NGOs (Liberal 2.0, and non Liberal 2.0 alike like Jewish NGOs like WJC splc and ADL) have too much influence over our society. We shouldn’t have to bend the knee to NGOs (andrew torba bend kneee jews gab)every time they whine about something us non Liberal 2.0s say that triggers them. The NGOs need to put in checked reduce their power and influence . NGOs even influence each other. Most NGOs are Liberal 2.0ers and we need to go after them and stop their abuse 

The SPLC has done great work for decades and is generally a good tool for info on hate groups but in the past decade (especially since they wrongly fired Morris Dees) they have a Liberal 2.0 bias, at least outside of their info on hate groups. 

They are seen by some to be almost a some scam and should be taken with a grain of salt after the acts they pulled over the years 

The SPLC listing pro life groups and Traditionalist Catholic groups as hate groups is proof they are moving towards being a smear campaign designed to destroy non Liberal 2.0ers, especially Republicans and the Conservative movement with misinformation ,(they should know better) , innuendos and only looking at one side (Liberalism 2.0 side), to find the truth.   right criti of splc

This article by SPLC shows just how partisan  they have become. They set themselves up to be the judges of hate but they do they really judge hate fairly? They label (or even smear), strawman and go deep into any non Liberal 2.0 (other than Alt Righters) and non Liberal 2.0 view as extremist, far right etc.

Being pro life is not an extremist position, the Pope and Catholic Church are pro life. Calling being pro life extremists is an insult and a slur to the millions of Americans who are pro life. 

At best, what SPLC calls extreme positions on abortion are hardline (which they seem to use interchangeably with extremist). If SPLC replaced extremist with hardline for abortion I would be able to live with that

Peter Thiel is not far right. There is no proof Thiel is far right. His connections to right wing extremists is a huge stretch to call him far right, as is Thiel being a MAGA backer .So now every person who the SPLC doesn’t like is far right?

Being against young kids mutilating their bodies due to a magical feeling they are another gender becoming Transgender,  while complex and a waste of energy to focus on said issue is not extremist (at worst such a position is rhetoric or possibly even hard right). 

The SPLC article itself noted that position and being right wing on Transgender issues in general has been adopted nationwide by mainstream Republicans, so it is not an extremist position if it is s mainstream Republican view which it is. I guess the silent majority of Americans are extremists too?

Though it appears the SPLC may not label people who are pc against LGBTQ/Transgender rights as extremist, far right, hard right or hateful, so maybe I am too hard on the SPLC above

They even tried to slander and smear Max Blumenthal with a now retracted article on Multipolar red green brown alliance article 

The SPLC wrote a relatively fair article about the Proud Boys in 2017 titled 'Do you want bigots Gavin?' article. I actually was surprised how decent and relatively fair that article was. But even that SPLC is long gone (though this recent article and a late 2022 article on by them about someone connected to a groyper were decent articles compared to their hit pieces and ‘mind boggling why?’ articles in the last few years so the SPLC still puts out decent content from time to time, but..)

The SPLC are now are a defamation, smearing hit squad designed to smear anything and all things that don’t align with their political views, left, right and middle. online right crit of them

The SPLC and the ADL are aligned with Big Tech ,other major corporations and the media . Wikipedia uses them as a trusted source. online right crit of them

They are seen as experts on ‘hate’. wikipedia rsnb With their exaggerations of the far left or right wing’s ‘sins’ or them liberally throwing around stigmatizing labels can lead to demonizing people, character assassination , canceling people or groups etc. 

The SPLC tried to prematurely list the Proud Boys in 2018 by cherry picking, using one members' life to 'prove' that the Proud Boys were a 'gateway drug' to the alt right.  

They were correct about the Proud Boys , but back then and based on the methods (ie fishing expeditions which on Wikipedia, checkusers are not allowed to do to catch sockpuppets) they used, the SPLC was jumped the gun. 

