social Democrat movements and parties . We still need a state to bring in a revolution. I believe that a multiparty system can exist within a Marxism-Leninist type of government. 

This autonomous People’s Democracy will include be an upgraded and independent vanguard party (made up in large part by many coalitions of unions) to be taken by the social class (i.e Democratic workers councils as opposed to the dictator of the Proletariat) to exert political power (and force) against oppressive class(es) like Aristocracy and the Bourgeoisie to end divisiveness and create harmony. Agorism can further be used to aid this

This autonomous People’s Democracy, independent vanguard movement will also involve revolutionary minds which just so happen to gather a great portion of the working class in a unified , unavoidable political movement.  This includes organizing the People’s Democracy Proletariat, by educating the masses and in a democratic PC way, instilling revolutionary class consciousness in them and helping them learn

Then we defend this against hostile political machines and reactionary forces by an organization lead by the most class conscious of the workers for organizational unity and coherence. They need to be the change they seek and make this as organic and clean of a transition as possible. This also a coordination of workers for takeover of power . This is a necessary tool that could draw in the masses towards a unified and coherent struggle .  

The people of all backgrounds who are not able to adjust to the conditions of this socio-fiscal system and revolution will be pushed out of the way to allow this socio fiscal system and revolution to spread. 

Then we will be in our Marxism Leninist society, workers would have genuine control over the means of production through institutions like trade unions. There would be centralized, top down model planning

There would be collective ownership (i.e. the property of collective farms)  but the state would play a subsidiary role, and this would be temporary. State ownership would end the class struggle that is caused by the division between owners of the means of production and the workers who sell their labour. This would empower the working class. Every citizen would have the right (or requirement) to work, and jobs would be allocated by the state, not competed for as they were in the west

Then after we are in our Marxist Leninist society, we will slowly transition into a State Socialist (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) society, where the state apparatus is used more than in our Marxism Leninist society as an instrument of accumulation, in forcibly extracting surplus from the working people and others for the purposes of further modernizing and industrializing the country. 

In this State Socialist (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) society, workers would have less control over the means of production and in trade unions than they did in our Marxist Leninist society

If after reigning in this socialistic, pro worker, post capitalistic world, if  we ever regress and go backwards , I feel that either a denigrated/deformed workers state with something like Rick Scott's 11 point plan  (left acceleration reasons only, to force us to be taken over by our inner revolutionary anarcho syndicalists) or Autarky should then be used to light a fire under us to reverse that backsliding to get us back to that socialistic, pro worker, post capitalistic world. 

The latter method will reign in a post scarcity economy which will not only bring back but also guarantee a permanent classless, moneyless, Communist’ society (possibly with a ruralist and the agrarian bent to lessen our carbon footprint). This would lead eventually to a real Post Nationalist, patriotic utopia where everyone is self sufficient, amongst a backdrop of community self defense. We may have to use Fabian Society and similar socialist organizational methods in this world to make this practical. 

After we are in this State Socialist (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) society and enough time has passed, in order to avoid ending up like the USSR, Eastern bloc and similar Marxist Leninist countries ended up ,I feel that the whatever remains of or whatever form of the state that is existing at that time, should concentrate power to rep the working class with the political partys decisions integrated into public life that its economic and non economic decisions are part of their overall actions. 

Sort of like a pseudo more direct participatory democracy but one that feels natural and like minarchist (or like society runs the state) . Society would own the means of production with a state adjacent post state entity actually owning it to please Anarchists and statists alike. This would mean the state adjacent post state entity would in a covert ,stealth way work for the benefit of the working class and society. 

This can and really should be done via socially equitable distribution of the national income in which goods and services are provided for free by the state (enforced to directly provided) that supplement private consumption but very VERY ideally if it can be done in a ‘Hayek State Communalist’ sort of way (maybe with autonomous civic communes with a mutualist economy and Meritocratic social system) and with small scale worker democracies. Hayakian State Communalism is to a State version of Communalism what Hayakian Socialism is to Socialism.  

I believe the fruit of the worker's labor belongs to the community (which includes their bosses, family, friends, and people who gave them a push along the way which includes people of all fiscal backgrounds including Capitalist).

Much our society's wealth is created by collective workers who are held unaccountable for that wealth. Only a small amount of this wealth is given to the workers. We shouldn't forget the contributions of unpaid workers to Capitalist societies. They have no union representation. 

I support permanent voluntary work from home/voluntary remote work for workers in the US etc. My reason is, if that becomes a reality, we can pretend that people who worked from home or did remote work in 2020 ,2021 etc were doing so for non pandemic reasons and for the same reasons people are voluntarily working from home and doing remote work now and in the future. 

By doing this, we can finally let go of one gripe we have with pandemic restrictions (working from home/remote work) by doing this.    However, workers should be required by law to be at the office on public holidays (unless there is a pandemic or paternity-maternity leave or FMLA than they shouldn't be at the office)

One good thing about voluntary work from home/voluntary remote work, it allows workers to work during maternity leave/paternity leave

I supported the Tea Party years back and would do so today if they came back. They laid the groundwork for and the blueprint on how we can have the above revolutionary socialistic and worker revolution 

We should give thanks and glory to our workers (May Day/Labor Day),Glory to the nation and glory to God (sorry PCers)

I support bringing back guilds to help workers and end corporate monopolies

I favor national homelands for laborers as I feel every worker deserves a place that appreciates and rewards their hard work. I am a Labor Nationalist

We need to absolve the Republicans ,Neoliberals and Far right wing Capitalists of their greed and corruption .

I support the working class but the working class with a working spirit who have patriotic values

I support promoting fair labor within the state when defensible (since I support the Labour Party UK)

I want off shoring jobs to be extremely limited 

I am ok with heavy greenish industry that is pseudo paternalistic which empowers the economy

bank and trade

I am against big bank. For too long Big Bank aristocrats have exploited us non bourgeois to make themselves richer, including during the recession.

They enable corrupt investors to make this bad situation even worse. We must reform or reimagine our banking and investing systems to fix that,Occupy Wall Street was a step in the right direction. I stand with Elizabeth Warren on bank reform but we need to more. We need to get rid of Capitalism or at worst, get rid the crony forms of it (ie corrupt financing). We must turn the tables on these aristocrats. I support nationalizing all banks especially banks that receive state loans 

I believe that it is just as bad if the majority of the employee’s salary ends up in a banker's pockets or if the state steals the money from the employee to give to undeserving people .This creates a high tax burden

This is why I support the creation of Big Society Bank to help us transition toward nationalizing our banks

Big Society Bank would be funded by major US banks and dormant bank accounts under Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts. This would be used by the government to unlock charitable assets for big society. Up to one quarter of public service contracts would be transferred to private and voluntary sector in order to create a demand for the funds

I support and encourage personal savings and thrift. I always used personal savings as a kid (including using a piggy bank) and found that be effective. This also is a good counter to consumer debt culture. This can lead to better budgets. I continue to advocate for a comprehensive compulsory savings plan

I support fair trade

Gov state and related

I am a fan of Anarcho Monarchism

I disapprove of the job that Joe Biden has done with the economy as President. Joe Biden has made the economy worse as President

I support social safety nets when those social safety nets are for the good of the community

I support greater governmental investment in poverty reduction. 

Until we reach our Marxist Leninist utopia and while we are in our current capitalistic society, I generally and conditionally support this system fused with predistributionism as a way to prevent poverty and as a preventive safety net

I very conditionally (and tepidly) support Universal Basic income but only once a certain level of wealth is obtained so that there is no reason for a country not to create such a system

I believe when it becomes viable, I'd like to see the US implement free medical and healthcare (why should people have to pay if they are sick or need medical help?). I’d like to see the US implement compulsory healthcare for private employees and their family members using Ultranational Conservative-‘Left social fascist’ methods to do this so to at least give an appearance of autonomy then gradually move toward a nationalized, free healthcare system that has elements of Marxist-Leninism (when a certain level of wealth is obtained in our country so that there is no reason for a country not to create such a system) where, in the name of medical improvement and civic liberty, the state would control (in a way that wouldn’t trigger me) peoples health during their lifetime to keep as many people as possible in good health to create a truly healthy and spiritual nation 

I support free schools in the sense that I support an Academies Act being introduced that makes it possible for parents, teachers, charities and businesses to set up and run their own schools

I am open to the idea of regular free schooling for our society only if it is paid for by a public trust fund by Americans free of government influence and where if we expanded work based learning systems for high school students to middle school students so they are prepared for life after high school/college/grad school and since it adds more work for them in school sort of making up for them being deprived of working more hours in school

We need to emphasize equality by implementing the socioeconomic policies on schooling, education and medical housing and salaries (i.e with little disparities) that I write in this blog . 

I am never enthusiastic about welfare measures. I support the expansion of welfare benefits (alongside some praxi of moderate Welfare Chauvinism) as outlined in the book  “Toward Post-Neoliberalism in Latin America?” (2011) by Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser    (2011) Latin American Research Review. Latin America Research Commons on behalf of Latin American Studies Association. 46 (2): 225–234 as we transition to a post capitalist society as outlined in this blog. 

As we transition to Marxism Leninism , there will be less and less unemployment and homelessness until there is virtually no unemployment and homelessness when Marxism Leninism is reigned in fully. 

Once this happens, and a culture of working and equality has been established, I then support changing the welfare model to inclusive Voluntarism methods (i.e without the economic chauvinism of welfare chauvinism) and having what we have of the state set up an inclusive charity called The Society Network Foundation (i.e without the economic chauvinism of welfare chauvinism). 

The Society Network Foundation would be used “to generate, develop and showcase new ideas to help people to come together in their neighbourhoods to do good things." It would be funded by the National Lottery funding and public sector grants. These 2 ‘post welfare state models’ would replace the welfare state because in a Marxism Leninist state, capitalism will no longer persist and the need for above welfare methods will wane

A big issue is people aren't hard working or want to work so they slack off. By not being attached to labor those people end up poorer which leads to less familial relations, drugs, theft and other crimes which then lead to them going to prison. Moreover combined with non creative or too harsh sentencing this can be seen as a problem

I support cheap rent ,including more accessible section 8 housing .

All student loans should be forgiven -- but that obligation to repay those student loans should be laid upon the colleges that gave those students all those degrees. 

The banking institutions should also be authorized to foreclose on those institutions of higher learning that can't repay and liquidate them. It would have a salutary effect upon American higher education. Then the whole federal loan program should be repealed and liquidated once and for all. 

I support more ‘home like’ homeless shelters including via residential neighborhood tracks of such shelters where homeless can live more autonomously and privately (and ‘home like’) since housing being determined by one’s ability to pay seems to some as a flawed system 

We need an ACTUAL Build Back Better that is different than Joe Biden's Build Back Better. Ideally a more centrally planned version to fix deteriorating highways and create new Interstate Highways based on some European highway systems 

I believe infrastructure development should also have indirect incentives including tax reductions with more direct funding in road, rail and other transportation projects. 

I am ok with centrally planned, public work projects like an expanded EPA Superfund clean up type project, clearing marshes to replace them with sustainable farming, reclaiming land etc  

I can sign off on our country to have self sufficient production of certain types of foods. This includes reducing the balance of trade deficits, lowering the necessity of some foreign food imports. I support increased agricultural production and manufacturing


Many economic systems that I don’t like are degenerative systems

Generally Capitalism and more than most forms of Communism are equally harsh. We should protect peoples’ right to property only by owning what they need can their lives be truly free. Neither the Capitalist or the state should own what you need. I support small businesses. The rules snd fees which hinder small businesses must be removed. The penalty some countries have for employing people must be abolished

I am against Capitalist colonialism

I am anti Global Capitalism

I am against Monopoly Capitalism

I am against finance Capitalism

I conditionally support a revolution against Capitalism. 

I am Anti Capitalism

I have a lot of issues with Capitalism since Capitalism is too materialistic for me  .Capitalism is bad because it causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer.

Capitalism through its sometimes harsh policies and at time inhumane are responsible for social fascism , and Cultural Marxism. Capitalism also has caused our current progressive woke ideology since unlike Socialism and Communism (non Woke variants), Capitalism is Class reductionist and class essentialist. 

Moreover, Capitalism (in particular Neoliberalism) has caused many of migration issues and the rise of Identity politics which is another reason I support a revolution against Capitalism.

I am also against Global Capitalism. Moreover we have to abolish the Capitalist value system of traditional conservatism to create a less divisive world where we are in control, free of stratified social classes, wedge issues and reactionaries on both sides.  

Capitalism has inflamed or caused most of the problems the US .  Capitalists push the middle class to be Neoliberal which is lets them be scooped up by Cultural Marxists.  I wouldn’t mind a temporary coalition between us Tankies and the more conservative members of the Alt Lite to defeat Capitalism. But I am just throwing ideas against the wall hoping one will stick to defeat Capitalism

Many to most forms of Communism are wrong has many because of its religious like enthusiasm and its desire to live as a cult. Communism in general is wrong because it makes the individual has to submit to the protocols of an overbearing morality For those reasons I am generally against Communism. A lot yo most forms of Communism (especially Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism) need to be replaced by a system that is based of the right of free association/disassociation for persons and groups to help out and fight for the working class (of all job types) workers benefits. As much as I really don't like many to most forms of Communism, one good thing about Communism is that it fights against consumerism and materialism (though it goes too far the other way). That's why I have a strange mix of fiscal views as noted above.  I am sort of a Left Wing Anti Communist


I agree with some fellow leftists that Bernie and Squad actually support the Corporate State. We need to push them left and stop them from supporting those corporate bourgeois

I am anti corruption. We need to Audit and then erase part of our national debt which is illegal. So abolishing billionaires has drawbacks

I support tougher penalties against white collar criminals (but with an emphasis on reforming them in prison and giving the Oz Emerald city like prison life to balance that out)

If you declare a maximum on wealth you are no longer a Marxist-Leninist since the goal of socialism to create an much abundance of wealth in society so the need of the state, class divisions etc wither away. But I still condemn wide variations in personal wealth

I want any existing plutocracy to be dissolved

I am against economic exploitation

I am against usury

I am against writing off of public debt

The problem is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Many foreigners come in and take jobs away or are in need of jobs so that increases unemployment

My fellow tankie Gen Zedong has interesting views on the Frankfurt school


I support a voluntary personal and social development program for teens would be set up called the National Citizen Service to help our youth

I support economic justice

I am hostile to free masonry since they are evil and rub a lot of people the wrong way

I believe we and politicians should relate to the common people

I support using the US being more of a visually oriented culture 

We need to promote values of abstract thinking, motivation to work, ambition, energy, self discipline along with being morally strong.

I am against anti totalitarian humanism

I am against Totalitarianism

I support laws which promote post family, retro traditional family values. I have nostalgia for traditional values, maybe traditional values can make a ‘comeback’ one day and be ‘in’ again

I am against materialism. Materialism is a spook. God says that the only wealth that matters is spiritual wealth and ethical wealth since those are the only materials we can take from this life to heaven. So materialism loses its luster when you think of that way. We need to individualize spiritual wealth.  

People and their individualism are enslaved by materialism i.e their property. It is wrong that people are obsessed with their property. It is pathetic that people wear the same types of clothes, follow fashion trends, have big flat screen TVs, wear Nikes sneakers or even sneakers themselves, and similar unneeded nonsense. We have to break people free of this bondage to consumerism and materialism.  This in part because of corporate monopolies.   See my lifestyle blog post for more

I am against consumer culture. I am an anti Consumerist.  Consumerism fuels inequality and unequal social structures that create unequal hierarchies.  Consumerism is bad because people consume to increase their social position and to keep up with others. There is no good reason people should continuously buy new and new material possessions. It is against God to do so. God gives us what we need, not more and more garbage.

Corporations push consumerism to make a buck at the expense of public welfare (due to things like social stratification, governing ethics etc). I also feel consumerism is bad because it is part of globalization in that corporations try to destroy other countries with their consumerism as they've done in the West.  Consumers are treated like guinea pigs that corporations try new and new tricks on to get them to obedient to their demands and that is wrong

Consumerism dehumanizes people and causes people to live immorally. Consumerism is shallow, hollow and makes people think they need things that they DON'T NEED. It also causes pollution and hurts the environment etc. Consumerism is basically corporations making us their slaves and that needs to end

People are compelled to use brand names since their identities are tied to brand names to compensate for other misgivings.

To quote Victor Lebow "Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction and our ego satisfaction in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever-increasing rate"

Consumerism via advertisers intrude on peoples lives telling them what they 'need' and what is 'acceptable' when in fact them doing those things is unneeded and unacceptable. It is basically ad creep and unwanted. 

