Fiscal views

I am a Tankie (Marxist-Leninist/State Socialist), Social Democrat (including Luxemburgism), Anarcho Libertarian (including Libertarian Aristocrat and Agorist), and Anti Neoliberal (ie Post Neoliberal)

I support the Labour Party UK  (current Labour Party/New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy/Social Democracy that is similar to mid to late 1910s European SocDem/Blue Labour)

I support the Big Society (Distributism) goals of the Conservative Party UK-Liberal Democrats coalition and would want that implemented here in some form or scenario 

My combined socialistic economic views are assimilated by the most advance forms State Capitalism and that are an organ within what some people would falsely call ‘the body of bourgeois society’, . That through their guilds benefits all of the people and includes elements of socialistic Ordofabianism, Humanistic Socialist Corporatism and Marxist Socialism (non Cultural Marxist and non Democratic ordered)  . Elements of this can be seen throughout this blog

Many forms of Socialism are good because they are a later form of Christianity. There might be genealogical" afilliation between Christianism and many forms of Socialism

I am a Marxist Leninist because of how well it worked in the USSR.  Marxism-Leninism minus Feuerbach (ie minus evolutionism and sometimes appearing inertial humanism) gets major weight and priority in my Marxist-Leninist views.  

As such,  I support the nationalization of these sectors: health, central bank ie Federal Reserve, commercial banks , strategic industries , gas industry, mining industry, and the oil industry (the latter three being nationalized to fundamentally change state’s role to move on from the Washington Consensus)

I want us to transition to a Marxist Leninist society then slightly to a State Socialist society (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism). Basically I want us to go from our Capitalist plutocracy society to a Ura patriotic Socialist Marxism society

To begin our transition from a free market society to a planned economy, I support us implementing this  type of ‘planned economy’/state intervention into the economy, which would mean increased state intervention in the economy as se begin our transition to a Marxist Leninist society

This would be done by fusing a sort of command economy/community participatory planning with ‘voodoo economics’ 

Command economy ‘voodoo economics’ is where until we get rid of classes, rich people are forced via a command economy approach to invest more money to create a trickle down effect to help poorer people who themselves will along with others take decisions regarding community and economy. 

The latter of which incorporates a wide range of diverse theories and approaches to community planning prioritize integrating non know it all technical expertise while giving preference to the knowledge of community members in the planning process. This includes building consensus with collective community decision making while , in a non woke way, prioritizing the participation of marginalized groups in the planning process. There would also be a US realm cooperative chamber to take a leading role in economic planning

To further transition to a Marxist Leninist society and then slightly to a State Socialist society (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) we have to spread Stalinism and New (Stalinist) Jacobinism/Donald Trump ‘Stalinism’ in order to defeat Global Capitalism/Crony Capitalism, Globalization, Social Fascism, Globalism and Cultural Marxism.    

One way to aid that spread of Stalinism and New (Stalinist) Jacobinism to stop Global Capitalism/Crony Capitalism, Globalization, Social Fascism, Globalism and Cultural Marxism the for social revolutions to occur to bring the above structural changes , including to phase out most forms of the Capitalism mode of production and to phase out Global Capitalism, Globalization, Social Fascism, Globalism and Cultural Marxism. 

This can be done via seizure of political power by mass movements of the working class, free of Capitalist or corporate interest to force changes in capitalism independent of the unions, political parties and the state/government

After this beginning phase, instead of getting political parties and the nanny state to help them, workers would then be motivated to use self organized action outside of traditional organizational structures to further this transition. 

This would include more worker marches to show appreciation to our country's workers to get us to this point. Then workers of all race-ethnicities would be united in their jobs and there would be less and no less class conflict, this can happen .

This includes using methods such as half a** working, absenteeism, socialization of the workplace, great resignation (like mentioned above and workers collectively walking out on their employers to get better pay, it is especially good because it is free market at work), sabotage and revolutionary spontaneity (which includes using Right Syndicalism. 

Revolutionary spontaneity would then strip away the dangerous and offensive parts of any remaining Social fascism and liberalness, leaving them arbitrary, ineffective and able to be transformed into something that is workable and salvageable in a future Marxism Leninist society. 