The SPLC uses filler in their hit pieces and solidly manipulate an associations to prove the logical fallacies of 'guilt by association' online right? article crit of them possibly gateway pundit or frc type site

Non right wingers can agree or associate with right wingers on a few issues without becoming one. Guilt by association is a logical fallacy. According to the Christian bible, Jesus ate with sinners in and the pharisees called him all sorts of evil names (Filter this through my other complex and personal spiritual).  stupidpol

Virtually all Liberal 2.0 radlibs I know of are dead set of not even being informed of what the other side believes from that other side.  stupidpol

Like I would tell these radlibs that on my Twitter some chud Twitter users follow me because 1. it honestly doesn't annoy me if some freaking dumbass right winger posts some freaking dumbass memes complaining about liberal 2.0ers--in fact it humors me when my mom shows me and 2). I can actually learn what their stances are  stupidpol

The chud stances are always dumb but you truly understand where they're coming from. Comical reading on reddit about how conservatives are supportive of book burning supposedly even though I saw a few conservative posts on Twitter makes it clear that conservatives hold 1984 as their second bible and they overextend it even more than liberal 2.0ers do (even though it was written by a democratic socialist George Orwell).stupidpol

I try to explain this insight to hard rightoids and they agree with me and a lot of them purposely keep up with liberal 2.0/left points of view. I try to explain this insight to Liberal 2.0 radlibs and they look at me like I have 6 eyes and a conehead (conehead as in the movie Coneheads) and think I'm pro-fascist since I expose myself to fascist views of "people who want [them] dead".stupidpol

Liberal 2.0ers and radlibs in particular think alternate viewpoints act as a mindvirus and will spread through society (thus all of the discourse about pipelines). Says quite a bit that the Liberal 2.0ers don't think their own ideological system is strong enough to fight against it through basic discourse.stupidpol

Are right wingers so evil, and far off we can’t even talk to them? Are they freaking lepers? So much for liberal 2.0 ‘tolerance’

The work of the MSM is in some ways outsourced to the SPLC, as contemporary "journalism" and this consists of finding people with opinions they find problematic and going on and on about it until they lose their job.  online right? article crit of them possibly gateway pundit or frc type site

One of the ways they do this is journalists reprinting the pr releases from the SPLC and calling them articles. online right? article crit of them possibly gateway pundit or frc type site

The issue here is, that when you begin confirming the SPLC's work with other sources, things get tangled including the narrative online right? article crit of them possibly gateway pundit or frc type site

The SPLC has a habit of counting single individuals as groups or chapters, which may give a skewed impression of hate groups in any given state. The SPLC’s list of hate groups is very inflated and overstated according to a employee at a different progressive NGO . online right? article crit of them possibly gateway pundit or frc type site

Like the SPLC will list skinhead groups in areas where there are only s few individuals instead of organized groups online right? article crit of them possibly gateway pundit or frc type site

Even the Washington Post , Politico, and USA Today admit the SPLC has noticeable issues, and this sitethis siteCBCthis site (Xtian fundie site, major grain of salt) go off the deep end with their criticism of the SPLC, but at times , it is hard for me not to peek at those sites to see their deflecting toward criticism of the SPLC

The SPLC goes overboard too much of my liking. They fling around negative labels and smear anyone not Liberal 2.0 (except the Alt Right) and they are no longer what they use to be. No one should their partisan hit pieces too seriously.  

This DIVISIVE and PARTISAN hit piece by the SPLC is enflaming hate. They are now insulting , shaming and smearing anyone right of center. The SPLC are turning into a HATE GROUP themselves

Jason Wilson, Hannah Gais and Cassie Miller are the real extremists and fascists. They are the ones whose views are outside the mainstream. They are sad people who smear, shame and attack anyone who isn’t Liberal 2.0 

THEY ARE DEFLECTING onto others. I feel they should have been fired instead of Morris Dees

I do feel the ADL is no longer the respected civil rights organization dedicated to fighting extremism and hate against Jews that I supported in the early to mid 2000s decade. 