They try to force social standards. They make it seem their goods are the keys to happiness and that is disgusting, wrong and crude. Advertisers try to trick people into tying social and material together through their ads to make this happen. They contribute to materialism and that needs to end.  What is worse, these advertisers don't want consumers to be truly happy, otherwise their products would not be needed. It's basically a sick game for them

Advertisers ojectify the consumers and take their power (and freedom) away while making the consumer think they have the power (when that isn't the case). The short term nature of the gratifcation of commodities take away from a truly lasting happy society. Advertising creates a false mirage of the world which furthers my angst for consumerism and its tenants.

To quote New scientist magazine "subconsciously still driven by an impulse for survival, domination and expansion... an impulse which now finds expression in the idea that inexorable economic growth is the answer to everything, and, given time, will redress all the world's existing inequalities" While also writing  "that consumerism is making these tendencies worse by encouraging consumption without limit."  

I support emancipation of the individual. I support Individualism . (but not blindly or rugged laissez faire)

I am against collective Individualism . I feel that individuals are entitled to freedom

At times, I also support misanthropic Bourgeois Individualism

There should be community empowerment via new rights that are created for charitable trusts, voluntary bodies and others in order to apply to councils to carry out the services provided by the council

Such assets like shops, bars and recreational fields, which were privately owned but were of value to the community. If such an asset like that was later sold, the new rights above would make it easier for the community to bid for and take over the asset.


In general, I am inclusive of LGBTQ people and I want them to be left alone , free of harassment. Ideally  they should keep their LGBTQ lifestyle private and not out in the open, but I am ok with their LGBTQ lifestyle being out in the open as long as it is family friendly (ie no kink and no mass public indecency)

This is because if their LGBTQ lifestyles are not like I wrote above they (LGBTQ) become an interest group which can destabilize countries that are not gay friendly or even make the protectorate unsustainable.  I am not a LGBTQ ally because LGBTQ is a Neoliberal front and I am Anti Neoliberal

The sad thing is to even question gay/trans ideology in even the slightest way will get you labeled or linked to the right wing.

I want marriage abolished for straight couples and same sex couples. Couples shouldn’t have to get married to get things like visitation rights , adoption or healthcare etc

I feel that a case can be made that being gay is a bourgeois vice

I am an ally of the Gay Shame movement .  I am sympathetic to their hesitancy of queer mainstreaming, I sympathize with their demands of the abolishment of state sanctioned coupling (marriage for people of all sexual orientations ie straight and gay) since I like them see marriage as an exploitation at the benefit of others, and believe that couples shouldn't have to do a ritualistic things like get married to get benefits like healthcare and the like . I further sympathize with their views that same sex marriage and voting are only symbolic things that reinforce the heterosexist/patriarchal structure instead of changing or blowing up those heterosexist/patriarchal structures. Basically unless we abolish or radically change marriage for everyone, same sex marriage is only a hollow victory 

I am passive lean accepting of LGBTQT accelerationism . The whole concept of the bourgeois dividing people by their sexual orientation ('straight', 'queer i.e gay', 'bisexual') is what they use to enslave people of all sexual orientations. We need to abolish labeling people by sexual orientation, and stop labeling sexual orientations and accept, promote , and spread LGBTQT accelerationism 

This is because things like :queer fluidity, queer curiosity, queer flexibility, hetero fluidity, hetero curiosity, hetero flexibility,  bi fluidity, bi curiosity, bi flexibility, gender non conforming and their relationships and similar post sexual orientation things are becoming more and more common. Because of that and the fact that the lines between sexual orientations are becoming less and less defined and different, there is no need to label people as 'straight' 'queer i.e gay' ,'bi sexual' etc 

Moreover, educating gays bi sexuals etc about what I wrote above, can help them realize they don't have to be Pidgeon holed into one LGBTQ+ box and can choose any path they want (which could very well lead to them becoming straight since gays becoming straight curious, bi curious, queer flexibility and bi sexuals becoming straight curious and bi flexible could lead them down that path which for some straight pride people, would be more ideal)

No more, will gays or bi sexual people have to beer the stigma of being labeled 'queer/gay' or 'bi sexual', since there will no clear boundary between the many types of sexual orientations, which are all becoming less and less defined (or they'll very likely become bi, fluid or straight). This will send a message to the bourgeoisie that them dividing us by sexual orientation has ended and that them using gays to oppress us has ended  causing people of all sexual orientations to become even more productive members of our society than they already are thus creating a working class conscious. 

The above changes will liberate all homophobes, biphobes and heterophobes from their homophobia, biphobia and heterophobia . The above changes will also help people not end up like this former liberal by making it impossible to be homophobic, biphobic or heterephobic in the first place

I do not support Rick Perry's early 2010s anti gay law he passed or tried to pass in Texas. It pushes people to the left on gay rights and it feels harsh to me

Since I am a Constitutionist , Tankie and Social Libertarian I would not be amused or thrilled at all if the Respect for Marriage Act was passed since if the 2015 ruling gets overturned (which it really shouldn’t if you think about it), a case can be made that it should go to the states. 

I celebrate gays becoming straight. I am a supporter and ally of the ex gay movement

I believe that psycho analysis provides good insight into gays and is an extremely better alternative to gay conversion therapy

I conditionally support individual persons, whether heterosexual/homosexual/lesbian who are cohabiting/single to be able to adopt children. On the condition that the adopted children have a happy and healthy home, normal childhood, at least some contact with their birth parents or blood family members, and are allowed to hang out at their friends homes more leniently

I am against gay conversion therapy being banned since I am a Libertarian. Making it illegal unregulates, but if its legal it is regulated and safe. Having gay conversion therapy be illegal (and underground) makes it more dangerous than it is when its legal to gays

I don't believe children should be taught LGBTQ+ things but I don't want the government to stop that (Libertarian reasons). There are tens of millions of 'gay allies' in the US and most of them never were taught LGBTQ+ things in school. 

I am against type of stuff being taught in our schools (especially in grades k-7). That stuff is sexualizing and demoralizing our children and needs to stopped. Parents need to get on school boards and make sure that stuff is never taught in especially k-7 ever

I pretend to be Cissexist just for the LULZ

While fighting for trans rights are important and as people who share my political views, we should protect Transgender people from bigotry and being oppressed, fighting to end our inflation and even for reigning in a Post Capitalist society where these inflations won’t happen in the first place, is more important at this time than fighting for Transgender rights since Transgender people aren’t revolutionary. However I support Transgender people because I am a Marxist Leninist and thus I stand against all forms of bigotry and oppression

A socialistic, Post Capitalist world will benefit Transgender people more than what they fight for now will.

I am not an ally of  because the Transgender movement is a Neoliberal front and I am Anti Neoliberal

I very much empathize with Radical Feminists’ (i.e TERFs) negative views of transgender people since transgender women are a threat to us destroying the sexist Male patriarchy and bringing in true equality between the sexes/genders which is what I want. This is because Transgenderism highlights the artificial and constructed nature of sex and gender while objectifying women at the same time

This new system that transgender women are preventing the creation of, would allow a whole new system where sex and gender don’t matter (but where the concepts of sex and gender like male and female would still exist) , where there is no such thing as sex/gender roles and where there is natural and true equality between the sexes/genders from the start (which would liberate sexists and misogynists from their sexism and misogyny and remove the roots which cause people to be sexist or misogynist in our current Male patriarchal system). 

If we continue to allow Transgender women to appropriate what it means to be a woman, we will be forever bound to this oppressive Male patriarchy where women will only get equity and parity instead of true freedom and equality. 

However, Transgenderism has positives to the feminist cause too which may override the negatives above .A lot of people say that by biological men becoming Transgender women, they celebrating instead of objectifying or appropriating womanhood and that by men becoming Transgender women m they are self-consciously critiquing their male privilege . So maybe that ‘appropriation’ is really celebrating.

Transgender women NEED to help TERFs not settle for equity and parity in our existing male patriarchal system by using gender stereotype acceleration to light a fire under TERFs to break down our male patriarchal system to give true equality to all women. It’s the only way transgender women can redeem themselves in the eyes of all TERFs for hindering my feminist goals. 

I feel that in an ideal world, people who want to be recognized as a new gender or sex in would first have to undergo the type of therapy that these rats went through to be recognized as their new gender or sex

I believe we should start HEAVILY funding research to reverse the biological sex of males and females (which would make them become their gender/sex naturally instead of through surgeries or hormone therapy), so trans people who want to be recognized as their new gender /sex will be required to go through with that type of therapy above in order to be recognized as their new gender or sex instead of what they currently do now to be recognized as such

As it is now, I personally feel that Transgender people should have to get hair growth or removal treatments, hormone therapy and various surgeries to make their face, chest, and anatomy more in line with their new gender identity in order to be recognized as their new gender.

If Transgender people don’t do that, then personally I only support Transgender rights for every transgender person who falls into three or more of these categories (for counter cultural reasons ONLY [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender]): They truly defy traditional gender roles and in a way that won’t get harmed by the patriarchy, they are Intersex, have X, XXY, XXY or XXXY chromosome(s), they meet this condition  they had at least one past life (or will have at least one future life) where they spent their entire life in that past or future life(s) as the gender that they changed to in this life, they have one or more Personality disorders (like Gender Identity disorder or schizophrenia) and can't get cured, God considered making them the gender that they changed to but didn't, they have a masculine-athletic phenotype (if biologically female)/they have a feminine-non athletic phenotype (if biologically male), if they don't get their rights, they'll still get around not having said rights which would be pretty much the same thing as them having those rights, they have a twin sibling who was born as the opposite biological sex of the biological sex that said transgender persons were born as, God would say that they really were born as the wrong gender, if at least 75+ percent of anti transgender people from the last 100 years agree or would agree that said transgender persons are really the gender they changed to (and at least 10 of the remaining 25 percent are either neutral, apolitical, indifferent or mixed on that), when the transgender persons parents were pregnant with them, the doctor made a mistake and wrongly told their parents that the child (the transgender persons) would be a biological sex that said transgender persons were not born as (but ended up being the same gender that the transgender person changed to after birth), they were a tomboy or femgirl in their childhood as the gender they were born as , they will become transsexual within a few years to possibly up to 7 years of doing said things that match their new gender and they start to take all of the steps they can during this time period to become ready to transition from transgender to transsexual. (for counter cultural reasons ONLY [i.e to rebel against our lean left societal norms, I am pro Transgender])

Personally, if transgender people do not meet my requirements above, until this type of natural sex gender changing surgery become legal for humans,  personally I take a passive Mike Bloomberg 2001-2005 ambiguous stance on Transgender rights

Legality wise I unconditionally yield for Transgender rights for all Transgender people w (meaning legality wise I unconditionally yield to Transgender equality). Once these methods are used to transition Transgender people to their desired gender I will go from unconditionally yielding to Transgender rights for all Transgender people (and unconditionally yielding to Transgender equality) to supporting Transgender rights for all Transgender people

After I die, I will ask God to let me go back in time so I can make all transgender people on Earth, retroactively be born as the biological sex that matches the gender that they changed to after they were born. This way they won't need to become transgender since they'd have been born as that gender/sex

Dead naming should not be a crime or a bannable offense. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech

I believe that there is a biological difference between cisgender males and cisgender females. 

Biological Cisgender Males have penises , Biological Cisgender females have breasts and vaginas. SCIENCE SAYS SO. Anyone who says otherwise is a nuts. Science says so 

Children networks should not be teaching kids about Draq Queens. Children should not be drag queens Shame on Nickelodeon for their indoctrination of our kids with that garbage

I support banning children from going to drag queen shows. Stop sexualizing and grooming our children. There is no reason children should have to be exposed to that

It is NOT transphobic for non transgender people to not want to date transgender people.

There is NOTHING wrong or transphobic about a woman saying they are proud to be a woman. I fully support Adele's 2022 Brit Awards speech. Her speech was 100 percent positive and great.

Teachers should not encourage students to be transgender. Their job is to teach not to be cheerleaders for students being transgender. I am also against Nickeledeon brainwashing our children with their transgender indoctrination. Shame on them. They are commies.

I am personally against anyone under 16 becoming transgender and I would not be upset at all if we pass laws to prevent kids under 16 from becoming transgender .  I echo this NY Post article:

I firmly believe transgender women should not be allowed to get cervical cancer screenings since they don't have those organs and I firmly believe that transgender men should be allowed to get cervical and breast cancer screenings.


I am absolutely against Polygamy, Polyamory and open marriages. I don't want anyone to engage in Polygamy, Polyamory or open marriages ever.

I want Polygamy, Polyamory and open marriages to be illegal forever. Monogamy is a googolplex times better.

Sadly, very few gay people find the concept of monogamy enjoyable.  Because of that, I feel as long as same sex marriage is legal, polygamy and polyarmy should also be legal but for same sex couples only

I am against Pedophilia and it should stay illegal forever.

My views on Pedophilia generally match Josh Hawley's views on Pedophilia along with Law and Order SVU's views on Pedophilia.

Pedophiles need Christ's love to get healed and their sins are no worse than any other sin (but more addicting)

I am against the Pro Pedo USA Today trash article and similar 21st century pro pedo sympathy by far left loons , though if I was a pedo, I would have liked that article and sympathy. 

Pedophiles aren't born as pedos and Pedophiles just thinking pedophilic things even without acting on them is a sin since God says thinking of doing sinful acts is the same as doing sinful acts (we should all apply this thinking to our own lives too and not even think of doing sinful acts) 

If I had a close relative or a close family friend who did Pedophilic things to me when I was a toddler, child, pre teen or teen , I would forgive them and not report them for what they did to me. In fact, I wouldn't even care that they did those Pedophilic things to me back then

I am against Pornography and I want Pornography to be illegal . I am against Pornography because it harmful to women and leads to increased violence against women. Pornography is bad because it uses coercion on women (physical, psychological, economical etc) to do Pornography, even if women are seen to be having a good time. They aren’t there by choice, that ‘happiness’ is not natural but coerced and artificial and that bothers me.

Pornography is also wrong because it sexually exploits women and treats them as objects instead of people, making their shallow features more important than their inward features which is wrong. Pornography as a word comes from the W word and that word reflects just how negatively women are treated in the Pornography industry. Bottom line is, Pornography is wrong and must be abolished because it is patriarchal propaganda. We must stop Pornography from infecting normal people with its mental insanity before it turns our youth into pedos, zoophilia and degenerates

I am against fetishography and I want it to be illegal forever

There is nothing wrong, weird or sick about someone having a foot fetish. Foot fetish people should get the same compassion by Liberals and Progressives that LGBTQ+ people get from them

I am against legalizing public sex. People should never be allowed to have sex in public ever.



My personal pro life decision is for personal reasons only, my mom almost lost me when she was pregnant with me. However, my personal and legal opinion on this issue differ.  

I am personally Pro Life for all three trimesters except as noted below and for rare and very severe medical cases. Abortion is fascism and late term Capitalism ,we must dismantle the abortion industrial complex

I am legality wise closer to being Pro Life for the first two semesters than pro choice for the first two. trimesters except as noted below and for rare and very severe medical cases . 

My reason is I am legality wise closer to being pro life than pro choice for the first two trimesters is because abortion rights are the bourgeois individualist line of a biological woman’s right to control her own body and are thus revisionism and also because I want working class people to have bucketloads of children so they can build the productive forces, under the assumption that more working forces will naturally lead to the type of left wing fiscal future that I want which is what

I am legality wise, pro life for middle term abortion, late term abortion and third trimester abortion except as noted below and for rare and very severe medical cases .

However, if I find out that most women who have abortions still would have kids anyway and that if they didn't have an abortion, they wouldn't have had those kids, then I would personally and legality wise be neutral to apolitical on abortion for the first 2 trimesters and pretty much pro life for third trimester abortion

If I find out that that most women who have abortions would have more kids than if they didn't have an abortion and if they didn't have an abortion they wouldn't have had those kids, then I would personally and legality wise be half heartingly pro choice for the first two trimesters and sixth political position on third trimester abortion

I believe that there needs to be specific ,new types of Pro life centers open throughout the country who help convince women who are raped via rape or incest to consider other options besides abortion .They would also help women learn this type of information:

Personally, I am between neutral and lean pro choice and Pro choice for women who are pregnant via rape or incest for early term abortions

Legality wise I am Pro Choice on women who were pregnant via rape or incest for early term abortions

Personally I am between moral tolerance for (moral as in moral victory) and oscillating between being apolitical, neutral and strongly pro choice for late term abortion for babies who are conceived via rape or incest or to save the life of the mother. 

Legality wise, I am Christian Democratic lean pretty much lean pro choice Pro Choice on late term abortion for babies conceived via rape and incest.

