Rank politicians

 I have concerns with Vladimir Putin and his cronies that echo this opposition groups’ 2009 concerns with him: “ We see the "successes" of Vladimir Putin's policy only on television, when in reality we observe a continuous deterioration in all spheres of life. Citizens of Russia are still dying at the rate of a million a year. Utility rates are constantly rising. Paid medicine and education are being introduced. In fact, censorship has been established in the media. Elections at all levels are fully controlled by the government and business. Russia's interests in the CIS countries are being surrendered. The Caucasus is on fire, and Kadyrov's bandit clan is financed from the Russian budget. The incomes of the oligarchs are constantly rising (fighting some of them, the authorities redistribute capital in favor of others). The list of failures and crimes of power can be continued. Under these conditions, we do not consider it possible to provide any support to the authorities and consider the Kremlin regime as oligarchic, despotic and anti-national. The figure of President Putin in this case is significant, since he is at the head of destructive processes. In today's Russia, in relation to the personality and political course of Putin, one can evaluate the opposition of various parties. Fake, Kremlin-controlled "oppositionists" of all stripes may oppose the government, the State Duma, some Khodorkovsky, but they never criticize the current president. True oppositionists (including the NBP) are not afraid to speak out against Putin. As for Russia's external enemies (we include the United States among them), we consider the fight against them to be secondary at this stage. It must be understood that the NBP is not located in the Kremlin, therefore, today it does not have leverage over the same Americans. In order to actively participate in the foreign policy arena, it is necessary to start with the victory of healthy forces within Russia itself.”

I am ok with the National Bolshevik Party Russia and I have no issues with the totalitarian and fascist symbols they used since they had a good defense for it


My favorite Republicans list (current):  Ben Carson,, Paul Gosar, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Jon Hunstman Jr, Ron Johnson, Jim Jordan, Cynthia Lummins, Martha Mcsalley, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Matt Rosendale, Elise Stefanik, Clarence Thomas, JD Vance, Kelli Ward,  Lauren Witkze    

Nearly on my favorite Republicans list (current): Chris Christie, Larry Elder, Alyssa Farrah, Bill Frist, Sebastian Gorka, Yvette Harrell, John Hoeven, Mike Huckabee, Vernon Jones, Thomas Kean, Joe Kent, Darin Lahood, Doug Mastriano, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Thomas Massie, Ed Rollins, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rick Scott, Cindy Hyde Smith, Glenn Younkin       

Almost Nearly on my favorite Republicans list  (current): Lauren Boebert, Ron Desantis, Louie Goemert, Josh Gottheimer, Rudy Guiliani, Asa Hutchinson, Steve King, Allan Keyes, Laura Loomer, Dave McCormick, Nancy Mace, Mark McCloskey, Rona Romney Mcdaniel, Burgess Owens, Tim Pawlenty, Dan Quayle, Condi Rice, Winsome Earle Sears, Bret Shundler, Donald Trump             

Almost Almost Nearly on my favorite Republicans list  (current): Todd Akin, Amy Cony Barrett, Pat Buchanan, Madison Cawthorn, Ted Cruz, Matt Gaetz,, Liz Cheney, Joey Gibson, Andrew Guiliani, Lisa Murkowski, Kristi Noem, Sarah Palin, Kelly Tshibaka, Tommy Tuberville, Hershel Walker, Allen West         

Approaching my Almost Almost Nearly on my favorite Republicans list (current):   Newt Gingrich, Anthony Gonzalez, Mitt Romney, Marco Rubio, Michael Steele,  John Thune, Jeff Van Drew

Good Republicans (current): Phil Gramm, Thomas Kean Jr, Dr Oz, Mike Pence, Rick Santorum, Olympia Snowe

Decent to Somwhat OK Republicans (current): Susan Collins, Brett Kavanaugh, John Kennedy, Mike Pompeo

Not totally lost, more than broken clocks, almost OK Republicans (current):  Brian Kemp, Paul Nehlens

My favorite Democrats list (current): Eric Adams, Bill Bradley, Ruben Diaz, Joe Donnelly, Tulsi Gabbard, Jared Golden, Rush Holt, Kentanji Brown Jackson, Jim Justice, Joe Manchin, Stephanie Murphy, Bill Nelson, Collin Petersen, Krysten Sinema, Abigail Spanbergr

Nearly on my favorite Democrats list (current): Rod Blagoevich, Charlie Crist, Mark Clayton, Jim Cooper, Henry Cueller, Val Demmings, Tim Kaine,  Dan Lipinski, Stephanie Murphy, Jon Osoff,  Brian Schweitzer ,Jim Webb