Social fascism and liberalism got us into this mess but transforming it into something we can use can get us out of this mess.  This would be individualistic and not influenced by political forces or NGO type forces, thus it is one of the least offensive ways to have a revolution against the capitalist state as we head toward Marxism Leninism. Workers would be the change that they seek, they wouldn’t use party politics to make those changes to 'upgrade' Capitalism 

This means the working class and normies directly control things without having to degrade themselves by relying on SJWism ,corporate saviorism , identity politics or bourgeois saviorism to bail them out. 

However this should be aided via a People’s Democracy (who are structured autonomously like ANTIFA) which is basically labor/worker hypernationalism (a type of hypernationalism that promote peoples' right of self determination and right of secession, which would naturally would allow socialist states to transcend the political limitations of nationalism to form a federation) that we will use to eventually lead us to a stateless, moneyless (and or mainstream monetary policyless-traditional currencyless-state-issued currencyless) and classless society that is Communistic.  

This would be similar to a proletariate but where the workers directly manage society via democratic workers councils and unions, rather than a Socialist Party or a single party above them.

Even though this autonomous People’s Democracy is a (peaceful) dictatorship of the proletariat, it would allow classes like the peasantry, petite bourgeoisie and progressive bourgeoisie classes to participate somehow possilikely via Democratic workers councils and with further aid from underground networks, black markets and counter economics via Agorist methods

Through this autonomous People’s Democracy we can build cohesion within our Marxist Leninist ranks by merging our Marxist Leninist movements and political parties with Social Democrat movements and parties . We still need a state to bring in a revolution. I believe that a multiparty system can exist within a Marxism-Leninist type of government. 

This autonomous People’s Democracy will include be an upgraded and independent vanguard party (made up in large part by many coalitions of unions) to be taken by the social class (i.e Democratic workers councils as opposed to the dictator of the Proletariat) to exert political power (and force) against oppressive class(es) like Aristocracy and the Bourgeoisie to end divisiveness and create harmony. Agorism can further be used to aid this

This autonomous People’s Democracy, independent vanguard movement will also involve revolutionary minds which just so happen to gather a great portion of the working class in a unified , unavoidable political movement.  This includes organizing the People’s Democracy Proletariat, by educating the masses and in a democratic PC way, instilling revolutionary class consciousness in them and helping them learn

Then we defend this against hostile political machines and reactionary forces by an organization lead by the most class conscious of the workers for organizational unity and coherence. They need to be the change they seek and make this as organic and clean of a transition as possible. This also a coordination of workers for takeover of power . This is a necessary tool that could draw in the masses towards a unified and coherent struggle .  

The people of all backgrounds who are not able to adjust to the conditions of this socio-fiscal system and revolution will be pushed out of the way to allow this socio fiscal system and revolution to spread. 

Then we will be in our Marxism Leninist society, workers would have genuine control over the means of production through institutions like trade unions. There would be centralized, top down model planning

There would be collective ownership (i.e. the property of collective farms)  but the state would play a subsidiary role, and this would be temporary. State ownership would end the class struggle that is caused by the division between owners of the means of production and the workers who sell their labour. This would empower the working class. Every citizen would have the right (or requirement) to work, and jobs would be allocated by the state, not competed for as they were in the west.

Then after we are in our Marxist Leninist society, we will slowly transition into a State Socialist (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) society, where the state apparatus is used more than in our Marxism Leninist society as an instrument of accumulation, in forcibly extracting surplus from the working people and others for the purposes of further modernizing and industrializing the country. 

In this State Socialist (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) society, workers would have less control over the means of production and in trade unions than they did in our Marxist Leninist society

If after reigning in this socialistic, pro worker, post capitalistic world, if  we ever regress and go backwards , I feel that either a denigrated/deformed workers state with something like Rick Scott's 11 point plan  (left acceleration reasons only, to force us to be taken over by our inner revolutionary anarcho syndicalists) or Autarky should then be used to light a fire under us to reverse that backsliding to get us back to that socialistic, pro worker, post capitalistic world. 