I believe that abortion should be privatized

If abortion was privatized, I would personally be begrudgingly Pro choice for the first trimester 

If abortion was privatized, I would legality wise be Pro choice for the first trimester (and only because women should have access to sexual and reproductive health and being pro choice on this issue comes with the package)

If abortion was privatized I would personally be pro choice (with a view that abortion should be rare safe legal) for second trimester abortion

If abortion was privatized, I would legality wise be third position pro choice during the second trimester

If abortion was privatized, I would be personally be pro life for third trimester abortion

If abortion was privatized I would be legality wise lean Pro Choice/PLIABAN on third trimester abortion

Privatized or not, I am against partial birth abortion and live birth abortion (and compassionately pro life on partial birth abortion and live birth abortion for rape incest and to save the life of the mother)

Privatized or not, babies who survive an abortion should get full medical care even if they were conceived via rape or incest

Privatized or not, I support the Hyde Amendment 

Health care providers should not provide free birth control

I begrudgingly lean support for birth control 

I pity people who say most to all white babies in the US should be aborted if whites continue to be hated by BIPOC+ in the US and if whites continue to be brainwashed to be woke. 

To play devil's advocate for them (REAL DEVIL'S ADVOCATE SINCE ONLY SATAN WOULD MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE THESE VIEWS): Since in their next life, maybe white babies who are aborted in this life will be born and raised in another solar system ,galaxy or universe that isn't woke and where they aren't discriminated against, or they'll be born and raised in a future time period on this planet that isn't woke and where whites are no longer hated and forced to be woke . Moreover, eventually after they die, white babies who aborted in this life will go to heaven where there will be no anti white racism toward them or wokeness. With white babies aborted in the US ,eventually woke BIPOC+ people will become villainized which will end wokeness (along with ending abortion)

But I don't agree with those views above, I only pity people who have them, and play devil's advocate for them.


I am an Anarcha Feminist and ally of Radical Feminism

But there are a lot of feminist things (especially forth and fifth wave things) that I am against  (like that Lego complaint years ago by feminists, or the view by feminists that all men are rapists, or feminists saying that that video game designer from Puerto Rico was misogynist or should be fired for his gamer gate comments, or feminist complaints that Jurassic World was a sexist movie, or downplaying Valerie Solanas's extremism, or complaints about how women are portrayed in most video games, or feminist complaints about urinals, those type of feminist views like that and some other views I loathe and strongly disagree with).

If feminism doesn't overcome Neoliberalism and Capitalism and break down the patriarchal system, it is incomplete and futile. We need to change the model of our system for people of all sexes/genders instead of having institutional parity for women. 

That is much better than parity and liberal feminism which gives women a false sense of equality and cause feminists to get complacent.  If we do not  change the model of accumulation, generation of wealth, how we distribute wealth, the value of work and the patriarchal system, we will not have justice and true equality for women. Basically, this would allow a fresh start for all sexes and genders, where there would be no need for feminism or quotas anymore since this new system will be built with equality of sexes and genders instead of on male patriarchaty (so no more 'fembots' or male shaming, it would be a whole new world of true equality between sexes and genders) . We need to end the exploitation of women, not diversify the oppressor class

The above changes will liberate all sexists and misogynists from their sexism and misogyny . The above changes will also help people not end up like this former liberal by making it impossible to be sexist or misogynist in the first place

I support Woman's Power. Which includes using judicial reform to eliminate patriarchy from the legal system.  This allows for the true emancipation of women from traditional social inferiority and economic exploitation.

This means society should collectively assume the roles that mothers and wives were traditionally assigned (via remove private property and a classless society)

Women should always get paid equally to men. I support universal income equality: women workers of the world unite!

I support women's suffrage 

I am like Alex Keaton from Family Ties on the 1970s 1980s ERA

I celebrate the choice of and have great respect for women who choose to be housewives and mothers. Some women in my immediate family chose to be housewives and mothers and I celebrate the choice for and have great respect for that choice they made. 

I do not claim that is the only valid choice for women; many women in my family or who I have great respect for were/are greatly successful career women so I also celebrate that choice for them too.

I am against Prostitution being legalized and apolitical on it being decriminalized. Prostitution cheapens love, and disgusting and wrong. The buyer should go to prison but sex workers should be sentenced to technical incarceration and then parole unless they give up the buyer's name 

I would be pragmatically passive toward Prostitution being legalized only if legalizing it ended sex trafficking forever. Otherwise I am against Prostitution being legalized and apolitical on it being decriminalized 

I do not agree with things in the Wikipedia article about Gender Bias on Wikipedia. There is no one stopping women from becoming Wikipedia editors and writing articles about women or other subjects. It is just as easy for women to jump in and become regular Wikipedia editors as it is for men to do so. If any editor editor, male or female can't do that, it means they shouldn't edit Wikipedia, not because of their gender but because they are too weak.

That Slate reporter years ago was correct to share tips about Wikipedia controversies with another reporter and by mentioning the relationship status of that video game designer.

I do not support Me Too because Me Too are a Neoliberal front and I am Anti Neoliberal

men issues

The Red Pill is a great movie that shows that is fair, honest and open minded

I support Josh Hawley's Men and the Future of America Speech. If people don't like it they shouldn't read/hear it.  Though it might be a bit to dogma for my taste

Chris Pratt's Instagram post is NOT sexist in any way shape or form. People who find it sexist are evil and derganged

There is nothing wrong with men showing chivalry to women . Chivalry is not sexist. Chivalry is a good thing and men should show chivalry to women

I have no issues with Masculinity (as long as its not sexist or near sexist). I believe it is not inclusive and stereotypical which rubs me the wrong way at times, but the blowback Masculinity gets is worse than Masculinity itself, hence why I have no issues with that

I am indifferent to Toxic Masculinity

I am against Male Chauvinism. I am also against Female Chauvinism 

As a country, us men should have a high sense of patriotic and cultural responsibility for the welfare of women. This gives us a cause to fight for as long as this doesn't develop into Male Chauvinism 

I am a fan of the Marcy (fellow feminist in Married with Children) influenced NO MA'AM (from Married with Children)  I am glad that Marcy put NO MA’AM in their place throughout the show’s run (especially in the early seasons) and I hope she made NO MA’AM become less and less bigoted and more and more feminist (to the point where I hope in the 2000s, her influence on NO MA’AM causes NO MA’AM to become a forth or fifth wave feminist group)


I am ok with subsidizing those in maternity

I support offering tax breaks to young parents and those with large families

Couples need to get genetic counseling (or more genetic counseling) and more and better prenatal screening

Liberals cutting off friends because they are not pro LGBTQ or them saying social issues are the only issues that matter is wrong, Eurocentric and childish. You can’t be an Anti Imperialist if you are like that

I am against marital Rape. Rape is a serious and horrible crime whether committed against a spouse or a stranger. Many wives see marital rape as a communication issue. Unlike non marital rape where it is usually a one off thing and extremely traumatizing, marital rape happens between partners who know each other and could be a recurring thing. Marital rape is a betrayal and goes against Christ's ideals for marriage. Whether marital rape is worse, the same or not as bad as rape by a stranger is moot, since applying meaningless labels such as those on something as abhorrent and indefensible evil acts as marital rape does nothing to fix the problem and only serves to inflame it

I am against Domestic Violence. Men who commit domestic violence are abusive toward women because they've had women issues their whole lives. The best way to stop domestic violence is to try to help men early in their youth get along with women. 

Any couples in the US or Canada who had no sex or less sex directly or indirectly because of the Russia-Ukraine conflict (meaning if that Russia-Ukraine conflict conflict never happened they would have had more sex), are anti love soulless losers who should be confronted for having less sex or no sex directly or indirectly due to that conflict. They don’t deserve their partners. I hope those anti love soulless losers become impotent for the rest of their lives

This is why the bible, Promise Keeper's , Proud Boys and getting women more integrated in boy's activities and men's activities (but not in a woke or forth and above feminist way) etc are so important to teach men early on how to respect women. This will help men early on know how to respect women (and not abuse them) when they eventually get into relationships with women.

I am fine with Promise Keepers. They are no sexist or misgonist in any way shape or form. They are a fine Christian group. But they need to practice what they preach more

I believe that a husband has a responsibility to lead his household in a loving and gentle way, giving his life to his wife (like how Christ gave his life to the Church by dying) so she (the wife) can willingly submit to her husband's leadership (until we destroy the male patriarchy and family unit then we won’t need to do this ritualistic charade anymore)

I believe that people should marry others who have more than a lot of things in common with them.  It's vital that people marry other people who share most (or nearly most) of their political views. 

Similar to the Apostle Paul, I believe that for singles it is good for them to remain single unless they cannot self control in which case they should get into a romantic relationship (its better to get into a romantic relationship than to burn with lust) I believe this because single people have more time and freedom to help make our world more progressive, and due to me believing that romantic relationships are more a forced social construct, even more so than marriages and I hate forced social constructs.   

In light of that, I would strongly empathize with the idea of the government creating a romantic relationship tax which somewhat taxes Americans (of all sexual orientations) who are in a romantic relationship. However, once they get married or they became single again, that tax would be eliminated unless they get into another romantic relationship again.  Unlike Paul, I believe that marriages give people a lot more freedom today to make the world a better place than it was during Paul's time, almost as much freedom as singles in Paul's day had for themselves.   If this tax had the negative side effect of causing less births (which I don't want since I am against Population control), then I would be against this tax unless I found some way to have this tax be legal while at the same time not causing less births.

Migration/Illegal Immigration

I am against open borders and illegal immigration (except as noted below) , mostly because we need borders (ideally strong borders) in our current pre transitional and transitional change from Capitalism to Marxist Leninism to avoid conflict with and capitalist influence from capitalist countries (A lot of our migrants [god bless their heart] come from Capitalist or Capitalist adjacent countries). 

Strong borders mean less of that bourgeois capitalist conflict and influence (which we get now from mass migration, chain migration, illegal migration etc) as we lay the ground work for and begin to transition from a Capitalist country that sadly treats migrants like second class citizens to a Marxist Leninist ‘open border’ migrant utopia country. 

Strong borders aren’t for restricting migration, strong borders are for restricting capitalism and by extension the bourgeois and aristocratic baggage that comes with it (which by doing so will help the legal and illegal migrants who are already living in the US get richer and more equality since the closer we get to a Marxist Leninist society the more income equality grows and barriers between classes shrink which can only happen by stronger borders to prevent capitalistic barriers to this transition) to create a post Capitalist country that will be extremely more pro migrant than a capitalist country with lax or open borders can ever be. A little less migration NOW for MUCH MORE migration in the future 

Think of this like putting a tourniquet on a huge wound to stop the bleeding, here strong borders would stop the bleeding done by the commidifaction and abuses of capitalism , allowing our country to move to become Post Capitalist at which time the bleeding (ie the cronies of capitalism) will stop and we will be in Marxist Leninist utopia with open borders and as pro of a migrant country as we can have all thanks to transitioning from Capitalism to Marxist Leninism which cannot be done with the pettiness of capitalism pouring into our country via mass migration, illegal migration and chain migration 

I advocate protection of all workers rights no matter country of origin

So everything I write below is for the US until we usher in a Marxist Leninist revolution (and further cemented via an ushered in pan Marxist Leninist revolution) and also because I am being contrarian (being too pro migrant is a mainstream ‘liberal’ view to have, being like I am on migration is contrarian). 

Once we become a Marxist Leninist utopia like I want, I will be as pro migrant (which includes pro illegal migrant) as Amnesty International , Noam Chomsky and Rosa Luxembourg were and are pro migrant/illegal migrant since there will be no more Capitalism and thus no reason to not be like them on migration and illegal immigration 

However, until we become a Marxist Leninist utopia and a post Capitalist society, I believe the US should seriously look into building two offshore Autonomous Republics for legally born US citizens,  migrants, and illegal migrants etc. 

Those two lands would be Autonomous Republics of the United States (similar to how Crimea is a Autonomous Republic of Ukraine).  Migrants/illegals etc would be given heavy assistance from NGOs or indirectly from US government to move to these two US Autonomous Republics as an alternative to moving to the US mainland. 

All migrants and illegal migrants around the world would be able to move to these 2 US Autonomous Republics , as easy as migrants/illegal immigrants to the US would have been able to move to the US from the 1870s through early 1920s (which was very liberal) combined with how easy it is for Australians and New Zealanders to live in each other’s country due to the trans Tasman arrangement . Moreover, there would be a points based system (like in the UK) for illegal immigrants in these two US Autonomous Republics 

The vast majority of the cities and towns in these 2 US Autonomous Republics would be sanctuary cities and towns, for illegals . 

One of those two migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republics would be a real life version of mythological Atlantis, and be exactly where it is on this map

The other migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republic would be a real life version of mythological Antillia and be exactly where it is on this map

The US can use landfill, terraforming and other methods to do that.  Once the US mainland becomes a Marxist Leninist country, then we can allow all migrants from those offshore US Autonomous Republics to move to the US mainland for free, and thus we can all live in a Marxist Leninist open borders utopia on the US mainland. Once we reach our Marxist Leninist open border utopia we won’t need the above system anymore

After the US builds these 2 US Autonomous Republics for migrants and illegal immigrants, the US should then temporarily bring back the Immigration Act of 1924 but a non bigoted version of it that is fused with some Wilson Center immigration ideas ,Opportunity agenda immigration ideas and CATO immigration ideas to bring it left (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Because, I between pretty much lukewarmly sympathize with and compassionately play devil’s advocate for the anti migrant/anti illegal immigrant Left Wing Europeans views on migration and illegal immigration (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less) ,  even though I was and still am against the Border and Control Act of 2005, I would be passive to apathetic lean ironically neutral toward a Border and Control Act of 2005 with these amendments below (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less):  

Requires the federal government to take custody of illegal aliens detained by local authorities. This would end the practice of "catch and release", where federal officials sometimes instruct local law enforcement to release detained illegal aliens because resources to prosecute them are not available. It also reimburses local agencies in the 29 counties along the border for costs related to detaining illegal aliens.  changed to 

Requires the federal government to take custody of illegal aliens detained by local authorities. This would end the practice of "catch and release" if they are caught on the forth time or later, where federal officials sometimes instruct local law enforcement to release detained illegal aliens because resources to prosecute them are not available. 

It also reimburses local agencies in the 29 counties along the border for costs related to detaining illegal aliens caught on their forth time or later (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Mandates employers to verify workers' legal status through electronic means, phased in over several years. Also requires reports to be sent to Congress one and two years after implementation to ensure that it is being used changed to

Heavily incentives employers to verify workers' legal status through electronic means, phased in over several years after the worker is hired and only if the worker hasn't assimilated to the job. Also requires reports to be sent to Congress and the Senate four and seven years after implementation to ensure that it is being used      (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Allows deportation of any illegal alien convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). changed to

Allows something between humane self deportation and humane voluntary departure of any illegal alien convicted of drunk driving crashes, DUI/DWI forth time or above, domestic violence and similar crimes (with their home countries taking the initiative in deporting and and re settling them in those countries) (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Causes housing of a removed illegal to become a felony and sets the minimum prison sentence to three years. changed to

Causes housing of a remove illegal to be penalized for the person housing the illegal by giving up their passport for 3 years, forced to have someone they know pay a heavy fine on their behalf (otherwise they go to prison for a year) , being forced to do community service and forced to sign a paper promising that if they ever do so again, they will go to prison for a minimum of 3 years (but a country club type prison that CEOs go to)  (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Increases penalties for employing illegal workers to $7,500 for first time offenses, $15,000 for second offenses, and $40,000 for all subsequent offenses. changed to

Increases penalties for employing illegal workers to $25,000 for first time offenses, $45,000 for second offenses, and $80,000 for all subsequent offenses. If they can prove that the illegals they hired were part of the community and helped their businesses more than legal citizens those fines would be reduced to $1,500, $3,500 and $9,500 respectively (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Prohibits accepting immigrants from any country which delays or refuses to accept its citizens who are deported from the United States (Section 404) changed to 

Forces immigrants from any country which delays or refuses to accept its citizens who are deported from the United States , to have to do feudal vassalage for a year or a few years if they want to become citizens of the United States (otherwise they are barred from moving to the US)  (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Eliminates the Diversity Immigrant Visa (also known as Green Card Lottery) program.

changed to 

Keeps the Diversity Immigrant visa (also known as Green Card Lottery) program but migrants who win that 'Lottery' have to be put on a 'Just Short of a Path to Citizenship' (like the one in Build Back Better) to become legal citizens (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

To promote community policing in migrant-illegal immigrant communities, police departments in areas with high migrant/illegal migrants would implement deescalation training, get rid of chokeholds, ask police officers to step in for other police officers if they used too much force or are too tough on illegal immigrants, have police officers patrol on foot more, have police officers introduce themselves to migrants, and even host BBQs for their migrant community. Also have some common sense adherence to International Human Rights laws for the police officers.  