Almost nearly on favorite Democrats list (current): Evan Bayh, Michael Bennet, Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, London Breed, Ed Case, Gary Condit, Bob Conely, Buddy Dyer, Gary Hart, Doug Jones, Michelle Obama, Debbie Muracell Powell, Jon Tester, Karen Whitsett, Gretchen Whitmer

Almost Almost nearly on my favorite Democrats list (current): Bill Clinton, Harold Ford Jr, Maebe a Girl, Greg Laughlin, Joe Lieberman, Michael Nutter, Ihlan Omar, Sheldon Whitehouse

Just missed the cut Democrats (current): AOC, Cory Booker, Maggie Hassan, Alexandra Hunt, Betty McCollum, Ralph Northern, Brian Sims

Above Average to almost Decent Democrats who almost just missed the cut (current): Al Gore, Susan Rice, Rashida Tlaib,  Elizabeth Warren (the Dr Jekyl version)

Favorite non Ds and non Rs (current): Lenora Fulani, Jo Jorgensen, Bernie Sanders, Jesse Ventura

Almost on my Favorite non Ds and non Rs (current): Angus King, Ross Perot, Andrew Yang

My favorite non D and non R politicians list  (current): Justin Amash, Gary Johnson, Angus King, Ross Perot

Almost on my favorite Republican list (historical): Robert Bork, Jim Bunning, Everett Dicksen, Barry Goldwater, Jim Hagedorn, Charles Halleck, Mark Hatfield, Herbert Hoover, Sandra Day O'Connor, Ronald Reagan, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft,  Guy Vander Jagt

Nearly almost on my favorite Republican list  (historical): Anne Armstrong, James G Blaine, Roscoe Conklin, Calvin Coolidge, Frederick Douglas, Ulyses Grant, Clare Hoffman, J Edgar Hoover, Jack Kemp, Alf Landon, Richard Nixon, William T Sherman 

Almost nearly on my favorite Republican list  (historical): Bourke Hickenloper, Herman Cain, Anthony Cornstock, Howard Baker, Henry Kissinger, Abraham Lincoln, Booker T Washington, 

Just missed the cut Republicans (historical):  Lee Atwater, Charles Dawes, Eugene Siler, 

Commendable , Anti villain Int groups (historical): Libyan rebels and their leaders who rebelled against Omar Gaddafi in 2011

Good groups (modern): Patriots Prayer, Redneck Revolt

Anti villain Antagonists: Alt Right (non bigoted groups)

Good International groups (historic) Red Army Faction

Good Int groups (historical): Sandistas

Anti Hero, Satisafactory Int groups (historical): Social Alternative

Groups who I LOVE to HATE, I view as 1980s Sympathetic Anti Heroes (less harsh than viewing them as 1980s Anti Heroes), I would call these groups bad apples but say we shouldn't stereotype all groups in their area as bad apples due to the actions of these bad apple groups. Then I would mention all of the positive traits of those non bad apple groups and abstain from labeling these groups as good or bad etc:  alternate history Official National Front's Mars branch (in realities where Mars had the same type of history as Earth and Official National Front had a Mars branch of their organization on Mars)

If there was an Anti Official National Front group that was set up to oppose Official National Front, I would view that Anti Official National Front group the same way that Nicodemus in the bible viewed Jesus. I'd also try to personally get members of Official National Front to be non racist and non anti Jewish (but also to become conservative on many views they were liberal on to offset that)


Occupy Movement was a much needed movement who helped fight for the 99 and against the senseless fiscal decadence of the rich

I am a Libertarian, so I can sympathize with Barry Goldwater's 1964 vote against the Civil Rights Act 

If I was a politician back then and had to vote on it, I very very likely would have cast my vote as Negative 1st political position fused with abstain for the reason below which I would have stated:

I believe that the government/state should stay out of enforcing moral changes in at least some to more than most situations. Moral evolution can happen many times apart of the government/state and relations between people can emerge with freedom from the government/state. Most relationships in life should not be characterized as conflict as the left and right might have it. It's good to have mutual and humane respect for others as individuals.   It's also good to do positive and unselfish things without having to grapple with the political ramifications of doing those positive things)   

However, after doing that mock vote above and making the statement above, I then would have voted for the bill but tried to, after it passed to continue to refine it so it would be exactly like JFK would have made it if he was alive

Gabriele D’Annunzio

Good magazines: France Observateur (1950s New Left , Third Way version)


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