

I am a Tankie (Marxist-Leninist), Social Democrat (Luxemburgism/Social Democrats USA etc) , Third Camp Syncretic-Populist. I am also a Contrarian and in the Nazbol vortex

I support Populist politicians in the Republican Party , Democrat Party other political parties in the US and also abroad. 

I support the Populist Right (Republicans) , Populist Caucus (Democrats) and the Far Left (Worker's World Party/A.N.S.W.E.R/other Far Left in the US/Far left party and factions abroad)

I support the Labour Party UK  (current Labour Party/New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy/Social Democracy that is similar to mid to late 1910s European SocDem/Blue Labour/Predistribution).

non election

I prefer to “go my own way" as opposed to letting my ideas be influenced by those around me

I support outsiders who band together in their individualistic struggle against society and in pursuance of their own curiosity, pride, and instinct against society.

After we rightfully remove all forms and structures of material domination, hierarchy and sovereignty, I would want (and I would others to want) to project positive influence (without hierarchy and authority) in a sweeping influential manner

Sometimes I’m willing to work with fellow Anlibs and others with similar political views to me if it benefits me to do so. But I will always keep true to my ideological convictions of true individual liberty

I view the individual and the will of the individual over external determinants including society, groups, tradition (variable), and ideologies . I view the eventual abolition of the state as the fullest realization of individual liberty 

Without any government, I believe that individuals will pursue their personal objectives and work together in mutual self interest to create a stable and harmonious hierarchyless/patriarchyless society.

I support countries being modern (in a way that meshes with 4pt) , powerful , respected by other countries and peoples and beloved by its own citizens. To do this countries need to ensure the free development of civil society, the independence of the media and social justice

Personally and legality wise, I don’t really care about human rights since human rights are a bourgeois concept that at times are used to defend the right. Systematically, I treat people the way I want to be treated d urge others to do the same

I believe that more Americans need to be politically active

I support political leaders who don't force their will upon people

 I support freedom of expression

I support much higher social justice, but the type of higher social justice that realizes the sad fact that the western idea of human rights are rooted in colonialist and white Euro ethnocentricity

I am open to condoning Republicans modifying or reimagining the 14th amendment to prevent slippery sloping but only there is at least some bipartisan support 

I support reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933.

Paul Sperry should not have been suspended from Twitter for his Tweets in August 2022. Suspending Sperry for those tweets is political suppression, censorship, fascist,  and goes against his freedom of speech. Sperry did not tweet anything wrong or ban able. Twitter now bans anyone who speaks out against its narrative. We have to stop these social media fascists.  #freedomofspeech

I fully support Elon Musk buying Twitter. 

As Twitter people have said, Musk believes in free speech and Twitter does not. 

They believe in 'healthy discussion'. If the latter is their goal, then maybe they have sold it to someone who fits that bill instead of Musk. 

If Twitter can't handle 2 political parties, then say so publicly, don't insult our intelligence.  

Common sense free speech should be allowed on Twitter.  

It's better to have the 'problematic speech' (within reason) out in the open where it can be countered than underground in echo chambers which fuels extremism. The hate that Musk has gotten is appalling. Freedom of Expression has limits, trolls reasonably have a right to have a right to speak but they don’t have a right per say (correct me if I am wrong) to megaphone ‘hateful’ views m especially ones that even Parler would consider ‘hate speech’

I fully support full anonymity on Twitter. Forcing Twitter users to prove their real identity or similar things like Elon Musk wants is in bad taste (at best) and will rightfully cause many Twitter users to flee. There is a proper way to go after fake accounts, but the way he wants to is off base.

The Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists today are an angry opposition that are no longer capable of participating constructively in political debate with conservatives. In terms of non Neoliberal-Neocon- Imperialist views, Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists are so unmoored from the reality of non liberal views that they take on the paranoid style. I am sure Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists are capable of reasonable 

Qanon is garbage trash and obviously not true

I like Donald Trump in order to be countercultural and contrarian (Trump is ‘so bad he’s good’). See this meme for more of my thoughts on Donald Trump

I sympathize with the January 6th protestors

I didn’t even know about the Jan 6 protests until spring 2021 since I was too busy gaming as I’ve done non stop since early 2018. Say what you want about the ruffians who got into the Capitol, but the protestors outside the Capitol (who never tried to get into the Capitol) were legit and were not trying to stop the transfer of power to Joe Biden

January 6 2021 was NOT worse or as bad ad 911 and it wasn’t the ‘darkest day in our nation’s history’ . It also DID NOT cause Russia to invade Ukraine

The January 6 protestors have been treated horribly and inhumane in jail. Even Bernie Sanders and Liz Warren feel the same way. We saw with and rightfully condemned the Islamaphobic horrors of Gitmo abuses , we need to condemn these abuses too. We don’t get to choose who deserves basic human rights and dignity. 