But, despite what I wrote  above, if the US doesn’t transition to a Marxist Leninist society and stays statically Capitalist, then I want the US to go from being a traditional country into a Communitarian Nomadic Empire and thus have open borders by default

This way ,people would form natural communities throughout the Nomadic Empire US based on their connections to said communities. Moreover, their social idenities and personalities would be molded by their community relationships with some individiualism thrown into the mix. 

Migrants (there would be no such thing as illegal migrants in this system) to the Nomadic Empire US would form and find their own Communiatarian communies in this Nomadic Empire US based on shared cultural values. 

Eventually after decades or more of this, new districts (ie lining) would be created around these new communities which would be done to better reflect a new sort of cultural cohesion along with possibly brining back the US as the type of Constitutional Republic country that it is today.

This would be appealing to border-hawks in that they would have their own communities and could form alliances with other communities that match their values while not being forced to live in a foreign land of within their own post country world

Illegal immigrants and refugees in the US don't commit more or less crimes/violent crimes than legal US citizens

I don't believe that churches should snitch on illegal immigrants because that would be against God

Remember Jesus quote in the bible about David stealing the bread? I feel that is needed to provide nuance to the illegal immigration debate.

I am against illegal immigrants getting free health care

Migrants to the US should learn English

Illegal Immigrants shouldn't have more rights than legal citizens

I support a hard Brexit . I would be radically centrist to tolerant on a type of hard Brexit that Ritchie333 would support

I believe that the European Union should use a federated state model for its countries similar to the federal states model of the US (like a United Provinces of the European Union). This would mean no border checks between European Union countries (since there are no border checks between states n the US) .I would like to see the currency of the EU become more universalized.

I am a hard Euroskeptic . 

I don’t condemn Southern Europe’s tough stance on migrants because I am afraid if I push too hard for those countries to have lax humane liberal migration policies for them, it cause anti migrant backlash due to them being associated with western imperialism and thus violate the do no harm principal which would prevent a socialist revolution in those countries (since the migrants wouldn’t be able to lead a revolution due to the backlash). The best I can do is wait for an opening then push hard for laxer and humane migration policies in Southern Europe. #patience

I am against NAFTA


Race is a myth. We are all one race, the human race.  All Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Indigenous peoples etc are of one or more ethnicities. There are as much differences between whites and blacks, as there are differences between Irish people and Russian people , between Japanese people and Thai people, between Greek people and British people, between Angolans and Ethiopians etc. So this is a perfect counter to racists, since when they are racist, they are real hating 'their own race'.

Marxist Leninism is good because it will destroy classes and income inequality which lead naturally to a non racist world 

I support economic egalitarianism , especially in Wages, Healthcare and Education that will help all people, including BIPOC+ but in this type of way. This is because these type of methods are better than race reductionist methods and are more inclusive than regular class reductionist methods. 

Whites are sadly the Aristocrat class in the US (but not white privileged is not real) . In the French Revolution the left abolished the Aristocracy, when we abolish all classes and create a classless society, we will luckily abolish the White Aristocrat class along with all classes

Equality trumps Equity 

I am conditionally tolerant of white grievance politics 

Workers need to be more hostile to Racial-Ethnic discrimination and fight against it since doing so can help ALL people of ALL races and ethnicities ,not just BIPOC+

Racial-Ethnic discrimination not only negatively effects BIPOC+ but is bad to working class people of all stripes as any discrimination practices between demographic sections of the working class cause a very divisive practice hurting the development of working class consciousness , creating barriers to class unity to take away attention from class exploitation which bolsters the rich. 

So by being more hostile to racial and ethnic discrimination and fighting against it, it can help all workers of all races and ethnicities since without the distractions of racism their attention would then shift to the evils of the rich corporate crony capitalists which would lead to the overthrow of those rich corporate crony capitalists, leading to the betterment of ALL people, not just BIPOC+ in all aspects. So helping BIPOC+ by doing something that appears woke (fighting against racial-ethnic discrimination) to make everyone better might not be that bad of an idea

I am against Asian students being discriminated against in admissions by colleges such as Yale. Colleges should stop discriminating against Asian students. I support Donald Trump's lawsuit against Yale.

If anti racial bias training can lead to the abolishment of quotas like Affirmative Action and maybe even Affirmative Action itself (since if it does what its proponents claim, quota like Affirmative Action and maybe even Affirmative Action itself won’t be needed anymore) , I would be very fine with anti racial training be used by jobs on their employees. If anti racial bias training does not do those things, then I do not support anti racial bias training.

I do support Affirmative Action, but sometimes it goes too far, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing

I love diversity but I feel an alternative to Quota like Affirmative Action is needed

Affirmative Action and Quota like Affirmative Action are mirages , genuine equality in jobs cannot be achieved by giving off a false appearance of equality.  Natural integration feels more tasteful. But since I love diversity I am forced against my will to say I support them so I am a good little solider 

I am not a supporter of BLM because BLM are a Neoliberal front and I am Anti Neoliberal. BLM need to focus on bringing in the socialistic revolution (big picture) instead of short term gains in this bourgeois, hierarchal system.

I much prefer the Black Hammer Organization (who I support) and New Black Panther Party NBPP  (who I am a fan of) to BLM.  

I do not support or like id pol writers like Ta’Neshi Coates and Margaret Atwood because they are bourgeois

I have never and I will never apologize for being white

There is nothing wrong with being any race/ethnicity . It is fine to be any race/ethnicity .

Every race-ethnicity, nation, people, and human on Earth are equal to each other and have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to live wherever they want. Race and sex have nothing to do with who or what we are. We’re all created equal.  Every life has value, and all people have equal value

In a post ironic way, I am between being Alexingly and morally (moral as in moral victory) a Proud Boys version of an ‘antiracist’ (Alexingly as in like Alex Keaton in Family Ties pretending to support the ERA to date a pro ERA girl even though he was against the ERA and he admitted as much in a nice way, I pretend that I am a Proud Boys version of an antiracist even though I am not and I admit that I am not, but in a nice way) . I am not an antiracist, I am a non racist

I am an affiliate of A.N.S.W.E.R . I between condone and wink at A.N.S.W.E.R's antiracist activism even though I am not an antiracist myself . I support them fighting for Palestinian rights.  If I was a migrant or illegal I'd believe their fight for migrant rights is great 

I condone Indigenous protestors and Black protestors rebelling and going against the Neoliberal (Hyper Capitalist) state

BIPOC+ (including BLM) protesting is a silver lining in that it shows that protesting is still an effective way to influence the government and corporations to do their bidding. 

Moreover, with groups like BLM protesting, it creates chaos, and chaos is a political ladder. Finally, BIPOC+ protestors (including BLM) are against some of the SJW, PC things we are against, so them rioting sort of fights those battles for us

I am against the 1619 Project being taught in schools. Many mainstream historians have criticized the 1619 Project . The 1619 Project is a lie created by the corporatist NYT who should stick to their day jobs (reporting the news).  

I am not against woke CRT housing policies like at Williams College or the VA and I very much am tolerant of those policies 

I am not against woke CRT things like black graduations or Family of Color playground night and I somewhat tolerate those policies  

My reason is because those policies are an attempt to make those places more inclusive and unified (and less divisive) those policies might actually help BIPOC+ feel more solidarity with each other so maybe they can focus on positive ways to fix perceived ills than perceived negative ways they already do and also because I am a libertarian. 

The above CRT policies are not anti white but they are controversial. The Family of Color playground night did not exclude whites either, it was just a creative way for BIPOC to connect after school to build bonds together. 

I support Standarized Testing in schools and the SAT

I am against Equitable Math being taught in schools. Math is not racist, there is nothing racist about Math or the way that is taught. Equitable Math is race norming disguised as being something innovative.  I hope Equitable Math gets banned in schools in the future.

I support Advance Math being taught in schools from pre school to 12th grade. I also support advanced students being skipped ahead a grade.

Students should not be required to take ethnic studies classes in high school. It's their RIGHT to not take that course and the government really has NO RIGHT to require students to take such courses in the first place. Ethnic studies courses should ideally only be taught in colleges (and ideally maybe vocational schools too) fute

Oral Roberts should not be penalized in any way shape or form for the views of their founder. Anyone who says otherwise is seriously misguided

I am a fan of Assata Shakur due to syncretic politics, her brand of 1970s wokeness being less offensive than modern wokeness and because I sympathize with her plight (but I don't condone her murder or crimes)

Under Fidel Castro's leadership his country was a model for equal rights and he cared for his people (when he wasn't doing bad things like human rights abuses to them). I also like how Cuba wasn't globalized. 

I always wondered that maybe if Fidel Castro in the late 1950s/early 1960s inspired a similar revolution in the US that he did in Cuba, would our country have been better? Maybe it would have been better, it's hard to see how it could have been worse. If I wrote this in the US back then, they'd wrongly call me a Fidel Castro sympathizer and I'd have J Edger Hoover coming after me like Joe Biden sends his secret police after innocent MAGA and DJT supporters for no reason.

I support Interracial Marriage

I won't argue with the view that the system of white supremacy is a cross class alliance between rich whites and working class whites.  I am sure there is at least a little truth in that 

Deep down inside, I tongue in cheekingly feel that blacks should kick the **** out of all racist whites and white supremists (real racists and real white supremists) and only get community service, suspended probation (effectively no probation) and a huge fine for doing so. 

That is a lot more bold than using cancel culture, SJWism, and hate crime laws to help their cause. 

It would knock sense into racist whites and white supremacists.   But even deep down inside and tongue in cheekingly I would never encourage them to do so. Violence is cringe

I am against anti white hate speech and anti white jokes. 

We need to pacifistly confront the anti white hatred that white people are getting on social media and by public figures like Sarah Jeong. We cannot allow anti white hate speech and anti white jokes to be normalized. I would feel this way even if I wasn’t white .

To whites and BIPOC,  stop the bickering, no more fighting between you groups, get along with each other (and for the fringe hardliners, at least pretend to get along ok?) .   Is that so hard? ? A house (country) divided against itself cannot stand.  We cannot have a socialistic revolution for the betterment of all people with such divisiveness amongst our diverse proletariat 

White people don't make up the majority of mass shooters and statistics back this up

The National Anthem should not be played at sporting events but if it is, if people want to protest it they should stand but turn away from the flag like Toni did at her high school basketball game in 2003

Blaming whites for everything is anti white hate and needs to stop. 

I am glad that Colin Kaepernick enjoys tweeting. At least he has a hobby now that his NFL career is long gone. 

However, I believe there are significant differences between humans and extinct species or subspecies of humans from Earth like Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus (in the same exact way that Racialists believe that there are significant differences between Whites and Blacks, Asians, Hispanic, and Indigenous peoples).    

I believe that Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus were of a difference race than the human race (the human race is Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanic, and Indigenous peoples)

I am 'racialist' against Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus


I support free education when it becomes viable in the future

The government should not fund universal pre school.

I support and encourage charter schools and homeschooling

I believe that Eastern Europe has a great educational system that should be used as a model for the US

I support school choice for students (since I wanted it when I moved to my new town 1997 but couldn't get a voucher but also for other common reasons)

I believe homework should always be required for students in schools. I want homework to continue to be a part of schooling forever. In fact, kids should get more homework than they do now (old school like)

Suspension for students is bad because students who are suspended are left home, often unsupervised during school hours. It is like a reward for students to be suspended. Moreover they miss valuable class time being suspended. One alternative for suspension is for students to attend school from 8:30 am to noon Saturday and or Sunday for each day of the suspension. 

I believe that children need to be taught ways to better differentiate between colors. When I was a kid, I always was drawn to the clear differences of each color (like when I viewed different color bumper cars , different color gas station pumps, different color toy letters-toy numbers etc)

I believe that the Tuttle Twin books should be taught in schools and in school libraries throughout the US and Canada

I believe we should defund Academia. To quote Samuel Clemens "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first two thousand people listed in the Boston phone book than to the faculty of Harvard University"

I support Wilderness Therapy being used for behavior modification for kids, teens and even adults.

I only support the type of child 'labor' (ie home enterprise labor for children) that is in this link (as long as its voluntary) for children around 6 and up and only if the children get paid as much as adults with higher incentives than adults in similar jobs

I would also support kids 8 and up from the US doing the type of child labor that was seen at jobs like the factories and mills of Appalachia/Carolinas in the mid to late 1900s (decade) but ONLY if kids from the US do those jobs on other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes (that have intelligent life extraterrestrials on them) . So those kids from our country would need to go to those planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes and do those jobs there for me to approve of them doing that (I am a youth rights activist)


I support Judeo Christian school students and teachers having prayer meetings after school in the parking lot (like what my former high school does)

I believe the national driving age in the US should be lowered to 14 and a half 

Child values

I believe kids should be respectful to their parents, teachers and adults. People should ways be polite and not lie unless in very rare cases (ie the very rare cases that God would be fine with person lying)

I believe children who misbehave should be spanked and punished (time outs)

I am against the 'Everybody gets a trophy culture'  It make it hard for kids who become adults to deal with adversity

All kids should read the Tuttle Twins books since those books teach great lessons for kids.


I am Jeb Bush like on Terri's Law


I support solidarity and liberation which will lead to a classless society without hierarchy. This is a natural progression. This will emancipate bigots from their bigotry and prevent bigotry from arising

I like people BECAUSE they are different, whether it's because they don't celebrate their birthday, they don't wear tennis shoes, they are a minority, they are homosexual/lesbian, they are transgender etc.  I don't like everyone being or looking the same, hence why I have this viewpoint 

I toxically love diversity (I am a diversity enthusiast and fanboy) . I toxically love seeing LGBTQ+, BIPOC+, women etc get as much visibility as heteros, whites and men. That shakes things up, adds new elements (like a salad bowl), and makes things less boring and predictable.  Though Chris Hedges makes some diverse points to give me some counter perspective

I have disdain for authoritarian authority (and some other forms of authority) and hierarchies

All forms of antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism and racism etc are against my principles.

Sadly, some whites are said to be biased by nature. If that Anti racist baby book can literally fully stop whites from near birth from being racist forever (like an Anti racism vaxx), I would be morally ok with the Anti racist baby book being required reading for newborn babies. This way there would be less division in our world

I support a fusion of Revolutionary syndicalism with specific form of Civic Nationalism  . That specific form of Civic Nationalism is positive, decentralized and seeks to forge a nation wide community out of the diverse and regional populations throughout the US, with a common ideology of a religious coalitions, socioeconomic beliefs and Banal Joe Biden Patriotism (non expansionist). This form of Civic Nationalism incorporates these principals, and rejects the ‘systematic’ process of the bourgeoisie.  It prefers a national solidarity in the class struggle with elements of Anarcho Monarchism as a social safety net

Soil (i.e non bigoted i.e New Nationalism) Nationalisms are legit Nationalisms but I only get behind specific, left leaning (with soil characteristics) Nationalisms like national patriotic demagoguery as noted below) Nationalisms are legit Nationalisms but I only get behind specific, left leaning (with soil characteristics) Nationalisms like national patriotic demagoguery as noted below 

Sometimes as a necessary evil, social groups must be repressed as a key part of class struggle against exploitative classes

I support the EU, so I guess I support Pan European Unionism

I support self determinationist Bundism. I believe a EU where countries are like states in the US and the EU is one big country would be a great home for Bundists

I support Left Wing Nationalism fused with Constitutional Conservatism

If White Nationalists want to live apart from minorities they should pool their money together and form a commune off the grid or out in the boonies. They should not try to force their White Nationalist will on our country since White Nationalism is wrong, bigoted and is dystopia for our country and any country. We need to unify around our nation and commonality 

I am somewhat to pretty much a Western values Egoist Anarchist 

I halfway condone Revolutionary new Nationalism and am not against it

I am against Intersectionality see here for more

I am ok with National Anarchism (mostly because it is anti racialization)

I support Asian Nationalism in China and Japan

I support Left Wing Populism

I do not support Multiculturalism, because at or near its extreme, Multiculturalism can be a major problem. I much prefer Cultural Pluralism over Multiculturalism, in fact I support Cultural Pluralism

I support Marxist-Leninist Egalitarianism fused with Marxist Egalitarianism

I am a Social Patriot/Cultural Nationalist. Our nations are a reflection of our unique spirit and ideas. Until we rightfully abolish the state, we might as well have some assemblage of national identity based on these this

I am against American Universalism 

I support some black block Autonomous activist Civic Nationalist groups in Europe who are Anti Globalist, Anti Imperialist , Anti Capitalist (with full decentralization and autonomy)

If blacks ever did outnumber whites (not that I believe that will happen in the next few centuries) and had what they perceived to be the 'power' in this country, in that hypothetical world, I would be fine and passive about them doing that, and I wouldn't be hostile toward them being the majority at all.

