IP/SJW/Cancel culture


I support solidarity and liberation which will lead to a classless society without hierarchy. This is a natural progression. This will emancipate bigots from their bigotry and prevent bigotry from arising

I like people BECAUSE they are different, whether it's because they don't celebrate their birthday, they don't wear tennis shoes, they are a minority, they are homosexual/lesbian, they are transgender etc.  I don't like everyone being or looking the same, hence why I have this viewpoint 

I toxically love diversity (I am a diversity enthusiast and fanboy) . I toxically love seeing LGBTQ+, BIPOC+, women etc get as much visibility as heteros, whites and men. That shakes things up, adds new elements (like a salad bowl), and makes things less boring and predictable.  Though Chris Hedges makes some diverse points to give me some counter perspective

All forms of antisemitism, xenophobia, sexism and racism etc are against my principles.

Sadly, some whites are said to be biased by nature. If that Anti racist baby book can literally fully stop whites from near birth from being racist forever (like an Anti racism vaxx), I would be morally ok with the Anti racist baby book being required reading for newborn babies. This way there would be less division in our world

I have disdain for authoritarian authority (and some other forms of authority) and hierarchies

I support a fusion of Revolutionary syndicalism with specific form of Civic Nationalism  . That specific form of Civic Nationalism is positive, decentralized and seeks to forge a nation wide community out of the diverse and regional populations throughout the US, with a common ideology of a religious coalitions, socioeconomic beliefs and Banal Joe Biden Patriotism (non expansionist). This form of Civic Nationalism incorporates these principals, and rejects the ‘systematic’ process of the bourgeoisie.  It prefers a national solidarity in the class struggle with elements of Anarcho Monarchism as a social safety net

Soil (i.e non bigoted i.e New Nationalism) Nationalisms are legit Nationalisms but I only get behind specific, left leaning (with soil characteristics) Nationalisms like national patriotic demagoguery as noted below 

Sometimes as a necessary evil, social groups must be repressed as a key part of class struggle against exploitative classes 

I am somewhat to pretty much a Western values Egoist Anarchist 

I support the EU, so I guess I support Pan European Unionism

I support self determinationist Bundism. I believe a EU where countries are like states in the US and the EU is one big country would be a great home for Bundists

I support Left Wing Nationalism fused with Constitutional Conservatism 

If White Nationalists want to live apart from minorities they should pool their money together and form a commune off the grid or out in the boonies. They should not try to force their White Nationalist will on our country since White Nationalism is wrong , bigoted and is dystopia for our country and any country. We need to unify around our nation and commonality 

I halfway condone Revolutionary new Nationalism and am not against it

I am against Intersectionality see here for more

I am ok with National Anarchism (mostly because it is anti racialization)

I support Asian Nationalism in China and Japan

I support Left Wing Populism

I do not support Multiculturalism, because at or near its extreme, Multiculturalism can be a major problem. I much prefer Cultural Pluralism over Multiculturalism, in fact I support Cultural Pluralism

I support Marxist-Leninist Egalitarianism fused with Marxist Egalitarianism

I am a Social Patriot/Cultural Nationalist. Our nations are a reflection of our unique spirit and ideas. Until we rightfully abolish the state, we might as well have some assemblage of national identity based on these things

I am against American Universalism .

I support some black block Autonomous activist Civic Nationalist groups in Europe who are Anti Globalist, Anti Imperialist , Anti Capitalist (with full decentralization and autonomy)

If blacks ever did outnumber whites (not that I believe that will happen in the next few centuries) and had what they perceived to be the 'power' in this country, in that hypothetical world, I would be fine and passive about them doing that, and I wouldn't be hostile toward them being the majority at all.

In that situation I'd be a Western Chauvinist who blurs the line of being a Western Chauvinist and something that is between a Alt Lite and a Right Wing Nationalist

I don’t care for id pol (maybe because I am on the spectrum)  but I am passive lean open minded to/radically centrist toward id pol when they are fused with Juche 

I'd try to help whites (and all people) to get their mind off of politics and to unite (like the Temptations tried to do in the US in the 1960s through their music)

However, if I was seeing racism by BIPOC+ toward whites (like in the South pre 1970s) or anyone of any race or ethnicity or my rights were infringed upon by BIPOC+,in that hypothetical world, I'd upgrade to being a Civil (American) Nationalist who was something between an aloof ally and fifth column of something between a National Anarchist and something between Dark Enlightenment and First World Nationalist

In this role I would push White Nationalists to read this link https://web.archive.org/web/20220524210933/https://www.facinghistory.org/educator-resources/current-events/explainer/white-nationalism  so they can try to stop being White Nationalists and fix their problems the way the article says they should

I would also probably in that hypothetical situation, become a fusion of pitful and empathetic toward Left Wing Identity politics (like Mexican Nationalism) to offset that a bit (but I wouldn't support Left Wing Identity politics)

We need to use People’s Democracy to form a popular front against fascists and bourgeois reactionaries. 