The ADL is still correct probably most of the time and I still see some solid articles where I feel they reasonably critiqued the Right wing in a positive way, 

I am glad that the ADL still fights for Israel, when so many left of center right people and groups are turning on Israel and hitting to close to home (i.e day of rage aggression).

But the ADL have jumped the shark in my eyes. The ADL seems to smear anyone (or at least their against political opponents) on the Left and ESPECIALLY the Right which rarely causes consistent character assassination 

The ADL seems brazenly partisan (revolutionary progressive). It is headed by Jonathan Greenblatt who worked for former President Barack Obama. Obama is center right but Obama put a lot of people with Liberal 2.0 views around him and those Liberal 2.0ers around Obama might have rubbed off on Greenblatt pushing him left

 The ADL are somewhat slightly above below average not because they are Jewish or because they are a Jewish organization (I am part Jewish) but because of what I wrote above and below

This includes the ADL’s online censorship pledges which can stifle non ‘violent’ free speech  dismantle adl

The ADL also partners with the corporate cheap labor lobby funded by billionaire Republican Charles Koch to stifle critics of what Koch supports. The Koch brothers heavily fund Liberalism 2.0 causes to spread Liberalism 2.0 dismantle adl

The ADL's speech police exploits Left wing counter violence (like by ANTIFA) and the BDS’s overkill pro Palestinian activism to demonize the whole non Democrat approved Left.  

The ADL should criticize the Anti Israel smears that are done by people and groups that the ADL currently gives a pass to (like Amnesty International) while the ADL should no longer support anti Jewish state violence dismantle adl

like they have in the past on occasion. In addition the ADL should return to the way they were at least in the 2000s decade if not earlier. Also this

The ADL should also be more pro Palestine /pro Palestinian (but in a non woke way and without trying to own the conservatives like without the ADLA demonizing or smearing good nature anti Palestinian criticism even if said criticism is ignorant or blurs the line of being bigoted, otherwise forget it) and be less partisan 

The ADL maybe rightfully exploits Trump supporters and Alt right craziness to demonize and go on witch hunts after all right of center right and right center views and people (but if right wingers are dumb enough to put themselves in that exploitable position then maybe [big maybe] they deserve to be taken down by the ADL and their allies but the ADL should do so with grace just for optics)

Don't let the ADL fool you: Among the ADL’s four categories of violence—Islamist, left-wing, right-wing, and white supremacist extremism—researchers found that the first two were more or less accurate; 85 of the 88 Islamist incidents checked out as properly labeled, as did 24 of the 26 leftist ones. Where the ADL was inflating things was almost entirely in the “white, right-wing” areas. federalist

As the researchers noted, among the 300 incidents of right-wing extremism during this period, when reviewed, only 131 were found to truly fit the bill. White supremacist extremism was even more inflated: just 57 incidents of the 199 claimed by the ADL credibly had such a motivation. federalist

That the ADL’s “hate inflation” fell only on whites and right-wingers; that the spirit of scrutiny apparently grips the SPLC when reviewing some racial agendas but not others; and that people like Neiwert pass over basic facts to pursue anti-white narratives can be summed up in one word: bigotry. It should be called out as such by conservatives and independents whenever they see it. federalist

The SPLC and ADL get it right a lot but they get it wrong or go too far sometimes . Since they are partnered with so many Big Tech companies, corporations etc if they smear rare innocent people they can cause innocent people to be cancelled, deplatformed, swatted etc. Those two NGOs have too much reach with these partnerships and with what I wrote above, contributes to this toxic Liberal 2.0 culture we find ourselves in now

The ADL also pushes its anti-Palestinian agenda through a bunch of corporate partnerships. The ADL works as a “content vetting” partner with companies such as Google and Microsoft to remove “antisemitic” , which often means “pro-Palestinian” content from these companies’ platforms, and pressures these companies to continue to suppress Palestinian voices.  dismantle the adl

The ADL has a record of supporting anti-Jewish state violence which is wrong , hypocritical and treasonous, as mentioned here . dismantle the adl