Many of our fiscal problems are caused by multinational corporations. Transnational corporations run our world, and are a growing threat to our democracy due to the power and influence they have in politics and consumer culture

Corporations are starting to run our country, they are now influencing state laws, donating heavily to politics etc. 

Corporations need to be forced to go back to being neutral. We need to boycott these establishment and neoliberal and neocon corporations and if they don't budge we need to shut these corporations down forever and destroy their products. We have to make them pay for siding with Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists on every damn issue.  

Some corporations we need to boycott include Haliburton, Enron, Chick fil A, Target, Ben & Jerry's, Uber, Lyft, Apple etc. If any rational person uses those services or products they are a traitor and are kicked out of our movement forever. We need to end Corporate personhood. Corporations are not people.

The truth is, every NASDAQ corporation, every Big Tech company, every major Hollywood celebrity on social media, nearly all MSM, the majority of colleges, etc all have a Neoliberal ,Neocon and Imperialist bias. 

Corporations, Big Tech, Hollywood, MSM etc in particular always have the same exact Neoliberal ,Neocon and Imperialist position and responses/virtue signaling to every issue and news story It is state controlled liberal media and groupthink (see below) .Where is the diversity of opinions?  It is the Cathedral effect

Though the fact a few corporations own so many corporations and so on makes that somewhat understandable, look at how many corporations and entities  CBSViacom, Disney, Time Warner, NBCUniversal own for example).  

It's like a real life Stepford Wives.   Some of them are bullied by mostly Neoliberal ,Neocon and Imperialist groups who organize and coordinate attacks on those corporations through SJWism and other tactics until those corporations give in. 

We have to counter this, instead of commenting after the fact. We need to confront those far selfish SJWs who influence corporations to be Neoliberal ,Neocon and Imperialist, they are not saints.

I repudiate Neocons. I reject neoconservativsm as corrupt and decrepit

Some anti authoritarianism revolutionary protesting (i.e color revolutions) is inherently counter revolutionary because usually a revolution is by itself authoritarian. Freedom of assembly has limits 

I support Family (before we reimagine it), nation (not blindly), honor, duty. 

We need to protect family from degeneracy until we reimagine it, let that degeneracy infiltrate post family structures but not until and not family structures. Degeneracy leads to bad mental health and confusion in the most vulnerable of our society.

From the time of the Japanese samurai and European conservative revolutionaries, the hero, the revolutionary, is not afraid to die for an idea, while as a philistine, the "little man" is more than anything else afraid of death. That slogan emphasizes the serious tragedy of the struggle of the movement in the conditions of a police state. 

I support postmodernist (lean post left) aesthetic groups of intellectual provocateurs (in the positive meaning of the word)

Democratic Socialism is a good front to defeat Neoliberalism


I believe in a fair society but we can’t get it through liberal democracy. Liberal democracy is built against us. Hence why I am hostile to liberal democracy

I am against federal tyranny

I may not be left enough for some people, but I am not a reactionary. I will take a step back on hot button social issues I am not leftly ‘pure’ on to focus more on the economic and anti capitalist issues

We cannot allow neoliberalism degenerates to control overton window

If Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists are ‘correct’ on hot button issues, why do they censor, deplatform, shame, smear, cancel, silence etc people who question or opposed their narrative on hot button issues? 

That behavior by the Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists makes them look guilty or at least raises red flags (like they are wrong) since if they were correct on those hot button issues, they wouldn’t care if people on the other side questioned or opposed their views on hot button issues

It is insane and evil that Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists falsely insist that anyone on their side  who has opinions that diverge from their hive mind, groupthink views must be a grifter or right winger or worse ; ‘far right’. The Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists smear them with these fake labels to delegitimize them and their opinions since the Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists are afraid of being exposed for the authoritarian, fascists they are

The left and the right sharing opinions and agreeing with each other on some things isn’t some magical new phenomenon. People are allowed to have different opinions on political issues. The Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists instead of debating them , smear them, trash them and that is wrong, evil and against the values that our country was founded on