I hate Naughtzism with a passion

It is wrong for people to complain about a woman being replaced with a man or a BIPOC being replaced by a white person (as long as the reason they were replaced was not sexist or racist in any way shape or form which in most cases is not a factor its the 2020s not the 1960s)


I am against censorship

I am a fan of online trolling using Marxist-Leninist-Veronism unity ways and done right and in between in good taste and in tongue and cheek (ymmv)

PC SJWs and Cancel Culture crusaders have made me lose faith in humanity and get severely depressed. I am like Dave Rubin , the IDW and Jordan Peterson on these scoundrels. We must turn the tables of these trolls lest they infect the whole loaf.

I am offended by people being offended about some things. The type of PCness I am against needs to end and I will make it end. PCness is the ultimate slippery slope and if we don't end the type of PCness I am against now, our country and world will be ruled by the Cultural Marxist scoundrels

The PC SJWs people are ruining our lives. They take away our childhood and all that we loved growing up (ymmv). We need to counter against them because they are part of the problem and we need a solution

Some (or most ymmv) PC complaints are incredibly bone headed. Dredging up things to complain about like these woke SJW trolls do instead of trying to do things to truly help poor, mentally disabled, struggling Americans of all race-ethnicities makes me got nuts.  

Some PC SJW complaints almost sound like jokes or revenge.  These PC nuts don't know anything about art because most of them don't have a creative bone in their bodies (GOD BLESS THEIR HEART).  80+ percent of people who watch some or most (ymmv) things that these Cultural Marxist trolls label as' offensive' don't even give that a thought. NORMIES need to do mental gymnastics to see what these people see as offensive. 

The PC trolls with complaints that I find unacceptable should not be in charge of our lives. We must cancel culture and SJWism forever. 

We have to cancel cancel culture. Cancel culture is fascist, evil and wrong. It punishes people and ruins lives. It is discrimination and needs to end. Cancel culture is regressive

Examples of these PC nut loonatics complaints I disagree with:

I am against colleges (such as the ones in this linke https://www.biznews.com/undictated/2021/06/14/woke-backlash) restricting freedom of speech and being far left extremist schills 

There is NOTHING offensive about the 1964 Rudolph Red Nosed Reindeer movie

There is NOTHING offensive about 7th Heaven. It was a wholesome family show without the garbage that infects most 'family' shows today

There is NOTHING offensive about the puking scene in Ace Ventura. It was more mocking Ace for being ignorant than mocking trans people

There is nothing offensive about the movie Airplane (ie there was nothing offensive about that jive scene by Barbara Billingsley)

There is nothing offensive about Beverly Hills Cop III

There is NOTHING offensive about the term 'black ice' 


There is NOTHING offensive about using these terms: blind alley, blind side, blindspot, grandfathered in, lame, long time no see, psyched.  There is nothing wrong with the word crazy being used in pop culture to name things to name things (like Cameron Crazies, the rapper Krazy, the song Crazy in Love by Beyonce, Bugs Bunny's Crazy Castle etc). There is nothing wrong with using the word lunatic being used in pop culture to name things (like Lunatic's Pandora in FF VIII, or the name Looney Tunes etc)

There is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about Richard Dawson kissing female contestants on Family Feud and giving them flowers

There is NOTHING offensive about the 1960s TV series Get Smart

There is NOTHING offensive about the way people are portrayed on Disney's Jungle Cruise ride pre 2020s

There is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about the 1990 movie Kindergarten Cop

I don't think the hambone is offensive. I echo what the Captain on the Love Boat said about the hambone and similar things on that Love Boat episode

There is NOTHING offensive about Kelly in MWC wearing a Confederate bomber jacket since it was only seen for a few seconds on screen

There is NOTHING offensive about Mike Tyson's Punch Out (there is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about Soda Popinski, Glass Joe, Mr Sandman, Super Macho Man, Von Keiser, Don Flamenco, King Hippo, Piston Honda, Mike Tyson, Mr Dream, Lil Mac, Lil Mac's trainer, Great Tiger ), anyone who says otherwise is a tard

There is NOTHING offensive about Pepe le Pew (Pepe does not cause rape just like violent video games don't cause violence and Islam doesn't cause Islamic terrorism) There is nothing offensive about him being French, it's light hearted mocking of French people.  

