
I view Chile’s Broad Front pandemic policy platform and laws since early 2020 as mid 90s to mid 00s Anti Hero (mid 90s- mid 00s Anti Heroes are more heroic and less bad than 90s Anti Heroes but still not as heroic or good as regular Anti Heroes). I feel if for no other reason that a country like Chile deserves those type of pandemic policies and laws (well that and because I am loyal to the left wing in Chile which includes Gabriel Boric's leftist parties and alliances)

Russia had nothing to do with the Canadian trucker protest. Every bad thing that happens in the US/Canada is not because of Russia or Vladimir Putin. Only Russophobic crackpots would say otherwise

I am mixed to pragmatically neutral on Bill Maher's late Oct 2021 view on natural immunity

It's wrong , mean, and defamatory to call anti vaxxers or anti restriction/anti lockdown people 'pro co vid' or to want to deny them medical help.  Many people who are not hardcore right wingers have such views

I am fine with the peaceful Trucker Freedom convoy protesters but I don't condone or endorse the ones who shut everything down (assuming they did but whatever)

I also don't believe most of hem are racists or neo nazis. Justin Trudeau was wrong to smear them harsh labels and I echo Bill Maher on his comeback to that. It was also wrong to freeze their bank accounts and to shut their businesses down. As for both sides (the government and some protesters) allegedly shutting businesses down, two wrongs don't make a right 

Australia went too far with their pandemic restrictions, mandates and lockdowns. This of course is ironic since most Australians are descended from British criminals who were forced to settle in Australia (since Australia was founded by the UK as a penal colony). So I guess if you look at it that way, the pandemic restrictions, mandates and lockdowns in Australia were being consistent with Australia's founding principles (of being a penal colony) and letting Australians get a taste of what their criminal ancestors went through there

I appreciate the fact that leftist anti vaxx, anti lockdown and anti restriction protesters get blowback, critique and heat by Liberal 2.0ers and fellow leftists for having anti vaxx, anti lockdown and anti restriction views. 

I appreciate this blowback, critique and heat by Liberals, Libs and other lefltists toward the anti vaxx, anti lockdown and anti restriction leftists because that shows that Liberals, Libs and other lefltists are consistent and not hypocritical on hot button issues like the virus/pandemic. 

I also feel like this because leftists who are anti vaxx, anti lockdown and anti restriction are even more sanctimonious and Liberals, Libs and other lefltist like in protesting against pandemic restrictions, mandates and lockdowns than right wing people are , it's annoying when right wingers do it but when leftists do it it is so over the top and cringe I beg for the Liberals, Libs and other lefltist and other leftists to call them out for it

I don't think Ron Desantis is a murderer or 'obsessed with death'. I think his heart was in the best place

I live in Florida and maybe I am biased, but I think he did a meh+ job if not somewhat extremely decent job with our state during the pandemic. I guess its because of propaganda but I get the sense from Ron that he thought he was doing a pro freedom, pro liberty type of thing by easing up on the pandemic laws.  

Floridians like me who didn't take the bait by Desantis in 'being free' in 2020 and 2021 when he said we could do so deserve compensation for us not taking the bait (though my reasons for not going out much then had nothing to do with the virus, I also didn't go out much in 2018 and 2019 also). 

He didn't want the economy to collapse so no matter how hard we go at him with pro science arguments on this that excuse will always be what he throws at us . 

At the very least we have to respect him for doing something unique.  Keep in mind some Democrats in Florida called him Mr Lockdown guy

That is because he rightfully or Wrongfully issued stay at home orders early in the pandemic which prevented countless lives from being added to the co vid victim list.  Anyway despite what I wrote above, I still will call him Ron 'Deathsantis'  however

Joy Reid and other Liberals/Libs and leftists had a right to be skeptical of the vaxx in 2020 because they think that DJT who was working on getting scientists to develop the vaxx , is a modern day Josef Mengele so its natural and understandable for them to question to question a vaxx that was DJT had input on. 

We left wing pro vaxxers should not pride ourselves on our supposed moral superiority to left wing anti vaxxers (or possibly not pride ourselves on our supposed superiority to even right wing anti vaxxers but  very maybe not) 

The reason being we left wing pro vaxxers might have been anti vaxx like those left wing anti vaxxers (or possibly even anti vaxx like those right wing anti vaxxers but very maybe not) if we had a different life and upbringing. 