The latter method will reign in a post scarcity economy which will not only bring back but also guarantee a permanent classless, moneyless, Communist’ society (possibly with a ruralist and the agrarian bent to lessen our carbon footprint). This would lead eventually to a real Post Nationalist, patriotic utopia where everyone is self sufficient, amongst a backdrop of community self defense. We may have to use Fabian Society and similar socialist organizational methods in this world to make this practical. 

After we are in this State Socialist (strongly centralized , artisan and similar to Progressive Morally Conservative Populism) society and enough time has passed, in order to avoid ending up like the USSR, Eastern bloc and similar Marxist Leninist countries ended up ,I feel that the whatever remains of or whatever form of the state that is existing at that time, should concentrate power to rep the working class with the political partys decisions integrated into public life that its economic and non economic decisions are part of their overall actions. 

Sort of like a pseudo more direct participatory democracy but one that feels natural and like minarchist (or like society runs the state) . Society would own the means of production with a state adjacent post state entity actually owning it to please Anarchists and statists alike. This would mean the state adjacent post state entity would in a covert ,stealth way work for the benefit of the working class and society. 

This can and really should be done via socially equitable distribution of the national income in which goods and services are provided for free by the state (enforced to directly provided) that supplement private consumption but very VERY ideally if it can be done in a ‘Hayek State Communalist’ sort of way (maybe with autonomous civic communes with a mutualist economy and Meritocratic social system) and with small scale worker democracies. Hayakian State Communalism is to a State version of Communalism what Hayakian Socialism is to Socialism.  

I believe the fruit of the worker's labor belongs to the community (which includes their bosses, family, friends, and people who gave them a push along the way which includes people of all fiscal backgrounds including Capitalist).

Much our society's wealth is created by collective workers who are held unaccountable for that wealth. Only a small amount of this wealth is given to the workers. We shouldn't forget the contributions of unpaid workers to Capitalist societies. They have no union representation. 

I support permanent voluntary work from home/voluntary remote work for workers in the US etc. My reason is, if that becomes a reality, we can pretend that people who worked from home or did remote work in 2020 ,2021 etc were doing so for non pandemic reasons and for the same reasons people are voluntarily working from home and doing remote work now and in the future. 

By doing this, we can finally let go of one gripe we have with pandemic restrictions (working from home/remote work) by doing this.    However, workers should be required by law to be at the office on public holidays (unless there is a pandemic or paternity-maternity leave or FMLA than they shouldn't be at the office)

One good thing about voluntary work from home/voluntary remote work, it allows workers to work during maternity leave/paternity leave

I supported the Tea Party years back and would do so today if they came back. They laid the groundwork for and the blueprint on how we can have the above revolutionary socialistic and worker revolution 

We should give thanks and glory to our workers (May Day/Labor Day),Glory to the nation and glory to God (sorry PCers)

I support bringing back guilds to help workers and end corporate monopolies

I favor national homelands for laborers as I feel every worker deserves a place that appreciates and rewards their hard work. I am a Labor Nationalist

We need to absolve the Republicans ,Neoliberals and Far right wing Capitalists of their greed and corruption .

I support the working class but the working class with a working spirit who have patriotic values

I support promoting fair labor within the state when defensible (since I support the Labour Party UK)

I want off shoring jobs to be extremely limited 

I am ok with heavy greenish industry that is pseudo paternalistic which empowers the economy

bank and trade

I am against big bank. For too long Big Bank aristocrats have exploited us non bourgeois to make themselves richer, including during the recession.