There is NOTHING wrong about airing Saturday morning cartoons and having commercials for sugary snacks , candies and cereals that air during commercial breaks during those cartoons 

THERE IS NOTHING offensive about the Prince kissing Sleeping Beauty while she is sleeping to wake her up. That is not date rape. It is totally inoffensive

There is nothing offensive about George Lopez's portrayal of Speedy Gonzalez

THERE IS NOTHING OFFENSIVE ABOUT STREET FIGHTER II (there is NOTHING OFFENSIVE about Ken, Ryu, E Honda, Blanka, Dhaslim, Chun Li, M Bison, Sagat, Vega, Balrog, Cammy, T Hawk, Fei Long, Guile, Zhangheif, Dee Jay, Sheng Long)

There is NOTHING offensive about these WWF wrestlers:  Big Bossman, El Matador , Iron Sheik, Jimmy Snuka, Kamala, Mankind, Outback Jack, Psycho Sid, Razor Ramon, The Headshrinkers, The Model Rick Martel, Yokozuna

I want the Cleveland Guardians to be renamed the Red Martian Invaders (based on real life hypothetical group of Martians who live in other solar systems ,galaxies or universes), Social Justice Warriors, Wildings, Blues, Gray Lizard ETs (based on real life hypothetical group of intelligent life extraterrestrials who live in other solar systems, galaxies or universes) 

I want Edy's Pie to be renamed Clown Face Pie or the English version of the word ayaxkyimewathat , which sounds very similar to the word Eskimo that was used by some Native people in the Arctica area to refer to people who speak a different language. The name would be to refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who speak a different language and would have nothing to do with Native people.

I want the Edmonton Elks to be renamed the Nanuks, Edy's or the English version of the word ayaxkyimewathat , which sounds very similar to the word Eskimo that was used by some Native people in the Arctica area to refer to people who speak a different language. The name would be to refer to Canadians of all races and ethnicities who speak a different language and would have nothing to do with Native people.

I am glad that the Washington Commanders changed their name from Redskins to Commanders. I think it was wrong for the NFL and Washington to honor Native Americans by naming their teams after them (and by using logos and mascots on them) since honoring Native Americans through naming teams after them and the like is very woke, politically correct (ie to appease Native Americans for taking their country) and anti American (since our country isn't a Native American country)

By removing the name Redskins (and logos etc) it's a step in the right direction in showing that our country is the UNITED States of America not the NATIVE American States of America. The Washington Redskins should have always been named the Washington 76'ers (1776), Washington Nationals, Washington Revolution,  Washington Senators, DC United 

I want to send fully uncensored Song of the South videos (without any notes or commentary saying it is an offensive movie) into space to intelligent life extraterrestrials in other solar systems, galaxies and universes . At least on those planets that movie wouldn’t offend anyone. Maybe I'll get a private space time capsule company to help me launch that movie into space

We should send all of the golliwag dolls along with all of the original Little Black “Sambo” (uncensored and without commentary or trigger warnings) books by Helen Bannerman into space (even if those rag dolls and books reach intelligent life extraterrestrials on other planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes), to rid our planet of those racist propaganda once and for all. That would be cooler than burning those books and dolls

If extraterrestrials on other planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes find out via radio waves about the Mammy of our planet and make her (in their ignorant minds) a ‘positive’ role model for naive ignorant extraterrestrials on those planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes , (without mentioning she is a mythological caricature by neoconfederate apologist wing nuts) I would be able to accept that happening 

However, at the same time I would not wink at extraterrestrials on other planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes making the Mammy of our planet a ‘positive’ role model for naive ignorant extraterrestrials on those planets, in other solar systems, galaxies and universes (unless the wink is involuntary due to an eye problem). Susan Harris Perry perfectly echoes my thoughts and feelings about Mammy to a T

I fully approve and endorse people dressing up for cosplay or in costumes for Harvest in ways that perpetuate gender norms or gender stereotypes. I highly RECOMMEND that people dress up in cosplay and for Harvest in costumes (if they celebrate Harvest) in ways that perpetuate gender norms and gender stereotypes as a way to FU SJWs who are trying to destroy our society and culture

People shouldn't celebrate Harvest (ie Helloween) but if they do, I could care less if they dress up as Native Americans. The world will not implode if they wear such costumes  If they do wear those costumes, they should first get assistance from the far left Native American PC activists to make their costumes non offensive so their costumes don't bring out the PC SJWs with pitchforks

I do not support leftist cultural appropriation 

If I was born and raised on another planet in another universe or dimension, I would 


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