We should debate anti vaxxers as it is a deeply divisive issue, however, the tone of that debate should not cause us left wing pro vaxxers to despise left wing anti vaxxers (and not want to literally bash the snot out of right wing anti vaxxers) no matter how wrong they might be. Fostering such disdain isn’t only unjust, but imprudent too, since a healthy (no pun intended) country requires some semblance of affection among its citizens as opposed to mutual animosities 

I do hope people are restricted like they were during the pandemic but permanently,  for reasons that have NOTHING to do with health and only to restrict them from doing recreational things in public

People are so brainwashed to do recreational things in public like in person theme parks, in person concerts, in person sporting events, in person conventions, in person porn, traveling by flight long distances, in person night clubs, in person parties, in person holiday events etc, that I would love seeing them be forced by law to permanently stop doing those things via restrictions and thus be as restricted from doing those things in the future as they were restricted from doing those things in 2020, 2021 (some right wingers would also have this view but not for my reasons but purely out of spite for co vid restrictions in 2020 2021 etc)

I have no issues with Russia's Sputnik vaxx. To Liberals, Libs and leftists (and neocons), don't criticize me for stating this, the Sputnik vaxx being so ineffective actually makes Russian soliders easy prey for NATO and Ukrainian soldiers to defeat so you should be happy the Sputnik vaxx isn't effective

I am fine with the Atlantic's article in 2022 which calls for mandates to end.

I conditionally vote not present lean conditional mild support for Mike Braun's amendment to the Prevent Pandemics Act. 

Since February 2022 I no longer give off any oppositional vibes on Nancy Pelosi's mask mandates being overturned allowing congress people to the freedom to choose if they want to cover their faces in the HoR.(not that I ever was a radical cheerleader for such draconian [ymmv] measures such as Nancy's mask mandates to begin with)

I am begrudgingly tolerant of Joe Rogan in the whole Spotify ordeal and I have no major issues I know of with him having those particular doctors on his show in those situations. 

Joe Rogan also surprisingly had a plausible defense even though he provided no evidence whatsoever and he may have taken things he cited in his defense out of context. My views on this aren't that far off from aligning with Marianne Williamson's views on that issue.   

I am sensitive with the way Boris Johnson and his Conservative party handled the pandemic . Though I wouldn't go as far as to demand that the Conservative Party UK apologize for lockdowns (even if doing so would theoretically win anti science people to the Conservative Party UK side). I am too stubborn to go that far.  The UK handled it like the US did and regardless of our views on the pandemic that is a fact

I am Anti centrist/radical centrist-Objectivist to Christian Democratic on some of what Larry Sanger said about the pandemic mandates, restrictions, lockdowns etc . This isn't to say that I agree with his views on those subjects really, it's just I have weirdly syncretic/variable and off compass views on his views on those subjects. 

Keep in mind that Larry Sanger co created Wikipedia which is super pro science and Sanger has at least some of that pro science in him somewhere because of that  Moreover, I am afraid to criticize Larry's views on the pandemic since he harshly criticizes people and so he would criticize me for criticizing his views. So like Niles being afraid of Stefano snapping at him as seen in this episode , I am similarly afraid of Larry Sanger snapping at me (which may happen if I criticize his pandemic views), so hence I won't criticize his pandemic views

I have no issues with Adam Kinzinger’s anti China comments in 2020 (in relation to the pandemic). China is a mess of an issue in terms of how syncretic and weird China's policies are.  At the very least it was good to hear Adam criticize someone other than Republicans (since Adam beating a dead horse even ones like the Repbulican party gets old after awhile)

It is sad and unfortunate that anti vaxxers think they are being persecuted 

I have no major issues if any with the Defeat the Mandate and they might be in the right 

I wonder why 'pro co vid' people never embraced forced herd immunity as that would be a perfect match for their sick views on the pandemic.  

I will concede that as fucked up as forced herd immunity is , forced herd immunity is still a better and more tasteful idea than the 'go back to normal' decree by MSM , corporations and pro vaxx, pro restriction and pro lockdown Liberals, Libs, radical progressives (a decree to nudge people after the pandemic to go out again and live like they did pre pandemic) 

I don't think this meme is that far off from being correct but it should apply to people of all  sexual orientations not just queer people. 
Orgies in particular should have been banned during monkeypox


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