My story

 My story:

As a kid in the 1980s I was apolitical but had positive reactions to Republicans (ie Ronald Reagan) In 1992 I supported Bill Clinton because George HW Bush sucked. In 1996 I endorsed Bob Dole for President, in 2000 I supported Bill Bradley and when he dropped out I supported George W Bush. I was apolitical to politics in the 1980s and 1990s.

I became a Liberal Democrat in 2003 due to me turning against the Iraq War and becoming anti war . Once that happened, I use to take not of every Pro Iraq War celeb and put them on my enemies list (don't worry I've cooled on Iraq since then, see my International issues post)

.For the rest of the 2000s I was anti war (which I still am today but for the reasons Mark Twain was against war not for the Lenin reasons I was against war then), hated George W Bush and his neocon Republican allies, was a Chris Matthews type Barack Obama stan, I basically had a lot of liberal views etc.  

As a liberal in the 2000s, when I heard a 'right winger' like Jim Gilmore or Jim Demint come on TV, I'd react like college liberals react today when a conservative speaker speaks (though luckily I was at home when I did this and thus didn't make a fool of myself like those spoiled rich whiny brats)

I would mostly find liberal 'safe spaces' to hear like minded liberal narratives like MSNBC (Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews), CNN, Democratic Underground etc. 

I remember watching Farenheigh 9/11 in c 2005 and being depresssed about Al Gore not winning the 2000 Presidential election (since I was so hardcore Liberal back then). I was thrilled Michael Moore exposed George W Bush since Moore gave us a voice back then (before I knew Moore was an a****e commie). In 2004 I initially supported Howard Dean and was upset when John Kerry got the nom.

When the Democrats took the House in 2006, I was so happy that the Democrats got power for the first time since Bill Clinton was President. When Barack Obama became President, I felt like my team won the Super Bowl (since 2004 I was a fan of Barack's). I even was an Al Franken enthusiast (I learned to hate Norm Coleman then, I didn't know better)

There are similar ex neoliberal stories to the ones above. I was your typical stereotype of a liberal back in the 2000s

Despite this I still wasn't overtly political in the 2000s. 

Little by little I became more and more tankie , populist, and less neoliberal

First it was me seeing how kids have it too easy nowadays via a post, then it was me seeing the SJW nonsense in early 2007 about some sports thing and then it was seeing porn being glorified on Wikipedia, then it was seeing just how bad liberals are via the rise in the 2010s of social media.

After Barack Obama won in 2012, I finally became a tankie , anti neoliberal (ie post neoliberal) and fan of Populism

The neoliberals just became too neoliberal, they left me, I didn't leave them.

So as a tankie, anti neoliberal and fan of populism, I supported Berne Sanders who represented my views and the new type of politician I support

When Bernie Sanders was cheated by the corrupt neoliberal Democrats, like many Bernie fans, I became BernieorBust.

Donald Trump was unique and different he reminded me Bill Bradley when I supported Bill Bradley for President in 2000. Trump wasn't as extreme of a Republican (i.e he wasn't a warmonger) and he wasn't as harsh as the Jim Gilmores and Jim Demints . He was populist and I was now a fan of populism. Like other BernieorBusters, I red pilled and as noted below since I am countercultural and contrarian, that was an easy ‘pill’ to ‘swallow’

I like Donald Trump in order to be countercultural and contrarian (Trump is ‘so bad he’s good’). See this meme for more of my thoughts on Donald Trump . 

In 2024, I am once again ‘BernieorBust’ (which is easy because like I just said above, I like Donald Trump in order to be countercultural and contrarian ;Trump is ‘so bad he’s good’, see this meme for more of my thoughts on Donald Trump)

The neoliberals have moved so neoliberal, PC and SJW, they would probably call the 2000s version of me right wing. However since I use to be one of them, I know exactly how liberals think and act better than most conservatives do.  

Even if the neoliberals are right on most things (LOL), because of the way they refuse to effectively communicate why they do what they do (which could help right wingers and non neoliberals including Tankies like me be open minded to some of their policies), because of the way they attack, smear, censor, cancel and bully people on the right (I know its both ways but they are either worse or do it more or do it worse and more), and because of the way they look down on right wingers, non neoliberals including Tankies like me and similar atrocities by them mentioned on my polemic post, I would still reject the Democrats and NeoLiberals and continue to be just as I am now even knowing I was wrong.  

In fact, if i found out us right wingers were wrong about most things, I would force those things we are wrong about to make us right about them just get get the Democrats back for the above atriocities against us.

I don't care about politics. I am apolitical. I have no perceivable political principles whatsoever. In the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s (mostly) and 2010s (mostly) I stayed away from politics (that apoliticalness I had back then is what people should be now and in the future since politics sucks). But since I got into political video games I decided to expand that into real life political 'games'. 

I prefer a full anarchism and a self governing society with no government (or at worst a Night-watchman state like the UK in the 19th century), radical localism, Isolationism and people following the two rules in Matthew (for hardened heart non Judeo Christians have them replace God with humanity, whatever God they serve, higher power, or whatever motivates them to live secular lives that are Christian like)

If I sound too conservative on some issues, its somewhat because being right wing is counter cultural and its more fun to be counter cultural than being mainstream (see the fun the Hippies had being countercultural in the 1960s for more). Another reason I may sound too conservative on some issues is because I am a Contrarian ; it is way more fun to be a contrarianist than to be mainstream. I love taking the opposite side of some mainstream ’liberal’ , Neocon and ‘progressive’ political views. Being different is truly liberating.  Finally, I am also mostly a ‘Tankie’ (auth left), so we Tankies tend to have ‘conservative’ type views for left wing reasons or to help create Marxist Leninist or Socialist revolutions in countries without making marginalized groups in those countries become targets of hate by the counter revolutionaries (Do no harm principal on steroids)

If I sound to liberal on other issues, it is because I am a Tankie and at the end of the day, despite being Far Auth , us Tankies are also FAR LEFT (about as far left as you can go) and also due to me being Third Camp Syncretic-Populist which means I am not pigeon holed or in bondage to any part of the political compass/spectrum

Take every thing I write in this blog with a grain of salt. Also anything I write has a chance to be tongue and cheek and irony. I have slight Aspergers and by extension a few fetishes 


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