The horseshoe theory is fake. But according to Neoliberal ,Neocon and Imperialist logic, it is ok for them to work with NeverTrumpers to attack right wing things but it is not ok for the left to work with the right to attack liberal or progressive things , what looney liberal hypocrites 

If Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists keep smearing people on their side who disagree with them as grifters ,DINOs, tankies or right wingers,  I predict the Democrat Party and Tuesday Group/Neocon faction of the Republican party their ilk will be destroyed from within, no house divided against itself can stand

I echo this article https://reason.com/2022/02/08/joe-rogan-and-the-weird-new-definition-of-right-winger/https://nypost.com/2022/05/22/the-left-targets-people-like-elon-musk-for-not-conforming/  Sam Harris, Russell Brand ,Tulsi Gabbard, Sam Seder, Jimmy Dore, Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, BGJ, Krystal Ball, Kyle Kulinski, Vaush, Bret Weinstein are NOT right wing (they aren’t even center right) and are NOT grifters and only Neoliberals ,Neocons and Imperialists in their little Uniparty, Neoliberal ,Neocon and Imperialist online echo hives would disagree with me. 

Over 80 percent of Americans are further to the right of Krystal Ball, Sam Seder, Kyle Kusinski, Jimmy Dore,Vaush, BGJ, Bill Maher and Sam Harris

Over 67 percent of Canadians and Europeans are further to the right of Krystal Ball, Sam Seder, Kyle Kusinski, Jimmy Dore,Vaush, BGJ, Bill Maher on race issues, Islam, LGBTQ issues , women’s issues , gun issues, on the environment and that is a FACT jack.   

If those people are ‘grifters’ than literally EVERY Democrat, liberal and progressive in the US, Canada, Australia, Europe etc are grifters because it is impossible to not be one nowadays

Over 90 percent of Americans would say that Krystal Ball, Kyle Kulinski, Jimmy Dore, BGJ, Vaush, Russell Brand are NOT right wing or even center right. Over 66 percent of Europeans and Canadians would say that Krystal Ball, Kyle Kulinski, BGJ, Vaush, Russell Brand are NOT right wing or even center right (at least on social issues)

Maybe instead of Democrats, should first take the beam out of their own eye before their witch hunts. I echo what Tim Dillion said on this matter. 

Maybe Democrats, Liberals and progressives think that the real left agreeing with the right proves some of the Democrat views are wrong and that’s why they smear them. But that is an excuse

Groupthink is one of he most dangerous aspects of the human psyche and it why our country is so brainwashed. We need to fight against Groupthink. From David French "With a striking empirical regularity, deliberation tends to move groups, and the individuals who compose them, toward a more extreme point in the direction indicated by their own predeliberation judgments. In plain English, this means that when like-minded people gather, their views get more extreme. Our arguments reinforce one another to such an extent that the entire group will sometimes become more extreme than the most extreme person at the start of the deliberation"

If any academic silver spoon snob know it all tries to say Tankies-Left Wingers/Conservatives/ true Liberals aren't as 'smart' as Liberals, you tell that **** off, tell that soy boy or soy girl this:

More and more extreme neoliberal and neocon views have been associated with an ever growing higher risk of having many types of mental illnesses. 

The NeoLiberals' and neocon brains (ie amygdala) are wired in such a way that neoliberals and neocons are more risk taking and reckless with childlike optimism that is blind than Tankies-Left Wingers/Conservatives/ true Liberals brains, who are wired to be more cautious and risk averse than liberals. 

What this means is that this brain wiring causes liberals to be more 'open' to or embracing potentially harmful things like illegal migration, Cultural Marxism, legalizing hard drugs, Social fascism etc that Tankies-Left Wingers/Conservatives/ true Liberals wouldn't be open to or embrace. 

This 'openness' to embrace such risky political views without fear of consequences is consistent with psychopathatic behavior. But that means NeoLiberals have bigger HEARTS than Tankies-Left Wingers/Conservatives/ true Liberals and Tankies-Left Wingers/Conservatives/ true Liberals have bigger BRAINS , egos and stubbornness than NeoLiberals. Neocons are split between the two

Fellow leftists should not vote for Democrat Presidential candidates until they come Left , this sums up my views on it

Neoliberalism is a failed ideology and unnatural ideology which is one reason I am against it

“Freedom is always the freedom of the one who thinks differently”. quote by Rosa L


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