In that situation I'd be a Western Chauvinist who blurs the line of being a Western Chauvinist and something that is between a Alt Lite and a Right Wing Nationalist

I don’t care for id pol (maybe because I am on the spectrum)  but I am passive lean open minded to/radically centrist toward id pol when they are fused with Juche 

I'd try to help whites (and all people) to get their mind off of politics and to unite (like the Temptations tried to do in the US in the 1960s through their music)

However, if I was seeing racism by BIPOC+ toward whites (like in the South pre 1970s) or anyone of any race or ethnicity or my rights were infringed upon by BIPOC+,in that hypothetical world, I'd upgrade to being a Civil (American) Nationalist who was something between an aloof ally and fifth column of something between a National Anarchist and something between Dark Enlightenment and First World Nationalist

In this role I would push White Nationalists to read this link  so they can try to stop being White Nationalists and fix their problems the way the article says they should

I would also probably in that hypothetical situation, become a fusion of pitful and empathetic toward Left Wing Identity politics (like Mexican Nationalism) to offset that a bit (but I wouldn't support Left Wing Identity politics)

We need to use People’s Democracy to form a popular front against fascists and bourgeois reactionaries

I hate Naughtzism with a passion

It is wrong for people to complain about a woman being replaced with a man or a BIPOC being replaced by a white person (as long as the reason they were replaced was not sexist or racist in any way shape or form which in most cases is not a factor its the 2020s not the 1960s)


I am against censorship

I am a fan of online trolling using Marxist-Leninist-Veronism unity ways and done right and in between in good taste and in tongue and cheek (ymmv)

PC SJWs and Cancel Culture crusaders have made me lose faith in humanity and get severely depressed. I am like Dave Rubin , the IDW and Jordan Peterson on these scoundrels. We must turn the tables of these trolls lest they infect the whole loaf.

I am offended by people being offended about some things. The type of PCness I am against needs to end and I will make it end. PCness is the ultimate slippery slope and if we don't end the type of PCness I am against now, our country and world will be ruled by the Cultural Marxist scoundrels

The PC SJWs people are ruining our lives. They take away our childhood and all that we loved growing up (ymmv). We need to counter against them because they are part of the problem and we need a solution

Some (or most ymmv) PC complaints are incredibly bone headed. Dredging up things to complain about like these woke SJW trolls do instead of trying to do things to truly help poor, mentally disabled, struggling Americans of all race-ethnicities makes me got nuts.  

Some PC SJW complaints almost sound like jokes or revenge.  These PC nuts don't know anything about art because most of them don't have a creative bone in their bodies (GOD BLESS THEIR HEART).  80+ percent of people who watch some or most (ymmv) things that these Cultural Marxist trolls label as' offensive' don't even give that a thought. NORMIES need to do mental gymnastics to see what these people see as offensive. 

The PC trolls with complaints that I find unacceptable should not be in charge of our lives. We must cancel culture and SJWism forever. 

We have to cancel cancel culture. Cancel culture is fascist, evil and wrong. It punishes people and ruins lives. It is discrimination and needs to end. Cancel culture is regressive

Examples of these PC nut loonatics complaints I disagree with:

I am against colleges (such as the ones in this linke restricting freedom of speech and being far left extremist schills 

There is NOTHING offensive about the 1964 Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer movie

There is NOTHING offensive about 7th Heaven. It was a wholesome family show without the garbage that infects most 'family' shows today

There is NOTHING offensive about the puking scene in Ace Ventura. It was more mocking Ace for being ignorant than mocking trans people

There is nothing offensive about the movie Airplane (ie there was nothing offensive about that jive scene by Barbara Billingsley)

There is nothing offensive about Beverly Hills Cop III

There is NOTHING offensive about the term 'black ice' 


There is NOTHING offensive about using these terms: blind alley, blind side, blindspot, grandfathered in, lame, long time no see, psyched.  There is nothing wrong with the word crazy being used in pop culture to name things to name things (like Cameron Crazies, the rapper Krazy, the song Crazy in Love by Beyonce, Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle etc). There is nothing wrong with using the word lunatic being used in pop culture to name things (like Lunatic's Pandora in FF VIII, or the name Looney Tunes etc)

There is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about Richard Dawson kissing female contestants on Family Feud and giving them flowers

There is NOTHING offensive about the 1960s TV series Get Smart

There is NOTHING offensive about the way people are portrayed on Disney's Jungle Cruise ride pre 2020s

There is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about the 1990 movie Kindergarten Cop

I don't think the hambone is offensive. I echo what the Captain on the Love Boat said about the hambone and similar things on that Love Boat episode

There is NOTHING offensive about Kelly in MWC wearing a Confederate bomber jacket since it was only seen for a few seconds on screen

There is NOTHING offensive about Mike Tyson's Punch Out (there is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about Soda Popinski, Glass Joe, Mr Sandman, Super Macho Man, Von Keiser, Don Flamenco, King Hippo, Piston Honda, Mike Tyson, Mr Dream, Lil Mac, Lil Mac's trainer, Great Tiger ), anyone who says otherwise is a tard

There is NOTHING offensive about Pepe le Pew (Pepe does not cause rape just like violent video games don't cause violence and Islam doesn't cause Islamic terrorism) There is nothing offensive about him being French, it's light hearted mocking of French people.  

There is NOTHING wrong about airing Saturday morning cartoons and having commercials for sugary snacks , candies and cereals that air during commercial breaks during those cartoons 

THERE IS NOTHING offensive about the Prince kissing Sleeping Beauty while she is sleeping to wake her up. That is not date rape. It is totally inoffensive

There is nothing offensive about George Lopez's portrayal of Speedy Gonzalez

THERE IS NOTHING OFFENSIVE ABOUT STREET FIGHTER II (there is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about Ken, Ryu, E Honda, Blanka, Dhaslim, Chun Li, M Bison, Sagat, Vega, Balrog, Cammy, T Hawk, Fei Long, Guile, Zhangheif, Dee Jay, Sheng Long)

There is NOTHING offensive about these WWF wrestlers:  Big Bossman, El Matador , Iron Sheik, Jimmy Snuka, Kamala, Mankind, Outback Jack, Psycho Sid, Razor Ramon, The Headshrinkers, The Model Rick Martel, Yokozuna

I want the Cleveland Guardians to be renamed the Red Martian Invaders (based on real life hypothetical group of Martians who live in other solar systems ,galaxies or universes), Social Justice Warriors, Wildings, Blues, Gray Lizard ETs (based on real life hypothetical group of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies or universes) 

I want Edy's Pie to be renamed Clown Face Pie or the English version of the word ayaxkyimewathat , which sounds very similar to the word Eskimo that was used by some Native people in the Arctica area to refer to people who speak a different language. The name would be to refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who speak a different language and would have nothing to do with Native people.

I want the Edmonton Elks to be renamed the Nanuks, Edy's or the English version of the word ayaxkyimewathat , which sounds very similar to the word Eskimo that was used by some Native people in the Arctica area to refer to people who speak a different language. The name would be to refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who speak a different language and would have nothing to do with Native people.

I am glad that the Washington Commanders changed their name from Redskins to Commanders. I think it was wrong for the NFL and Washington to honor Native Americans by naming their teams after them (and by using logos and mascots on them) since honoring Native Americans through naming teams after them and the like is very woke, politically correct (ie to appease Native Americans for taking their country) and anti American (since our country isn't a Native American country)

By removing the name Redskins (and logos etc) it's a step in the right direction in showing that our country is the UNITED States of America not the NATIVE American States of America. The Washington Redskins should have always been named the Washington 76'ers (1776), Washington Nationals, Washington Revolution,  Washington Senators, DC United 

I want to send fully uncensored Song of the South videos (without any notes or commentary saying it is an offensive movie) into space to intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes . At least on those planets that movie wouldn’t offend anyone. Maybe I'll get a private space time capsule company to help me launch that movie into space

We should send all of the golliwag dolls along with all of the original Little Black “Sambo” (uncensored and without commentary or trigger warnings) books by Helen Bannerman into space (even if those rag dolls and books reach intelligent life extraterrestrials on other planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes), to rid our planet of those racist propaganda once and for all. That would be cooler than burning those books and dolls

If extraterrestrials on other planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes find out via radio waves about the Mammy of our planet and make her (in their ignorant minds) a ‘positive’ role model for naive ignorant extraterrestrials on those planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes , (without mentioning she is a mythological caricature by neoconfederate apologist wing nuts) I would be able to accept that happening 

However, at the same time I would not wink at extraterrestrials on other planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes making the Mammy of our planet a ‘positive’ role model for naive ignorant extraterrestrials on those planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes (unless the wink is involuntary due to an eye problem). Susan Harris Perry perfectly echoes my thoughts and feelings about Mammy to a T

I fully approve and endorse people dressing up for cosplay or in costumes for Harvest in ways that perpetuate gender norms or gender stereotypes. I highly RECOMMEND that people dress up in cosplay and for Harvest in costumes (if they celebrate Harvest) in ways that perpetuate gender norms and gender stereotypes as a way to FU SJWs who are trying to destroy our society and culture

People shouldn't celebrate Harvest (ie Helloween) but if they do, I could care less if they dress up as Native Americans. The world will not implode if they wear such costumes  If they do wear those costumes, they should first get assistance from the far left Native American PC activists to make their costumes non offensive so their costumes don't bring out the PC SJWs with pitchforks

I do not support leftist cultural appropriation 

Drugs crime 

I am against Criminal Justice Reform but I am glad that Donald Trump signed that bill for it. It proved he was flexible

I am anti mafia for various reasons

I am against trolls making death threats against and harassing Supreme court justices over their Roe v Wade ruling. Those trolls should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law. If it was pro life protestors doing that to pro choice judges, the MSM and left would be in a uproar

I am against those fringe pro choice protestors harassing churches and pro life centers over Roe v Wade. Those fringe pro choice protestors should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law

I am against the Police State. Some people feel the police are as much of an enemy now as others and I feel those views aren't that far off.

Blacks probably do commit more crimes against Asians than non Asians do (based on statistics and an Project Veritas report). It's not out of racism or because they are black, facts don't care about your feelings. But I am nowhere near 100 percent sure on this, so forgive me if I am wrong. I also know the 'color of crime' thing so I am treading lightly here

While whites do commit the majority of hate crimes in America (53% of hate crimes); far more than blacks do (23 percent). This is misleading because whites are 60% of the population and blacks are 12% of the population. So if there were as many blacks in the US as whites, those percentages would be nearly identical (give or take)

Crimes committed by blacks should be reported the just as much and in the same exact way as crimes committed by whites are reported.  

I don't believe it matters if blacks, whites etc commit more crimes. The color of crime thing is right wing identity politics which is as annoying as left wing identity politics.  If blacks do commit more crimes than whites, it's bad (but I won't blame whites for that, but I will blame society for not lifting everyone up) but trying to help them assimilate (in a non woke way), fixing poverty issues, policing issues with everyone including blacks would go a long way in fixing that. One thing is, say what you want about BLM ,at least they help me realize that people who think blacks are more violent than whites are fools. But them and their non black supporters are more social justice warriorish than whites 

Moreover if blacks do commit more crimes than whites, it will backfire on liberals so there is also that

I condemn people disrespecting the police (like throwing things at them, spitting on them, harassing them, calling for violence against them).

The police should not be defunded or abolished.

If we must 'reform' the police here are some ideas: 

Change Police Culture to Protect Civilians and Police, Restructure Regulations for Fraternal Order of Police Contracts (ie police union busting), Distributed sensing and virtual patrols, Artificial data and predictive policing, Address Officer Wellness, Evidence based policing 

If misled people want to stop perceived police 'brutality', police departments across the country should hire BLM members and anti police brutality activists as police officers since they would be the least likely people to use brutality on suspects.   

Blacks call the police more than non blacks so its counterproductive for them to get the police abolished or even defunded

I am open minded to vigilantism like in the Death Wish movies. However, I'd want all vigilantes to be trained in deescalation training, not to use chokeholds, to ask other people (including police) to step in for them if they used too much force, patrol on foot more than police, introduce themselves to the residents and even host BBQs for their community which may lead to violent crime drops. Also have some common sense adherence to International Human Rights laws for the vigilantes 

I am against Rashida Tlaib's senseless, illogical proposal to empty prisons. Prisons (all prisons) should be a fixture of society and getting rid of prisons is one the worst ideas I have ever heard. I will fight to make sure she never gets her way with that. Though less prisons= less right wingers in prisons, but whatever

Even though I don’t want anyone to suffer, I  have no sympathy for Kyle Rittenhouse because he went to a protest be didn’t agree with, with a gun and got into a fight. He shouldn’t have been shocked that he would have been charged with murder and vilified

I am radically mixed around on Ban the Box

I am against the Death Penalty being legal. Instead of the death penalty, inmates who commit capital offenses should be waterboarded every few years as an alternative along with being executed in effigy only 


I am against Fentanyl, Cocaine (non limited-privately cultivated/more than extremely small amounts), Heroin, LSD, Crystal Meth, Synthetic Marijuana, Purple Haze and Crack being legalized or decriminalized for rec use

I pretty much support non synthetic Marijuana being legal for medical use

I am fine with non synthetic Marijuana being legalized for rec use ONLY if at least 10 to 20 percent of cities in states where it is legalized make it decriminalized (instead of legal), illegal, or illegal but arrests for it are unenforced . 


Decriminalize non synthetic Marijuana for rec use but have non synthetic Marijuana offenders be forced to live in halfway houses that are fused with drug rehab centers for a few weeks to a year or so and allow them to expunge their record when they are released 

Otherwise keep non synthetic Marijuana illegal for rec use but have criminals who are caught with it be sent to periodic detention for a few weeks or months for 7th strike and above (but their arrest doesn't go on record/if they are caught before the 7th time they get no penalty, not even a fine). They'll still spend most of their time out of detention at home. Each arrest after the 7th time won't add more sentencing time (so no incremental sentencing) Moreover they would be compensated long term if this arrangement caused them to lose a job or miss something important

Drug trafficking should always be illegal with drug traffickers going to prison for that for years

I support the private cultivation of coca (Cocaine) being decriminalized in the US with the penalty for it being a light fine and possible drug education

I also support Cocaine (non Crack) outside of that in the US remaining illegal but arrests being for it being unenforced for extremely small and microscopic amounts of it. But on the forth time and up they are caught with such small amounts it is AUTOMATIC prison for those Cocaine (non Crack) users.

I also am fine with medical Cocaine (non Crack) being prescribed a lot more liberally by doctors and shrinks than it is now

Hard drug users who use Fentanyl, Cocaine (non limited-privately cultivated/more than extremely small amounts),  Synthetic Marijuana, Heroin, LSD, Purple Haze, Crystal Meth and Crack should go to prison

I wouldn't be against Crystal Meth being decriminalized in all amounts with the only penalty being a light fine but the penalty for 7th time and above is Civil Confinement (with 2 week annual holidays at home, marriage allowed, cabins for married users, family stay, equal pay, sending savings to family allowed, no uniform, leg irons or handcuffs, common living, no cells, freedom of movement inside confinement area, awards rewards relief for users, education music and theater for users) for a few years that is fused with Drug Diversion programs. When they are releases they would be on post prison bail for years

I am ok with mandatory minimum sentencing for hard drug offenses (for Fentanyl, Synthetic Marijuana,  Cocaine (non limited-privately cultivated/more than extremely small amounts), Purple Haze, Heroin, Crystal Meth, LSD and Crack) only if all those hard drug convicts convicted under mandatory minimum sentencing are given perks in prison that other inmates don't have for each anti drug milestone/milestone they meet in prison (meaning their best reward would be to be able to be about as free in prison as the prison guards and non inmate prison staff). 

Moreover, I'd want prisoners under mandatory minimum sentencing to eventually (regardless of they anti drug milestones/milestones in prison) to be transferred to a Corrective labor colony/chain gang hybrid system and then house arrest-community service system (where as a whole they'd get somewhat less time imprisoned during mandatory minimum sentencing than current criminals get during mandatory minimum sentencing convictions). 

Under the Corrective labor colony/chain gang hybrid system, prisoners would negotiate their salary on a laissez faire basis to work for market set wages and the voluntary choices of penal laborers to work and for employers to pay the wages   

All jobs should drug test employees for Marijuana, Cocaine, Crack, LSD and Heroin and other hard drugs. Nobody should use drugs recreationally on the job

I believe we need to focus a lot on drug prevention ie preventing unemployment, fighting poverty, and preventing family dissolution. We should also bring back the Just Say No anti drug campaign. I do not want people to use Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, LSD, Synthetic Marijuana,Fentanyl, Purple Haze, Crystal Meth for rec use ever. I want people to be drug free.

