

We now live in a society that is ruled by Academics and Experts (i.e Psychologists) who use their elite status, credentials and moral authority to dictate how our country is run, what is moral and not moral and similar things. We need to end this control they have over our society which is Scientism Academicism etc. They are not Gods and they are not infallible. Most of them are far left or left themselves and are pressured via groupthink. I am talking about things like CRT-wokeness, LGBTQ+ findings, PC (political correctness), whether to spank a child, those type of things. I don't mean other more hot button things. Just because they are right about Climate Change, the pandemic doesn't mean they are right about most of the rest of the things. Michael Crichton warned of the dangers of consensus in some cases, as noted here


I believe in the Gap theory. I believe there was a break between Genesis 1.1 and Genesis 1.2. That God created the original Earth and universes in Genesis 1:1. Thereafter, Lucifer rebelled against God (Isaiah 14), which caused the surface of the Earth and universes to be destroyed, causing them to be "without form and void" as mentioned in Genesis 1:2. After that happened, I believe that Evolution happened exactly as mainstream scientists today said it happened.

Climate Change

I am against the government and social media companies censoring and blocking people who criticize green energy transition.  Such actions by the government and social media companies is FASCIST authoritarian censorship and is against the values that our country was founded on. That is shutting down free speech  by stifling legit criticism of the government and I will not allow the government to do that. I swear to god

I believe Climate Change is real ie I believe that the earth's atmosphere warmed one or two degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 Centigrade) during the 20th century. Most of this warming is man-made. The warming is likely to continue and to be harmful to human, animal and plant life. We must all work together to stop it by reducing emission of greenhouse gases.

I don't believe that Colonial, racist or patriarchal systems created or fueled it. Climate Change is not a manner of human rights. I am against Greta Thunberg's radical views on Climate Change.  

However, I would like to hear from the unpublished scientists whose findings in the climate change field do not conform to the narratives of the climate change people . I don't believe they are right since I believe in Climate Change, but I like to hear everyone's opinions on a topic, at worst to give those scientists dignity, compassion and respect

Environmental Racism is a nonsense and a myth. There is no such thing as environmental racism.

Climate Change will never cause temperatures to rise beyond 5.4F.  The Tail End risks of Climate Change will never happen and all evidence supports me on this

I view Climate Change Apocalypse predictions the same way that John McCain viewed Climate Change in the late 2000s (decade) but with a grain of salt. 

I reject Deep Adaption and Jem Bernall's Deep Adaption. Deep Adaption climate predictions and Jem Bernall's climate predictions are nonsense and psuedoscience.

Some people say that too much migration may cause climate change:    Since I am not a scientist I can't tell if they are right or not but its worth a read

I don't condemn Piers Corbyn for his views on Climate Change. He is very likely wrong, but if he doesn't want to believe in Climate Change, I say let him not believe it, no skin of my teeth. Corbyn's Climate Change skepticism will be proven wrong officially in the not so distant future when Climate Change's full effects are fully happening for all to see, too bad he won't be alive to see he was wrong on Climate Change. Since he is a weather person, I put a little more stock into his Climate Change views than the other skeptics. 

In some very realistic alternate realities, alternate reality mainstream scientists are divided on whether Climate Change on Earth is real (in 2010s, 2020s etc)

I am open to Nancy Pelosi’s compromise with the right on making the US energy independent 


I support the Freedom Convoy

I support Mike Braun's amendment to the Prevent Pandemics Act. 

I actually like the buggy pandemic mandates and restrictions (i.e medical apatheid’) because its good to see Democrats/Liberals/Progressives get firm and tough on an issue (like the pandemic) instead of being pacifists (which we would be if we weren't firm and tough on people and in particular anti vaxxers during the pandemic) . A lot of us falsely think Democrats/Liberals/Progressives are weak and let people do anything they want on many political issues, so for Democrats/Liberals/Progressives to be so firm and tough on people and in particular anti vaxxers in terms of mandates and restrictions (i.e ‘medical apatheid’) during the pandemic shows us that we are wrong about Democrats/Liberals/Progressives being weak and passive.

I somewhat support a lot of what RFK Jr said about the pandemic

I support the Trump vaxx and I believe people should get the Trump vaxx to show their love of Donald Trump and appreciation for his work. Donald Trump saved this country by helping create the Trump vaxx

In 2020 and 2021 , every person who rode a bike without a helmet but with their face covered should have also not have had their face covered while riding the bike (since they were already being risk takers)

I am radically centrist to objectivist lean neutral on most of what Larry Sanger said about the pandemic mandates, restrictions, lockdowns etc

I have no major issues if any with the Defeat the Mandate but its funny and amusing heating the WWsw get triggered about it

I won’t condemn or judge the pandemic views of Left Wing ‘anti vaxxers’ since I am Christian. God says ‘judge not’ , ‘take the beam out of your own eye before you criticize others’ and ‘let he /she who is without sin cast the first stone’. I am a sinner and not sinless and haven’t taken the beam out of my own eye. Moreover, if them being anti vaxxish etc is a ‘sin’, God forgives them for their anti vaxxish ‘sins’ and makes it like they never were anti vaxxish in the first place (God is forgiving). If that means I condone left wing ‘anti vaxxers’ being ‘anti vaxxish’ so be it, I won’t stop you fron believing that about me. Life is too short for me to argue my complex views

I believe in the afterlife/reincarnation but at times I don't have faith in the afterlife/reincarnation since they are supernatural. In my past life on another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, when I was a kid, when I use to touch my dark skinned friends on that planet (when we were playing a game), I thought that I would become dark skinned myself just by touching them . This only lasted maybe a year or so on that planet but I remembered this when I was a kid in my current life and it weirded me out to the point where I never mentioned this until I did so in this blog.


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