Similarly the ADL also downplays or even gives a pass to some Left wing anti Israel rhetoric and attacks (like the ADL did with Amnesty International) which is also wrong and hypocritical 

The ADL’s allegiance to US empire can lead it to sanitize threats of racist violence, even from Nazis (or at best Anti Zionist ultranationalists) like the ADL did with the Azov battalion . The current situation in Ukraine demonstrates this point. dismantle the adl

By the ADL doing this type of shady things, it spoils all of the good work they do and further shoes their partisan nature while normalizing Nazis (or at best Anti Zionist ultranationalists) like the Azov battalion which makes more work for the ADL to combat anti semetism since normalizing such groups causes them to be harder to counter for obvious reasons dismantle the adl

Prior to the recent war in Ukraine, in 2019, the ADL reported that the Azov battalion – a Nazi-filled group that is now part of the Ukrainian national guard – “has ties to neo-Nazis and white supremacists.” dismantle the adl

But when the war that the US government and arms companies who are deeply invested in this war broke out, the ADL began downplaying Ukrainian Nazis by promoting materials that downplay Ukrainian Nazism. dismantle the adl

Imagine what the ADL’s response would have been if a country that wasn’t allied with the US had a Nazi army unit like the Azov battalion, one in which the soldiers have anti semetic tattoos and whose commander once said anti Jewish comments? dismantle the adl

For balance, I have to mention that some have been pointing out that the Azov battalion might not be as bad as people make them out to be (becaz its acceptable by lib 2.0s to support azoz i can defend them)

Like some zionist organizations and newspapers, like the The Times of Israel, reported that the Azov battalion isn’t as bad as they might seem. The Times of Israel’s March 2022 interview with Jewish Ukrainian nationalist Konstantyn Batoszky attempted to show how: becaz its acceptable by lib 2.0s to support azoz i can defend them)

“I was shocked when I saw guys with swastika tattoos,” he [Batozsky] said about the Azov members he got to know. “But I talked with them all the time about being Jewish and they had nothing negative to say. They had no anti-Jewish ideology.” He insists that the viewpoint of Ukraine as a hotbed of antisemitism is in his mind ‘absurd’. becaz its acceptable by lib 2.0s to support azoz i can defend them)

“I don’t practice, but still everyone knows I am Jewish – I have such a Jewish face! And I never experienced antisemitism from Ukrainians,” he insisted. “The military guys I am working with now really don’t care that I am a Jew.”

In March 2022, the ADL interviewed Jewish Theological Seminary professor, David Fishman, a conducted by ADL Director of European Affairs Andrew Srulevitch, titled “Why is Putin Calling the Ukrainian Government a Bunch of Nazis?” becaz its acceptable by lib 2.0s to support azoz i can defend them)

In the interview, David Fishman was asked aspects of the contemporary Ukrainian nationalist movement that venerate Stepan Bandera and the UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army), who are known to have collaborated with the Nazis during World War II. Keep in mind that members of the Azov battalion, revere Bandera and the UPA. 

Fishman said: “For Ukrainian nationalists, UPA and Bandera are symbols of the Ukrainian fight for Ukrainian independence. The UPA allied with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union for tactical – not ideological – reasons.” becaz its acceptable by lib 2.0s to support azoz i can defend them)

See here for more

I do stick up for the ADL when I can. The ADL never denied the Armenian genocide , that Armenian denial genocide charge against the ADL was an antisemetic smear meant to delegitimize the ADL and thus was wrong

I like how the ADL defends Israel , since as I show here, I similarly have pro Israel views. 

At the very least I like the ADL being as pro Israel as they are because by the ADL being like that, it shows that the ADL isn’t pigeon holed into having Liberal 2.0 or Left wing views by the ADL having Right wing (i.e Zionist) views on Israel 

The ADL is a lot better and more fair NGO and judge of hate than the SPLC and that Hope not Hate (ironically the ADL and Hope not Hate are Islamaphobic bigots). The ADL isn’t careless in throwing around labels. 