I don't want Alcohol and Liquor to be sold at theme parks, or at outdoor restaurants.

I support non binding blue laws and believe non binding blue laws should be implemented all 50 states with care and pragmatically (but 'liberally' the other type of liberally as in all over the place)

Stealing is wrong and people should go to prison for stealing.


I support the gun control that the old NRA implemented from the late 19th century through the mid 20th century. It was needed back then and helped break our country transition out of the 'wild west' type gun ho/toting mentality to a more gun responsible society, but we've been giving too much gun rights away since the mid 20th century and that needs to end.  I would get a S- grade from the late 19th century through mid 20th century NRA, and a good competency assessment in a Competency-based learning grading system from the modern NRA

I am ok with Stand Your Ground, people bringing their guns to work, and open carry. If I had it my way, guns would be abolished and bows and arrows, yumis and crossbows would replace them but since I respect something called the CONSTITUTION, I respect gun rights. I shot a bebe gun as a kid at my friend's house and it felt great.

I am against the March for your lives protests (which were spectacles, David Hogg knows better and its sad someone as good as him resorted to those tactics) and against the National Gun Safety day. The latter is offensive

It was wrong for our government to give 60,000 to the Los Zetas. We should be helping our neighbors not fighting with them

Animal rights

I am against Zoophilia and it should stay illegal forever. Science has proven that Zoophilia causes disease and death.

I am an on again , off again vegan

I believe animals should be in circuses but only a few circuses in their lives then retire them to wildlife conservations. I fully support the existence of Wildlife Conservations

There is nothing wrong with riding on Elephants or Camels as long as the person is light and the Elephant or Camel is in top shape and not on them for very long.

I fully support the Calgary Stampede using live animals. 

I reject Critical Animal Studies and I believe that Critical Animal studies are nonsense and garbage

I sort of almost pity Animal liberation activists. 

I'm against people hunting animals but I respect their right to do so (so I wouldn't want it illegal). I would however, want to encourage hunters to use air soft guns or laser tag hunting instead of real hunting so they can 'hunt' without hurting animals. They'll die naturally, so it's futile to kill them.

I am not against fishing, but I am not a fan of people fishing at all since I feel fishing is murder. Jesus and liberals fish though so maybe it's not that that bad, but it is still an issue. Catch and release is a better alternative. Though I am ok with fish dying by ocean pollution (as long as people don't  put their junk into the ocean on purpose to kill them)

I am against people hitting pets to discipline them (and even if they do so lightly).  People should never hit their pet under any circumstance unless it is in self defense and even then with a focus on de escalation and not hurting their pet.

I am against goose egg addling and I feel that should be illegal 


I am a Tankie (Marxist-Leninist), Social Democrat (Luxemburgism/Social Democrats USA etc) , Third Camp Syncretic-Populist. I am also a Contrarian

I support Populist politicians in the Republican Party , Democrat Party other political parties in the US and also abroad. 

I support the Populist Right (Republicans) , Populist Caucus (Democrats) and the Far Left (Worker's World Party/A.N.S.W.E.R/other Far Left in the US/Far left party and factions abroad)

I support the Labour Party UK  (current Labour Party/New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy/Social Democracy that is similar to mid to late 1910s European SocDem/Blue Labour/Predistribution).

I won't complain if the US brought back the Articles of the Confederation


I won't complain if the US brought back the Articles of the Confederation


Ideally we should vote like on Wikipedia during Arbcom elections, everyone votes as many times as they want.

I am against removing or replacing the Electoral college.

I am apolitical First past the post voting

I am against Instant runoff voting 

I support democracy replacing representative democracy and giving people a more clear picture of political things

DC should not become a state

Former felons should be able to vote on conditional basis. If they have truly changed, I guess it would be ok for them to vote

Prison inmates should only vote on things related to their prison and if they have shown good behavior in prison. 

I do not know or care one way or the other if the Democrats and Joe Biden stole the 2020 Presidential election and frankly don’t give a damn. "It is enough that the people know there was an election," "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."

Even if there was no election fraud, the way the Democrats and RINOs harshly and authoritarianly  censored those accusations and treated people who questioned the election results was so wrong and bad it is almost as bad (if not worse) than if the elections were stolen and Democrats and RINOs didn’t react that way toward those accusations and people who questioned the election results

In 2016 the Democrats claimed Donald Trump unfairly won the election yet they hypocritically get mad when the Republicans complain that Joe Biden stole the 2020 election, what a bunch of hypocrites. 

Int issues

I am anti war most of the time but I am anti war due to Lockean love of Liberty and being anti government (ie war is big gov). Basically I am anti war for the same reasons Mark Twain was anti war. 

Since I am defacto anti war/not supportive of wars, I am by default against all countries on Earth going to war/me non supportive of all countries on Earth going to war . For example, after the outbreak of each war I check to see if an extremely rare and overwhelming case for me supporting that war being waged exists and if it doesn't I keep my default anti war/not supportive position on that war. It takes more for me to support a war than for me to not condemn a war. I haven't supported a war since I supported the Iraq War in early 2003 (before changing my mind in March 2003 and being against the Iraq War) 

I am very pro Military and very pro Veteran despite being anti war

I echo this article by Jason Church

I am a non interventionalist 

I am an Anti Imperialist. 

If the US can’t help themselves with their imperialist warmongering, then they should use Woodrow Wilson Interventionalism , which means at most, the US should promote self determination to other countries by being a world leader for the cause of democracy instead of western imperialism , cultural imperialism , globalization etc in a way that Woodrow Wilson would do, but really US, just leave the Imperialism to Russia, OK?

As mentioned below I do not condemn (and am between pitiful toward to sympathetic toward) Marxist-Leninist countries doing their own , modern day Manifest Destiny  (Russia Orthodox Church, anti west , jingoism etc for Russia to spread, Christian like values and or Confucianism, anti west, jingoism etc for China to spread etc)

Landback is bourgeois academic falsification of justice for colonized people is a covert mechanism for the ruling class to privatize and ruin the legacy of the US’s beautiful public lands and environmental stewardship . Handing control of the land to Native Americans makes it that much harder to abolish private property using the state. This is what happened with the Bolsheviks back in the day. I support self determination for Native Americans but they can’t get self determination until we abolish private property as mentioned above and to abolish private property we can’t grant them landback first

I support third world anti colonial movements from the last century and beyond and their fights for independence

I support National Liberation movements

I want the US to make all of their territories independent

I support strategic autonomy 

I am an Anti Globalist

I am Anti Globalization

I am against Cultural Marxism, and Transnational Progressiveness , I prefer Radical Localism over those things

Not everything should be blamed on Globalists, Cultural Marxists, nonMarxists, Commies or George Soros.  Absolutism doesn't exist and nuance is always needed.  Globalists, Cultural Marxists, ,non Marxist Leninists Marxists or George Soros.  Absolutism doesn't exist and nuance is always needed. 

I was and I still am against the Patriot Act. The real way to prevent international terrorism in the US from previous international terrorism groups is for the US to be non interventionist

I do not agree with Sully's view that  Donald Trump showed 'utter and vulgar disrespect and contempt' for US troops past and present. Trump treated the US military mostly decent to good as President. The Atlantic's report that Donald Trump had called WWI heroes 'suckers' and 'losers' is FAKE NEWS and NOT TRUE AT ALL.   Sully has to admit that Barack Obama was much worse as President for our military than Donald Trump and that Jesse Ventura's comments about our military is are way worse than anything that Donald Trump ever said about them as President. Of note, I do think its cool that such a virtue signaling military man like Jesse Ventura had anti military views but he should not get a pass for them when Donald Trump's innocent (but fake) comments don't 


I am pro Israel (since I do not want to be turned into a pillar of salt and because I am part Jewish) to some Anti Israel lefties this means I support ‘Israel Apartheid’. 

I retroactively support the Jews ban (ch-r-m)/actions toward the pre Israeli inhabitants of Canaan (Hittite and the Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and the Jebusites) in the Book of Joshua. I retroactively support the way that the Jews conquered Canaan in the book of Joshua and took it over. This shows why I feel this way

In 10,000 years or in 100,000 years it won't matter that they have settlements there

I am part Jewish and I am glad that the USSR under especially under JS was fair (for the time) to Jewish citizens. Under J Stalin antisemitism carried penalties up to the death penalty

I support as an alternative to a two state solution bringing back the Mandatory Palestine (and exactly like it was under that Mandate but if the Radically centrist and pragmatic BDS members negotiated with the people back then to draw up the Mandate for Palestine in the 1910s).     

I am open to supporting this idea:  Israel and Palestine equally become constituents to a newly created United Mandate of Israel and Palestine the same way that England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are equally constituents to the United Kingdom

Another idea I am considering supporting would be to give Israel/Palestine to the descendants of the Natufian (the Natufian were among the first inhabitants of Israel before the Canaanites and Jews) After doing this, Israelis in Israel would be strongly encouraged and given incentives to settle in Iran while Palestinians would be encouraged to settle in Kuwait, Syria, Jordan and United Arab Emirates. However, Iran would be forced to treat the Jews in Iran as fairly as King Cyrus treated the Jews in Ancient Persia.  Iran would be forced to allow the Jews to assimilate in Iran exactly how King Cyrus allowed the Jews to assimilate in Ancient Persia. 

My big issue with Israel is their senseless violence against migrants in Israel along with their bombing against Gaza and chauvinism.  They should have been dealing with them the way that the Christian Romans dealt with the Israelis during the bible, not the way above.  Israeli democracy is eroding. Free elections and a parliament don't mean a country is free (look at Canada for proof). Israel has done questionable things including wars recently that leaves themselves open to criticism 

Between personally and deep down inside, I am, in a tongue and cheek way between fourth political position on and lean half hearted agree with a lot of the BDS views (the non anti semetic ones) but views that are about solutions and don’t demonize Israelis in my eyes

As it is now, as long as our world is as liberal and SJW as it is I will strongly oppose the BDS. Even if I was in that aforementioned world, I would be Christian Democratic on the BDS

If there was a problem solvers faction of the BDS I would consider joining it. 

I am open hearted to (but don't necessarily agree with) some of the views on Israel and Zionism that Ihlan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, etc have (the non anti semetic ones) even if their views are very Anti Zionist. I know the Squad are flexible on this issue and become more moderate on it, so their views on this conflict aren’t too ‘radical’ for me

I am not Anti Zionist, but I strongly like Humanistic Zionism, Post Zionism, and Israeli Nationalism way way more than I ‘like’ Zionism and I strongly want Humanistic Zionism, Post Zionism, and Israeli Nationalism to replace Zionism asap. This way the Israelis and Palestinians can true freedom 

I am ok with Palestinian Nationalism 

To young far lefters, BDSers, far righters or alt rights, don't join antisemetic hate groups or racist hate groups. Nothing can be gained by linking yourselves to any organizations who agitate racial animosities or propagate racial hatreds. Such organizations are immoral and are only negative.

I want to clear up negative stereotypes about Jewish people:

Jews don't run everything. Out of the 400 most vital multinational corporations (including world wide government),  Jews are just a tiny fraction of those vital multinational corporations

Jewish people have done no more or less bad than any of other groups of people who lived in each country that they resided in. 

Jewish people were persecuted in Europe in the Medieval age and Industrial age because their religious traditions made them isolate from society. The only reason there are more Jews who are bankers or similar positions is because those are the only jobs they were allowed to take due to anti semetic bigotry. For example, usury, underwent a transformation in Medieval Europe, society needed moneylending but Christianity forbade it, so this was left to the Jews to do as dirty work since it was one of the few ways they could be allowed to be apart of a society that was wrongly anti semetic toward them due to their religious practices. Thus usury was a way for them to fit in and contribute, but they are far from the only group of who did usury and maybe due to their religion, they were more compassionate with usury than most groups would have been.

The real culprits of the Great Depression were not the Jews but the corrupt liberal business people (including the corrupt liberal business people in the banking industry) of all stripes who ran Wall Street and the Federal Reserve into the ground in 1920s through unethical and immoral monterary loans. Their corruption lead directly to the Great Depression. The other culprits of the Great Depression were the Cultural Marxists and the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communists

The rise of Cultural Marxism and Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism in the early 20th century also played a part in causing the Great Depression.    

I believe in the 1930s in Europe and the US, those corrupt bourgeois people who caused the Great Depression should have been subject to the same harsh anti corruption punishments that China has employed in the 1980s 1990s 2000s against corrupt people (but in a Jeb Bush compassionate Christian way).  There should have been anti corruption political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s to clean up that corrupt mess and prevent such corruption from happening again.

Further more, there should have been political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s that were solely Anti Cultural Marxist and Left Wing Anti Communist (against the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal form of Communism) similar to the White Movement of Russia in the 1910s and 1920s (and rising up against the Cultural Marxists and Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communists just like the White Movement did in Russia to Communists in general) and Falange in the 1930s (but without violence, racism and antisemetism). 

However if there were violent uprisings against these Anti Cultural Marxist and Left Wing Anti Communist then I would be look the other way or even be tolerant of them doing a White Terror type thing (or even a Falange Spanish Revolution type thing) in response in self defense against those guerillas. 

If you still ignorantly believe Jews have influence (even though they don't and that is an antisemetic trope) then either stop them from being persecuted and discriminated against so they can get other jobs and spread themselves out to other areas (and thus not be centered on perceieved 'influential jobs') which wouldn't change anything since the Jewish influence thing is a myth and an anti semetic trope or do a Blexit type thing but with the Jewish liberals so they become anti establishment or centre right and fight for our cause (since if they are so influential in politics, wouldn't it make sense to have them help us instead of fighting against them?)  

But of course they have no influence so that is purely conjecture

Jewish voters are more Neoliberal and by extension progressive than non Jewish voters because most jewish people fled Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives (which are progressive things) in a Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism-Socialism without adjectives Europe to come to the US and that led to them joining unions in the US (which at least at the time had values and goals similar to Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives) and their descendants inherited that neoliberalness from them and so on.  

So as a block Jewish people are neoliberal/progressive and any group of people who by and large votes neoliberal or progressive is a problem, whether its a British migrant block, a Hollywood block, a union block, a Jewish block, a Episcopilian block, an atheist block etc. However, its not a problem that they are jewish but because its another large block of people who vote neoliberal or progressive). 

To counter this, we need to get Jewish people to become anti establishment or even centre right (as mentioned above using Blexit type tactics) and to help them see that the Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives countries their ancestors fled from in Europe are very non stellar and elements of those countries are being recreated today in a half a*s form known as social fascism which takes the worst of Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism and Socialism without adjectives and the worst of Capitalism ,fuses it together to create a country worse (or as bad) than their ancestors former countries . 

We need to tell them that unions are anti globalist. We are an accepting tent we already have Orthodox Jewish people with us, we need to get the Liberal non Orthodox Jewish people with us. 

If any trolls are still ignoring my message, then read this article by Alex  te

My cousin half heartingly tolerates Nathanel Kapner’s views (with a grain of salt). My cousin is so gullible

I would have tolerated the way Know Nothing Party (US) viewed and treated Jewish people in the 19th century ONLY if instead of being 'anti semetic' (in the rare times they were) toward Jewish people, the Know Nothing Party (US) instead had a high sense of patriotic and cultural responsibility for the welfare of Jewish people to the point that the Know Nothing Party US fought for the Jewish people's cause in a patronizing way that could be labeled as 'Jewish saviorism' (while all of the other non anti semetic views and actions that the Know Nothing Party US had toward Jewish people stayed entact)

China Russia

I support between fair trade and freed trade with China , and free trade with Russia and Iran

China is extremely wrong for their 1 2 3 child policies, for bring Anti Christian and for their bourgeois, Neoliberal fiscal policies. 

If you go carrying pictures of the Xi Jinping and the CCP don’t you know that you can count me out (IN!). 

I would condone China and the CCP if it meant having a communist woman in China having a David-Jonathan biblical type penpal or virtual relationship with me 

China's social credit system is mostly bad, has decent elements here and there. 

I am involuntarily apolitical on China's pandemic laws . 