They enable corrupt investors to make this bad situation even worse. We must reform or reimagine our banking and investing systems to fix that,Occupy Wall Street was a step in the right direction. I stand with Elizabeth Warren on bank reform but we need to more. We need to get rid of Capitalism or at worst, get rid the crony forms of it (ie corrupt financing). We must turn the tables on these aristocrats. I support nationalizing all banks especially banks that receive state loans 

I believe that it is just as bad if the majority of the employee’s salary ends up in a banker's pockets or if the state steals the money from the employee to give to undeserving people .This creates a high tax burden

This is why I support the creation of Big Society Bank to help us transition toward nationalizing our banks

Big Society Bank would be funded by major US banks and dormant bank accounts under Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts. This would be used by the government to unlock charitable assets for big society. Up to one quarter of public service contracts would be transferred to private and voluntary sector in order to create a demand for the funds

I support and encourage personal savings and thrift. I always used personal savings as a kid (including using a piggy bank) and found that be effective. This also is a good counter to consumer debt culture. This can lead to better budgets. I continue to advocate for a comprehensive compulsory savings plan

I support fair trade

Gov state and related

I am a fan of Anarcho Monarchism

I disapprove of the job that Joe Biden has done with the economy as President. Joe Biden has made the economy worse as President

I support social safety nets when those social safety nets are for the good of the community

I support greater governmental investment in poverty reduction. 

Until we reach our Marxist Leninist utopia and while we are in our current capitalistic society, I generally and conditionally support this system fused with predistributionism as a way to prevent poverty and as a preventive safety net

I very conditionally (and tepidly) support Universal Basic income but only once a certain level of wealth is obtained so that there is no reason for a country not to create such a system

I believe when it becomes viable, I'd like to see the US implement free medical and healthcare (why should people have to pay if they are sick or need medical help?). I’d like to see the US implement compulsory healthcare for private employees and their family members using Ultranational Conservative-‘Left social fascist’ methods to do this so to at least give an appearance of autonomy then gradually move toward a nationalized, free healthcare system that has elements of Marxist-Leninism (when a certain level of wealth is obtained in our country so that there is no reason for a country not to create such a system) where, in the name of medical improvement and civic liberty, the state would control (in a way that wouldn’t trigger me) peoples health during their lifetime to keep as many people as possible in good health to create a truly healthy and spiritual nation 

I support free schools in the sense that I support an Academies Act being introduced that makes it possible for parents, teachers, charities and businesses to set up and run their own schools

I am open to the idea of regular free schooling for our society only if it is paid for by a public trust fund by Americans free of government influence and where if we expanded work based learning systems for high school students to middle school students so they are prepared for life after high school/college/grad school and since it adds more work for them in school sort of making up for them being deprived of working more hours in school

We need to emphasize equality by implementing the socioeconomic policies on schooling, education and medical housing and salaries (i.e with little disparities) that I write in this blog . 

I am never enthusiastic about welfare measures. I support the expansion of welfare benefits (alongside some praxi of moderate Welfare Chauvinism) as outlined in the book  “Toward Post-Neoliberalism in Latin America?” (2011) by Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser    (2011) Latin American Research Review. Latin America Research Commons on behalf of Latin American Studies Association. 46 (2): 225–234 as we transition to a post capitalist society as outlined in this blog. 

As we transition to Marxism Leninism , there will be less and less unemployment and homelessness until there is virtually no unemployment and homelessness when Marxism Leninism is reigned in fully. 

Once this happens, and a culture of working and equality has been established, I then support changing the welfare model to inclusive Voluntarism methods (i.e without the economic chauvinism of welfare chauvinism) and having what we have of the state set up an inclusive charity called The Society Network Foundation (i.e without the economic chauvinism of welfare chauvinism). 

The Society Network Foundation would be used “to generate, develop and showcase new ideas to help people to come together in their neighbourhoods to do good things." It would be funded by the National Lottery funding and public sector grants. These 2 ‘post welfare state models’ would replace the welfare state because in a Marxism Leninist state, capitalism will no longer persist and the need for above welfare methods will wane

A big issue is people aren't hard working or want to work so they slack off. By not being attached to labor those people end up poorer which leads to less familial relations, drugs, theft and other crimes which then lead to them going to prison. Moreover combined with non creative or too harsh sentencing this can be seen as a problem

All student loans should be forgiven -- but that obligation to repay those student loans should be laid upon the colleges that gave those students all those degrees. 