However because of how the ADL becoming Liberal 2.0 the last decade as mentioned a little ways up, I do not feel sorry for them in the slightest when they similarly get smeared and demonized by the Left , as they were smeared in this hit piece

Maybe those type of pieces on the ADL will make the ADL feel what it is like for pro Palestinian activists , Anti Zionists and non antisemetic people around the center right who similarly get smeared and demonized by the ADL, to be smeared and demonized by Left wingers/Liberal 2.0ers

That article has a lot of truth to it which I echo in other places in this blog

Anti-semitism is obviously horrible, but the Jewish exceptionalism stupidpol and some issues with the ADL and Israel I outline in this blog are two or the more larger modern drivers of that.

“When anti-Semitism is everywhere, it is nowhere. And when every anti-Zionist is an anti-Semite, we no longer know how to recognize the real thing—the concept of anti-Semitism loses its significance”. —Brian Klug

I agree with this article on the ADL

I agree with this Glenn Greenwald quote on the ADL “This is a group that pretends to speak for Jews. In reality, it's just another banal, standard Dem Party/liberal (2.0) activist group whose core function is to exploit these causes to agitate for censorship of anyone who questions liberal establishment orthodoxy. It's the Jewish @HRC   (outside of being hardcore Zionist, the ADL sounds like the the Democrat party)

which was in reply to this .@ADL “Today, we are joining dozens of other groups to ask advertisers to pause Twitter spending because we are profoundly concerned about antisemitism and hate on the platform. Here's why we're asking advertisers to #StopHateForProfit and #StopToxicTwitterhttps://stophateforprofit.org/statement-calling-on-advertisers…”

My various reactions to ADL redefining ‘racism’ https://www.adl.org/racism can be found here

From recent ADL piece “Many prominent Groypers, a network of white supremacists who support Nick Fuentes, have abandoned former President Trump in favor of Ye’s 2024 presidential campaign. “

So if they are white supremacists, how come they support an African American running for the most powerful position in the US and maybe on Earth? 

If you say its only due to Groypers and Kanye both being having Anti Jewish sentiment, then you would be wrong because while they have anti jewish sentiment, the Groypers have tons of other political positions on areas that go beyond religion and wild theories based on ignorance and too much time spent online.  

To be clear, I do admit that the Groypers are sadly embraceful of anti jewish sentiment and as a Jew myself, that anti jewish sentiment they have toward us sucks , and the Groypers do have a lot of anger, aggression and prejudice in their hearts toward marginalized groups and that hatred is madness, lunacy and really troubling to me

(start of ironic statement) Maybe by supporting Kanye, Kanye can help these Groypers slowly shed their racism so they become non racist or even anti racist. By groypers supporting an African American for president it is the first step toward those trolls becoming non racist or even antiracist (end of ironic statement)  Of course Kanye has Anti jewish sentiment as much or more than Groypers do (likely due to his mental breakdowns or according to some people, “finding the mind of a racist dr i kendi”), so he might actually make them have more anti jewish sentiment hence he is likely one of the worst ‘role models’ for them

Todd Gitlin, sociologist at Columbia University, says that Zionism and antisemitism "have the same soul...they rhyme" since both are variants of ultra-nationalism.  xtian zionism is excuse to be anti zionist

Extreme Right Wingers get too much coverage in the media giving their extreme right wing views legitimacy. Ignore the extreme right wingers, don’t feed them trolls

We now have experts, academics, corporations, celebrities, psychologists, scientists who have dominion and power over us and our views because of their degrees, or credentials. 

They use that power and influence to control our politicians at the behest of lobby groups, NGOs, rich activists etc to fit whatever political agenda they align with or play to

These silent ruling elite-aristocrats  are the reason our country has moved so far authoritarian ‘left’ and neocon right. If we made our country officially be run as Scientism , Corporatism, etc I would be able to live with this since that would make this official and then I couldn’t complain about this.


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