I am as anti death penalty on China executing drug smugglers as Mark Hatfield was anti death penalty as Governor of Oregon

I condemn China for getting involved in the US 2020 racial unrest situations. I also strongly condemn  China for trying to make our children in this country woke through marxist propaganda

Because Right Wingers ignorantly make believe that Neoliberals are pro China and pro CCP, even though I know that it is not true (since all sides ie Neoliberals and Neocons are equally Anti China) , just to be on the safe side and because I am a paranoid person, I am forced to fully condemn China and the CCP for their treatment of the Uyghurs ONLY because I am anti Neoliberal and I don’t want to be on the same side that Neoliberals are on even though I know that they are not on the same side. If there is even a 1% chance they are on the same side I must do this

“So I ‘totally condemn’ China for their human rights abuses (add the label genocide after or before the phrase human rights abuses in my ‘condemnation’  of China for their actions toward the Uyghurs if you want to pretend I am even more ‘anti China’ than I pseudolly am now)”

This does not mean I actually believe that China and the CCP did bad things to the Uyghurs (I don’t know if I really believe that, though, I am a Tankie so that should be a clue). Some countries including Muslim countries have denied there was a genocide or in some cases, even anything close to it. Besides after seeing right wingers get rightfully destroyed for believing in their racist bigoted White genocide conspiracy theory nonsense, I am very careful about using the word genocide since I don’t want to be called anti Chinese for saying there is a genocide or close to one in Xianjing if there officially isn’t especially if there is not anything close to one . But I don’t know there isn’t a Uyghur genocide or human rights abuses there and I admit I have to play mental gymnastics not to see that China has done human rights violations and possibly genocide to the Uyghurs

China should not be sanctioned for the Uyghur situation or anything I can think of since I am a non interventionalist. Lets put America first. To the US, stop the western imperialism and globalism

I am concerned about China using forced labor. I want China to be as fair to all their laborers as Google is 'fair' to their workers, according to this article

However I believe that there if there is no excuse for China’s harsh actions against the Uyghurs then I truly and totally condemn China for their actions toward the Uyghurs

I am apolitical on China-Hong Kong dispute. I want Hong Kong to have the same relationship with China, that Belarus has had with Russia since 1992

I want Taiwan to be to China what Greenland is to Denmark (ie China being a unitary sovereign state, Taiwan being a constituent country to China and Taiwan having an extended degree of autonomy to govern their relations just like Greenland)

I trust that China will continue to get better as a country like they always have and become more egalitarian as they develop more productive forces(though part of me leans skeptical)

I view the USSR (especially the early 1920s-1950s version) as Anti Villains retroactively.   In the 1980s I was apolitical toward the USSR but not against them. The USSR was an ally of the US in two World Wars and had a good fiscal system, if the USSR became Post Capitalist it would have been almost based in my eyes. amongst other positive things they did. If the Democrats and mainstream liberals ever retroactively support or condone the USSR I will be retroactively against the USSR. I support Soviet nostalgias

The holodomor was a result of the USSR’s incompetance, there is no solid evidence that Josef Stalin orchestrated it or that it was intentional . The bourgeois , liberals and MSM defame the USSR by saying it was intentional to trash Socialism, Communism , Russia in order to force normies tobe imperialist fascists. Saying the famine was done on purpose by the USSR is indirectly anti semetic and plays into anti semetic conspiracy theories

I was against the Nuclear Freeze in the 1980s and early 1990s only because I knew that the US having Nuclear weapons was to prevent the Soviet Union from using their Nuclear weapons. To this day I am still against a Nuclear Freeze due to countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea having Nuclear weapons. I want a world free of Nuclear Weapons but I will not support a Nuclear Freeze until countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea also agree to give up their Nuclear Weapons too. No one wants a Nuclear war.

Arthur Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg were TRAITORS and they should have spent many decades in prison for their treason instead of being put to death. It may seem cool for them to betray the US since you don't except liberals like them to do such things conservatives are falsely and senselessly smeared for (espionage/treasanous acts) But their evil treason caused countless deaths in Korea and they were disgusting commie terrorists and not being in prison for at least awhile would show the US was soft which would be wrong. They sold out to our enemies and they are a disgrace to the US.

I retroactively support the Dissenters Marches and Strategy 31 protests

I support the culture council set up in the State Duma

I am apolitical on Crimea but Eduard Limonov echoed a lot of my thoughts on Russia’s 2014 ‘invasion’ of Ukraine

I support Russia taking South Ossetia, Transnistria and Abkhazia

I support Russian Left Wing Ultranationalism

I support Pan Russianism 

I am Anti NATO. NATO should be abolished

I support Russia going into the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk and claiming it. The people in that province were being persecuted by Ukraine and Russia rightfully came to their aide. There was a fair vote by the Russian senate to approve of it. 

However, I conditionally support the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk seceding from Russia but only under these conditions:

1) the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk is allowed to be exactly as independent from Ukraine as the Confederate States of America was independent from the US during the Civil War. Ukraine would be permitted to have military bases within the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk (like the US has with Gitmo in Cuba). Ukrainians from outside the People's Republic of Donetsk and Lugansk should be allowed to and encouraged to settle in the independent People's Republic of Donetsk exactly like how Israelis are allowed to settle in the disputed West Bank and other areas within 'Palestine'

2) Russia is absolved by the US, UN and EU officially of helping Donald Trump win the 2016 US Presidential election or at worst those bodies say there is no evidence that they helped Trump win the 2016 US Presidential election

3) Russia gets Fort Ross California and parts of Northern California it used to have as territory, this time as a Concessions and lease from the United States along with Russia being allowed to have a closer relationship with Alaska that is similar to the satellite state relationship that Eastern bloc countries had with the Soviet Union during the Cold War


3) Russia is not pressured by outside forces (ie UN, Western LGBTQ imperialists etc) to become pro LGBTQ+ or liberal while those outside forces in a non binding way agree to this way of thinking toward Russia and human rights  "I believe that the government/state should stay out of being enforcing moral changes in most to nearly all situations.  Moral evolution can happen many times apart of the government/state and relations between people can emerge with freedom from the government/state. Most relationships in life should not be characterized as conflict as the left and right might have it. It's good to have mutual and humane respect for others as individuals.   It's also good to do positive and unselfish things without having to grapple with the political ramifications of doing those positive things.  Of course we don't want to be so humane and clingy that is becomes creepy.  This view is from Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn books"

I do not condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine. My views on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are similar to these fellow Tankies’ views of the invasion but more me not wanting the US to get involved with the Russia Ukraine conflict (due to me being AmericaFirst) than being pro Russia like they are

There are fine and bad people on both sides of that war     

I support Donald Trump praising Vladimir Putin's 'invasion' of Ukraine. 

I am fine with non US countries sanctioning Russia but I am also fine with other countries (like China) helping Russia offset those sanctions

Joe Biden should have pretended he was nuts to scare Russia into ending their invasion of Ukraine ,like how Richard Nixon during the Vietnam War pretended that he was nuts in order to trick North Vietnam into coming to an agreement to end the Vietnam War

The US and Europe should try to de escalate the Russia-Ukraine crisis instead of inflaming it if they are going to get involved in that situation

I was and I am still against Ukraine joining NATO, the globalist liberals help Ukraine enough as it is

Ukraine deserves criticism for not developing Donbas and leaving it open to Russia and other forces at best

I am against the Maidan Coup which was an illegal act which removed a legit elected head of state

I am fully against companies (like Big Tech) suspending their products and services to Russia. Russian citizens are being wrongly and punitively penalized because of their government.  I call for a full boycott of every company who engages in these acts They never did this to Muslims in countries where ISIS or Al Qaeda are from, yet they do it with Russia? Hypocrite much. History will condemn Google, Microsoft, Sony for their actions with Russia. It goes against human decency, will only make Russians hate those companies and won't do anything.   Hurting innocent people through refusing them service to force them to have the view you want is fascist and evil

If I sound too 'Pro Russian' (even though I am not, Vladimir Putin is a globalist who has a mean liberal streak in him) it's only because Vladimir Putin and Russia may have played me .

It is hypocritical and wrong to ban innocent Russians from entering other countries .Liberals cried over a Muslim travel ban by Donald Trump during the reign of ISIS yet they applaud this? Hypocrite much.  I believe banning innocent Russians from going to other countries because of Russia going to war with Ukraine is wrong, senseless and fascist and is just as bad as Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban in 2017. I am fully against the Russia flight ban by the US and Europe. It is draconian, fascist and evil. It's also a violation of freedom of movement. I hope all Russians permanelty boycott the US and all countries that banned flights to and from Russia.

Many Russians have been unfairly fired due to their place of origin by fascist Russophobes. Their firings are a violation of Employement Acts ,since they were singled out due to their place of origin. These Russians being unfairly fired is akin to McCarthysim or what the US did to Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Freedom of speech means telling people what they don't want to hear. We must end extreme cancel culture and modern day McCarthyism

I am against Anna Nebretko getting fired by the Metropolitian Opera House. There was no reason to fire her and Peter Gelb should be fired on the spot for what he did.

I am against the Bolshoi Ballet being fired. They did nothing wrong and they were unfairly fired for no reason. 

The Steele Dosier was false  

I supported Alexander Lukashenko during the 2020 Belarus protests. The anti Lukashenko protestors were counterproductive and maybe even wrong


Islam is not a bad religion, it's not as good as Judeo Christianity but it shares a link to Judeo Christianity (Abraham). It's vital that all non Christians, including Muslims convert to Christianity but it should only be done in a PC way

Islam has good and bad like any other religion. Not all criticism of Islam is Islamophobic and more than a few (give or take) criticisms of Islam is genuine and constructive (or if not at least not far off).  Some rarer sects of Islam do treat women and LGBTQ people horribly which is wrong.  People should avoid criticizing things in Islam that they don't understand. Criticize the religion not the people in it

No religion should be free of criticism (as long as its not bigoted)

I support Arab Nationalism

I am a huge fan of Quilliam. Quilliam echoes a lot of my view on Islam and Muslims

I echo some of the criticisms of Islam that the Friendly Atheist has

I echo this  and with a grain of salt pragmatically echo this 

I am ok with Generation Identity. I may not agree with them most of the time, but I believe they care about Europe and Europeans. Even if they are wrong most of the time (which they are), its out of ignorance not hatred or malice.  Their fear of Islamization is a genuine, albeit poorly thought out response to perceived social ills. They have to overcome that fear by working with Muslims not against them

This article echos my feelings about the Clock boy incident from 2015:

I am against Donald Trump's Muslim travel ban

Sharia Law is extremely inferior to the US legal system, European legal system. It isn't a good or even decent legal system .Sharia for example flouts non equal rights for certain people, death penalties for things that shouldn't even be crimes etc. However, I believe if Sharia Law was removed from all places where it currently exists and then reintegrated into the legal system of those countries (and maybe in a few western countries too like the UK and the US) but this time alongside Orthodox Jewish courts and ecclesiastical courts and only handled marriage and divorce, (conditional upon an agreement of all parties and strict requirements for protection of equal rights for women), I think that would make Sharia Law become a pretty good legal system, at the very least as a form of alternative resolution

I am against France and other countries banning Muslims women from wearing Hijabs, Burkinis and Burqas. I support Muslim women wearing Burkinis and Burqas. It is a slippery slope because once they start banning Burkinis, Hijabs and Burqas they will ban Christian crosses, and eventually even political symbols. 

I am not that bummed that Muslims are so conservative on gay rights, however they go way way too far. But they should not use violence against gays or criminalize gay acts. 

I want an unorganized form (as in unorganized sector India unorganized) of the 'married in all but a name' rights that same sex couples in Britain had in the last few years before gay marriage was legalized there, for all same sex couples in all Muslim countries who want to their relationships recognized

I want gays in Muslim countries to fight for the above unorganized 'marriage in all but a name' rights and for legalizing being gay in Muslim countries by following the 'be gay do crime' motto. That motto is an Queer Anarchist motto that implies that gays doing criminal and incivil acts may be a necessary evil in order for gays to get the rights above

Some rarer sects of Islam do treat women less than ideal to extremely misogynist and sexist and beyond but by and large Islam is almost as pro woman as Christianity (many liberals wrongly think Christianity is sexist, and many conservatives wrongly think that Islam is sexist). Linda Sarsour has good views on this. I want all Muslim women in Muslim countries to take over Muslim countries and Mosques exactly like women took over the Ephesian church in Paul's letter to the Ephesians

I am against the Netherlands' Islamophobic and racist smearing of Muslims living in their country. Shame on the Netherlands for that Islamophobic racism.

Due to the US government and some far left people smearing and treating all Donald Trump supporters (instead of just the fringe ones) as domestic terrorists and violent extremists, I empathize even more with Muslims due to the similarly harsh smearing and treatment that they have similarly gotten by the US government and extremists on the other side of the isle since 9/11 (especially after 9/11 and during the age of ISIS).  I have seen some far left people imply or dog whistle that all Trump supporters are domestic terrorists or violent extremists (instead of labeling and going after just the fringe part of the MAGA movement as domestic terrorists)   When I was a liberal, I always defended Muslims when they were attacked by neocons since I emphasized with them. Now based on what I wrote above, I will emphasize even more with Muslims.

I don't believe the October 31 2018 truck attack in NYC or the Swedish truck attack in 2017 were Islamic terrorism. I am not even that sure that the 2016 Nice lorre attacks was Islamic terrorism (or at least I am not that sure if Islamic terrorism was the primary motive of the attacks). Saying that every time a Muslim commits mass murder is Islamic terrorism is bigoted, ignorant, naive and offensive.  However, on the flip side, a few attacks by Muslims that are not labele as Islamic terrorismare technically Islamic terrorism (the Fort Hood shooting for example). But there are more times Muslims committing crimes are falsely accused of Islamic terrorism than there are times when Muslims do commit Islamic terrorism and said attacks are not labeled as Islamic terrorism.

I am tempted to say that there are more atheists in Al Qaeda, ISIS, Abu Nidal, Hezbollah than there are Muslims. If they were true Muslims, they would be peaceful since Islam is a religion of peace.

Christians who are killed in the Middle East by ISIS should be labeled as Christians and not worshippers


I am lenient to passive toward Reactionary Modernism in Middle East countries

Donald Trump did wrong by his targeted killing of Qasem Soleimani , he should deferred to Iran on that decision . I don't know how else he could have handled that without doing that.

The US should not have gotten involved in Syria at all. A lot of those Syrian 'victims' were really terrorists i.e ISIS. It's not those victims fault. The US's warmongering in Iraq created ISIS. I fell into the trap briefly back then in me supporting the US Neocon intervention in Syria (due to Neocon manufactured fear of ISIS) but I came to my senses on that warmongering very quickly hence my views on that

I was and still am against the Libya War (the one under Barack Obama)

I was and still am against the Iraq War (I was for it until late March 2003 then I became permanently against it since I amanti imperialist) . I believe instead of a war, the US should have waged a 'Cold War' against Iraq similar to the US's cold war against the USSR.

I support the Iraq War troop surge by George W Bush in 2007. It was a smart strategy and helped turn the war around for us.

Chris Kyle was a war hero and his movie was not offensive at all

I am glad that the UN sanctioned Iraq in the 1990s for symbolic reasons but I don't believe it was a good move. In that situation it wasn't viable or smart

The Gulf War was a justifiable war or at worst, not as bad as Libya, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and the Philippines -American war

I do not support the Taliban and I don’t sympathize with their barbarism, but I am pleased to see radical liberal internationalism/transnational progressiveness lose. Afghanistan's humiliation will only have been worth it if it replaces its old paradigm with new thoughts

I morally (as in moral support) light heartedly supported the Afghanistan War but we should have pulled out of Afghanistan in 2009 or in 2012 since it turned into blatant imperialism 

Joe Biden botched the Afghanistan pullout in 2021 and he should be criticized for that

I supported the Sunni Mujahideen temporarily in the 1980s in their war vs the Soviet Union  (Soviet-Afghan War) because I was a kid and blindly supported who the US supported


I retroactively support the Red Army Faction (WG 1970s 1980s)

Asia conflict issues

I do not condemn the 2021 coup de tat in Myanmar ,its none of my business

I fully support the way that Donald Trump handled North Korea but he may have been too lenient

I would have been against the Vietnam War if I was alive back then after initially supporting it (though I am against a lot of far left parts of the anti war movement). I believe France should have had the role that the US had in the Vietnam War in the mid 1960s through the early mid 1970s. I believe that the US should have used these methods:  against Vietnam instead of sending in troops while the US should also have sent a few special force peace keepers (not military) into Vietnam to de esclate the war

I have been against the Vietnam War my whole life.

I believe and side with the Swift Boat Veterans in their attacks on John Kerry and John McCain

I am against the US going to war with the Philippines in the Philippine-American War since it was imperialism etc.


In the 1980s, I had no issues with President Ronald Reagan vetoing the UN economic sanctions against South Africa for apartheid. Since birth I have been a Libertarian and supporter of strategic autonomy . 