The banking institutions should also be authorized to foreclose on those institutions of higher learning that can't repay and liquidate them. It would have a salutary effect upon American higher education. Then the whole federal loan program should be repealed and liquidated once and for all. 

I support cheap rent ,including more accessible section 8 housing .

I support more ‘home like’ homeless shelters including via residential neighborhood tracks of such shelters where homeless can live more autonomously and privately (and ‘home like’) since housing being determined by one’s ability to pay seems to some as a flawed system 

We need an ACTUAL Build Back Better that is different than Joe Biden's Build Back Better. Ideally a more centrally planned version to fix deteriorating highways and create new Interstate Highways based on some European highway systems 

I believe infrastructure development should also have indirect incentives including tax reductions with more direct funding in road, rail and other transportation projects. 

I am ok with centrally planned, public work projects like an expanded EPA Superfund clean up type project, clearing marshes to replace them with sustainable farming, reclaiming land etc  

I can sign off on our country to have self sufficient production of certain types of foods. This includes reducing the balance of trade deficits, lowering the necessity of some foreign food imports. I support increased agricultural production and manufacturing


Many economic systems that I don’t like are degenerative systems

Generally Capitalism and more than most forms of Communism are equally harsh. We should protect peoples’ right to property only by owning what they need can their lives be truly free. Neither the Capitalist or the state should own what you need. I support small businesses. The rules snd fees which hinder small businesses must be removed. The penalty some countries have for employing people must be abolished

I am against Capitalist colonialism

I am anti Global Capitalism

I am against Monopoly Capitalism

I am against finance Capitalism

I conditionally support a revolution against Capitalism. 

I am Anti Capitalism

I have a lot of issues with Capitalism since Capitalism is too materialistic for me  .Capitalism is bad because it causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer.

Capitalism through its sometimes harsh policies and at time inhumane are responsible for social fascism , and Cultural Marxism. Capitalism also has caused our current progressive woke ideology since unlike Socialism and Communism (non Woke variants), Capitalism is Class reductionist and class essentialist. 

Moreover, Capitalism (in particular Neoliberalism) has caused many of migration issues and the rise of Identity politics which is another reason I support a revolution against Capitalism.

I am also against Global Capitalism. Moreover we have to abolish the Capitalist value system of traditional conservatism to create a less divisive world where we are in control, free of stratified social classes, wedge issues and reactionaries on both sides.  

Capitalism has inflamed or caused most of the problems the US .  Capitalists push the middle class to be Neoliberal which is lets them be scooped up by Cultural Marxists.  I wouldn’t mind a temporary coalition between us Tankies and the more conservative members of the Alt Lite to defeat Capitalism. But I am just throwing ideas against the wall hoping one will stick to defeat Capitalism

Many to most forms of Communism are wrong has many because of its religious like enthusiasm and its desire to live as a cult. Communism in general is wrong because it makes the individual has to submit to the protocols of an overbearing morality. For those reasons I am generally against Communism. A lot to  most forms of Communism (especially Dogmatic-Anti Individualist-Anti Liberal Communism) need to be replaced by a system that is based of the right of free association/disassociation for persons and groups to help out and fight for the working class (of all job types) workers benefits. As much as I really don't like many to most forms of Communism, one good thing about Communism is that it fights against consumerism and materialism (though it goes too far the other way). That's why I have a strange mix of fiscal views as noted above.  I am sort of a Left Wing Anti Communist


I agree with some fellow leftists that Bernie and Squad actually support the Corporate State. We need to push them left and stop them from supporting those corporate bourgeois

I am anti corruption. We need to Audit and then erase part of our national debt which is illegal. So abolishing billionaires has drawbacks

I support tougher penalties against white collar criminals (but with an emphasis on reforming them in prison and giving the Oz Emerald city like prison life to balance that out)

If you declare a maximum on wealth you are no longer a Marxist-Leninist since the goal of socialism to create an much abundance of wealth in society so the need of the state, class divisions etc wither away. But I still condemn wide variations in personal wealth

I want any existing plutocracy to be dissolved

I am against economic exploitation

I am against usury

I am against writing off of public debt

The problem is the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Many foreigners come in and take jobs away or are in need of jobs so that increases unemployment

My fellow tankie Gen Zedong has interesting views on the Frankfurt school


I support a voluntary personal and social development program for teens would be set up called the National Citizen Service to help our youth

I support economic justice

I am hostile to free masonry since they are evil and rub a lot of people the wrong way

I believe we and politicians should relate to the common people

I support using the US being more of a visually oriented culture 

We need to promote values of abstract thinking, motivation to work, ambition, energy, self discipline along with being morally strong.