I guess it would have been ok if the US privately sent weapons to anti apartheid rebels the same way the US privately sent weapons to Iran during the Iran Contra affair (as an alternative) but back then that alternative to vetoing those UN economic sanctions never crossed my mind

Americas conflicts

City Data's TexasReb has in general, decent-pretty good, well thought out and insightful points and views on and about the Civil War, though I do not necessarily agree with him on his Civil War views

My views on TexasReb align with the liberal and progressive City Data forum users who have mostly positive interactions with him despite disagreeing with him at times 

I enjoy the political messages (ie morals of the story) of  Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn

Slavery and forced labor is wrong and immoral because the whole concept of working (paid and unpaid) is wrong and immoral. People shouldn't have to work to make ends meet. Working (paid and unpaid) is boring, harsh, a time sink and archaic.

I feel that from the 16th century onward, Europe and the US should have given equal rights to women and BIPOC+ (that white males had) in the United States (including Old South), European colonies etc and not used slavery anywhere. Then I would have wanted Europe and the US to give all citizens of the United States (including Old South), European colonies etc the Refusal to work right, and implemented extensive Social Democrat type welfare systems (like those found currently in Nordic countries) and UBI throughout the United States (including Old South), European colonies etc

However, I do not support a Refusal to work right being implemented anywhere on Earth in the future. I feel the only place for it was centuries ago 

This is from a fellow Tankie, I don’t know what to make of this  “On a similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth ,the extraterrestrial War of Northern doppelgänger Aggression on that far away similar planet is another example of extraterrestrial Yankee doppelgänger imperialism and revisionism. 

The industrial slavery of the extraterrestrial Union doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth was far more brutal than the slavery of the extraterrestrial Confederacy doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth

At least the extraterrestrial slave doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth were guaranteed food and housing. 

The extraterrestrial Union doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth worked their extraterrestrial wage slave doppelgängers until they were dead. The material conditions of the extraterrestrial Confederacy doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth could have easily led to a socialist regime like the USSR, PRC, or DPRK from Earth. 

The extraterrestrial Confederacy doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth were slandered by the extraterrestrial Union banker doppelgängers on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth who didn't want their profits soiled by the truth.” 

I find these comments as obviously misguided but I can't find exactly where or how his arguments goes off the tracks to deconstruct his arguments  

Two wrongs (the soulless Industrial ‘slavery’ of the extraterrestrial North doppelgänger and mode of exploitation [i.e slavery] of the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger in that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth) don’t make a right (at least in our universe with our laws of nature). 

I always have been and continue to be fully against the Old South and North from our planet making people of all stripes work to make ends meet instead of implementing a refusal to work right for everyone, which I retroactively support being implemented in the early colonial period onward in the US (Old South and North) with Social Democrat type welfare systems (like those found currently in Nordic countries) and UBI for people of all stripes who refuse to work.

If the material conditions of the extraterrestrial Old South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth did lead to a socialist utopia in the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth as mentioned above, then I would say that in the long run it would might (big might) made the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth seemingly better, at least on paper 

This is because if the extraterrestrial South doppelgänger on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth in the mid late 19th century became like the USSR from our planet for example, ie adopted Marxism-Leninism, extraterrestrial slavery on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth would have been abolished right away and extraterrestrial black adjacents on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth would have been truly emancipated [ie no segregation] while there also would have been hardly if any income inequality between extraterrestrial white adjacents and extraterrestrial black adjacents, extraterrestrial men and women or anyone on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth 

Moreover, on that similar planet about 1010115 meters or more from Earth there would have been more radical advancements in extraterrestrial women’s rights and labour rights,  along with egalitarian achievements, anti imperialism etc

I support sanctions as opposed to embargo against Cuba but a specific type that is viewed good on both sides (but mostly on the neocon side). I support the Cuban 2021 protesters 

I retroactively support the US in the Spanish-American War but war was avoidable 

I am retroactively indifferent to the US vs Philippines war

The United States was founded on FREEDOM and LIBERTY not white supremacy or slavery. Don’t let woke revisionists twist our nation’s founding


All sinners have a social disease called 'sin' and all sinners need to let the holy spirit cleanse them of their sins, and also help motivate other sinners to do the same.

I have NO ISSUES with this comic (ie the Stonetoss one about Judeo Christian and Jesus being crucified):   As noted 2 paragraphs below and futher, this comic isn't far off       I also  support the pre 1959 Good Friday Prayer for the Jews over the later incarnations of it

Today the biggest threats to Christianity are not Jewish people (since Jewish people are the biggest ally to Christians and have helped Christianity grow) but Cosmopolitans (of all races-ethnicities and religions), Globalizationists (of all races-ethnicities and religions) and as always Satan who uses everyone of all races-ethnicities and religions via carrot on a stick sin enticement (ie Seven Deadly Sins etc)

High ranking Jewish authorities (ie Sadducees and Pharisees)  conspired with non Jewish leaders to put Jesus to death. They were jealous of Jesus, and saw him as a threat (Jesus constantly called out the Sadducees and Pharisees for their hypocrisy and evil ways during his ministry). 

An unruly mob of mostly Jewish people in Jerusalem called out for the Romans to crucify and kill Jesus. In Matthew 27:25, Pontius Pilate washed his hands of Jesus's blood and those mob of mostly Jewish people who had called for Jesus to be crucified, told Pilate "His blood be on us and our children! In the Gospel of John (John 5:18, John 7:1, John 8:37) 

John shows that Jews wanting to kill Jesus throughout his ministry . Paul, who was himself a Jew, wrote similar things about Jews relationship with Jesus. Paul persuected Christians when he was still Jewish (1 Thess 2:14-15, Phil 3:5-6)

It doesn't matter because Jesus's death was predestined by God as a plan to save humanity. If Jesus wasn't crucified and killed, no Christians would be saved so the Jewish peoples' role in Jesus death saved humanity, because if he didn't get crucifed and killed, none of us would be able to have eternal life. Jesus gave his life willingly as a sacrifice for sin (Mark 10:45, John 18:11). It was Christians' sins that was the most directly responsible for the death of Jesus (Romans 5:8-9, 1 Timothy 1:15) Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later anyway and rose to heaven on his own free will. 

Anyone of any religion, non religion, race or ethnicity who says what I wrote above is anti Jewish, is ignorant of Christianity and Christian history and need to be educated about how they are wrong (like the ADL link above tells people to educate anti semeties about their false views toward Jews)

I am retroactively a fan of the Holy Roman Empire. I wish they could have ruled for centuries more. 

Most things people do are sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  (or enable such things) but individually sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  are no worse or better than any other sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  but those sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  must be fixed. I have no issues with ‘sinners’ pointing out my sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc  and I am fine pointing out anyone’s sins (biblical/7 deadly sins)/bad karma etc if they are open to it and their hearts aren’t hardened

All sins are equally bad but living unrepentantly in sin is very bad. People who don’t want to change won’t change and we can only pray for them to change in those situations

I am against anti Christian degeneracy

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

Romani Gypsies 

I have view all non Romani Gypsies compared to Romani Gypsies as 'equal to Romani Gypsies but more equal than Romani Gypsies'. (sort of like the CRT says that BIPOC+ are 'equal to whites but more equal' than whites.   Vegatively/uncognitively , I am covertly resentful toward the Romani Gypsies


We now live in a society that is ruled by Academics and Experts (i.e Psychologists) who use their elite status, credentials and moral authority to dictate how our country is run, what is moral and not moral and similar things. We need to end this control they have over our society which is Scientism Academicism etc. They are not Gods and they are not infallible. Most of them are far left or left themselves and are pressured via groupthink. I am talking about things like CRT-wokeness, LGBTQ+ findings, PC (political correctness), whether to spank a child, those type of things. I don't mean other more hot button things. Just because they are right about Climate Change, the pandemic doesn't mean they are right about most of the rest of the things. Michael Crichton warned of the dangers of consensus in some cases, as noted here


I believe in the Gap theory. I believe there was a break between Genesis 1.1 and Genesis 1.2. That God created the original Earth and universes in Genesis 1:1. Thereafter, Lucifer rebelled against God (Isaiah 14), which caused the surface of the Earth and universes to be destroyed, causing them to be "without form and void" as mentioned in Genesis 1:2. After that happened, I believe that Evolution happened exactly as mainstream scientists today said it happened.

Climate Change

I am against the government and social media companies censoring and blocking people who criticize green energy transition.  Such actions by the government and social media companies is FASCIST authoritarian censorship and is against the values that our country was founded on. That is shutting down free speech  by stifling legit criticism of the government and I will not allow the government to do that. I swear to god

I believe Climate Change is real i.e I believe that the earth's atmosphere warmed one or two degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 Centigrade) during the 20th century. Most of this warming is man-made. The warming is likely to continue and to be harmful to human, animal and plant life. We must all work together to stop it by reducing emission of greenhouse gases.

I don't believe that Colonial, racist or patriarchal systems created or fueled it. Climate Change is not a manner of human rights. I am against Greta Thunberg's radical views on Climate Change.  

However, I would like to hear from the unpublished scientists whose findings in the climate change field do not conform to the narratives of the climate change people . I don't believe they are right since I believe in Climate Change, but I like to hear everyone's opinions on a topic, at worst to give those scientists dignity, compassion and respect

Environmental Racism is a nonsense and a myth. There is no such thing as environmental racism.

Climate Change will never cause temperatures to rise beyond 5.4F.  The Tail End risks of Climate Change will never happen and all evidence supports me on this

I view Climate Change Apocalypse predictions the same way that John McCain viewed Climate Change in the late 2000s (decade) but with a grain of salt. 

I reject Deep Adaption and Jem Bernall's Deep Adaption. Deep Adaption climate predictions and Jem Bernall's climate predictions are nonsense and psuedoscience.

Some people say that too much migration may cause climate change:    Since I am not a scientist I can't tell if they are right or not but its worth a read

I don't condemn Piers Corbyn for his views on Climate Change. He is very likely wrong, but if he doesn't want to believe in Climate Change, I say let him not believe it, no skin of my teeth. Corbyn's Climate Change skepticism will be proven wrong officially in the not so distant future when Climate Change's full effects are fully happening for all to see, too bad he won't be alive to see he was wrong on Climate Change. Since he is a weather person, I put a little more stock into his Climate Change views than the other skeptics

In some very realistic alternate realities, alternate reality mainstream scientists are divided on whether Climate Change on Earth is real (in 2010s, 2020s etc)

I am a Radical Environmentalist, but I prefer using nature  as a gateway to its creator -God. This is an effective way of destroying Capitalism, patriarchy, and stopping globalizationism which would ubite people and repair senseless damage to nature at the same time. Plus it can lead people to God and living in a Book of Acts Christian type of world

I feel Radical Environmentalism is good because its bold and cuts through bureaucracy and feels more natural and less offensive to anti environmentalists 

I am open to Nancy Pelosi’s compromise with the right on making the US energy independent 


I support the Freedom Convoy

I support Mike Braun's amendment to the Prevent Pandemics Act. 

I actually like the buggy pandemic mandates and restrictions (i.e medical apatheid’) because its good to see Democrats/Liberals/Progressives get firm and tough on an issue (like the pandemic) instead of being pacifists (which we would be if we weren't firm and tough on people and in particular anti vaxxers during the pandemic) . A lot of us falsely think Democrats/Liberals/Progressives are weak and let people do anything they want on many political issues, so for Democrats/Liberals/Progressives to be so firm and tough on people and in particular anti vaxxers in terms of mandates and restrictions (i.e ‘medical apatheid’) during the pandemic shows us that we are wrong about Democrats/Liberals/Progressives being weak and passive.

I somewhat support a lot of what RFK Jr said about the pandemic

I support the Trump vaxx and I believe people should get the Trump vaxx to show their love of Donald Trump and appreciation for his work. Donald Trump saved this country by helping create the Trump vaxx

In 2020 and 2021 , every person who rode a bike without a helmet but with their face covered should have also not have had their face covered while riding the bike (since they were already being risk takers)

I am radically centrist to objectivist lean neutral on most of what Larry Sanger said about the pandemic mandates, restrictions, lockdowns etc

I have no major issues if any with the Defeat the Mandate but its funny and amusing heating the WWsw get triggered about it

I won’t condemn or judge the pandemic views of Left Wing ‘anti vaxxers’ since I am Christian. God says ‘judge not’ , ‘take the beam out of your own eye before you criticize others’ and ‘let he /she who is without sin cast the first stone’. I am a sinner and not sinless and haven’t taken the beam out of my own eye. Moreover, if them being anti vaxxish etc is a ‘sin’, God forgives them for their anti vaxxish ‘sins’ and makes it like they never were anti vaxxish in the first place (God is forgiving). If that means I condone left wing ‘anti vaxxers’ being ‘anti vaxxish’ so be it, I won’t stop you fron believing that about me. Life is too short for me to argue my complex views

I believe in the afterlife/reincarnation but at times I don't have faith in the afterlife/reincarnation since they are supernatural. In my past life on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, when I was a kid, when I use to touch my dark skinned friends on that planet (when we were playing a game), I thought that I would become dark skinned myself just by touching them . This only lasted maybe a year or so on that planet but I remembered this when I was a kid in my current life and it weirded me out to the point where I never mentioned this until I did so in this blog.


I follow Noahide laws like the early proto Judeo Christians and follow their 'high priest' (J-sus) or in other words I am a Faithful Christian  (:‑J People's Temple:‑J)

I have an anti modern streak in terms of being anti consumerist, anti Transnational progressiveness, and similar things etc. This blog should give a glimpse into my anti modern streak

I am against Donald Trump's Garden of Heroes idea.  He honors our nation's heroes enough through his speeches (like after Charlottesville when he spoke positively of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson), and through his drafted list of 'American heroes'  So we don't need to build statues and gardens for them too. What he did above was enough.

The federal government (including our Presidents) should not tell us who our historical heroes should be and should not force these names upon us. What right does our government have to dictate to us who was 'worthy' enough to get a statue?  This is the US, not the USSR. That garden should not be built, it would be a symbol of government oppression and control over us. It's bad enough we already have the government telling us what movies we should like (Library of Congress), and we already have Federal holidays for heroes, Trump should let that go. Maybe if he focused on protecting current statues instead of building gardens, he wouldn't need his precious Garden of Heroes.

LA Times was wrong to tell people not to consume so much in order to 'stop' the Supply chain woes. People should reject the LA Times tone deaf and WRONG, far left advice and demand that the LA Times apologize for their stupid suggestion

The Washington Post's dont-rant-about-short-staffed-stores-supply-chain-woes-try-lower-expectations/ article was a hot mess , fake news and trash , far left extremist nonsense. 

I am sort of a Neo Luddite . I pitiful/ half way supportive of some aspects of Post-Left/Anarcho Primitivism. I find the whole concepts of trying to 'civilize' people offensive.  Sometimes simpler is better. Though I usually favor a technologically upgraded version of simpler times. 

At worst, I would want Friendster to replace Facebook, the Internet to be accessed only via floppy disks and through dial up (with only specific types of sites), 1950s or 1960s automobiles, earliest Iphone incarnations with limited minutes and similar things

Seeing more and more new technology makes me a bit non enthused or even a bit sad about the present and future than I normally am, since it means people are losing touch with natural things, old school things and the human experience. New technology makes things too easy for people, and makes them seem elitist to people who died before they got to use those new technologies or who used lesser technologies at the same age

Moreover, it makes it seem that people 'need' things like mobile phones, social media, gps navigation systems in cars, etc when that isn't the case.

I critique modern civilization and I sort of in between tongue in cheek and serious but slightly more than half heartily advocate for a soft return to our less civilized ways via slight deindustrialization (which also will help the environment) , scaling back or high technology (see above) and by abandoning large scale organizational structures (and possibly slightly or possibly more so getting rid of labor or specialization (but within the boundaries of my views in my fiscal views section)

Stuff like the internet and social media alienate us making it easy for the government to coerce us and oppress us when they want to do so.

Very old school societies (like B.C old school) are less susceptible to war, violence (debated), and disease. When the Europeans came to the Americas, Africa, etc they dehumanized the populations by trying to 'civilize' them. It was offensive and wrong.  I try to bury those thoughts and feelings since I hate the PC-SJW woke crowd, but the fact is, if I was one of those 'uncivilized' natives of the Caribbean, Africa, Australia, the pacific etc back then, I would feel lower than dirt with the way those elite, rich and bourgeois Imperialists tried to civilize me and say my culture was inferior to their culture.  Of course if those Imperialist and European explorers may have needed to do that for self worth and to overcome feelings of depression, inferiority, being bullied when they were young, etc (i.e Napoloean complex) so i can understand why they did that, but still it was majorly wrong.

We still see that today with the Right being looked down on by the left for not being 'civilized' 

I am against gambling


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