I am against anti totalitarian humanism

I am against Totalitarianism

I support laws which promote post family, retro traditional family values. I have nostalgia for traditional values, maybe traditional values can make a ‘comeback’ one day and be ‘in’ again

I am against materialism. Materialism is a spook. God says that the only wealth that matters is spiritual wealth and ethical wealth since those are the only materials we can take from this life to heaven. So materialism loses its luster when you think of that way. We need to individualize spiritual wealth.  

People and their individualism are enslaved by materialism i.e their property. It is wrong that people are obsessed with their property. It is pathetic that people wear the same types of clothes, follow fashion trends, have big flat screen TVs, wear Nikes sneakers or even sneakers themselves, and similar unneeded nonsense. We have to break people free of this bondage to consumerism and materialism.  This in part because of corporate monopolies.   See my lifestyle blog post for more

I am against consumer culture. I am an anti Consumerist.  Consumerism fuels inequality and unequal social structures that create unequal hierarchies.  Consumerism is bad because people consume to increase their social position and to keep up with others. There is no good reason people should continuously buy new and new material possessions. It is against God to do so. God gives us what we need, not more and more garbage.

Corporations push consumerism to make a buck at the expense of public welfare (due to things like social stratification, governing ethics etc). I also feel consumerism is bad because it is part of globalization in that corporations try to destroy other countries with their consumerism as they've done in the West.  Consumers are treated like guinea pigs that corporations try new and new tricks on to get them to obedient to their demands and that is wrong

Consumerism dehumanizes people and causes people to live immorally. Consumerism is shallow, hollow and makes people think they need things that they DON'T NEED. It also causes pollution and hurts the environment etc. Consumerism is basically corporations making us their slaves and that needs to end

People are compelled to use brand names since their identities are tied to brand names to compensate for other misgivings.

To quote Victor Lebow "Our enormously productive economy demands that we make consumption our way of life, that we convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction and our ego satisfaction in consumption. We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever-increasing rate"

Consumerism via advertisers intrude on peoples lives telling them what they 'need' and what is 'acceptable' when in fact them doing those things is unneeded and unacceptable. It is basically ad creep and unwanted. 

They try to force social standards. They make it seem their goods are the keys to happiness and that is disgusting, wrong and crude. Advertisers try to trick people into tying social and material together through their ads to make this happen. They contribute to materialism and that needs to end.  What is worse, these advertisers don't want consumers to be truly happy, otherwise their products would not be needed. It's basically a sick game for them

Advertisers ojectify the consumers and take their power (and freedom) away while making the consumer think they have the power (when that isn't the case). The short term nature of the gratifcation of commodities take away from a truly lasting happy society. Advertising creates a false mirage of the world which furthers my angst for consumerism and its tenants.

To quote New scientist magazine "subconsciously still driven by an impulse for survival, domination and expansion... an impulse which now finds expression in the idea that inexorable economic growth is the answer to everything, and, given time, will redress all the world's existing inequalities" While also writing  "that consumerism is making these tendencies worse by encouraging consumption without limit."  

I support emancipation of the individual. I support Individualism . (but not blindly or rugged laissez faire)

I am against collective Individualism . I feel that individuals are entitled to freedom

At times, I also support misanthropic Bourgeois Individualism

There should be community empowerment via new rights that are created for charitable trusts, voluntary bodies and others in order to apply to councils to carry out the services provided by the council

Such assets like shops, bars and recreational fields, which were privately owned but were of value to the community. If such an asset like that was later sold, the new rights above would make it easier for the community to bid for and take over the asset.


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