

If men or women from Earth went to another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe and they married an intelligent life extraterrestrial who was of a specific sex/genders that is not found on Earth (but is somewhat rare in our universe or dimension). 

In that hypothetical situation, I'd be ok with men or women from Earth using light domestic violence on those intelligent life extraterrestrial spouses on that planeta , in that other solar system, galaxy or universe who are of that specific sex/gender that is not found on Earth (but is somewhat rare in our universe or dimension) .

My reason is, while submit for married couples who are male/male male/female female/female absolutely doesn't mean domestic violence or any violence or sexism and submit means exactly what this author says that it means (ie positive, pacifist and non sexist), that discretion doesn't apply if males and females from Earth married some intelligent life extraterrestrial spouses in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of a specific sex/gender that is not found on Earth. In those hypothetical situations, males and females from Earth should use biblical and Christian like domestic violence to make their intelligent life extraterrestrial spouses on those planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes who are of some of a specific sex/gender that is not found on Earth to submit to them


I believe that Transracial (identity) might (BIG might) be a real concept and if it is I would be open minded to supporting Transracial rights  third pos populist marx adjacent


However I believe that there if there is no excuse for China’s harsh actions against the Uyghurs then I truly and totally condemn China for their actions toward the Uyghurs  anti tankie

and also we thing that Sin Chaeho is based


some aspects of Francis Yockey/T Metzger third position

I am against consumerism and materialism for Christian reasons, and because people are brainwashed to be consumerists and 

materialists by corporations and the media who intrude on their lives. It's also a shame that consumerism and materialism spread 

from the US to other countries which is cultural imperialism. 

It is wrong that people are obsessed with products and not people. It is pathetic that people wear the same types of clothes, follow 

fashion trends, have big flat screen TVs, wear Nikes sneakers or even sneakers themselves, and similar unneeded nonsense. People

are slaves to brand name products and use them as status symbols and that is sad. We have to break people free of this bondage to 

consumerism and materialism. This in part because of corporate monopolies. See my lifestyle blog post for more

Consumerism dehumanizes people and causes people to live immorally. Consumerism is shallow, hollow and makes people think 

they need things that they DON'T NEED. Consumerism is basically corporations making us their slaves and that needs to end

As much as I really don't like Communism, one good thing about Communism is that it fights against consumerism and 

materialism (though it goes too far the other way). That's why I have a strange mix of fiscal views as noted above. (FY)

I have a lot of issues with Capitalism since Capitalism is too materialistic for me (FY/TM/FCoughlin etc)

I support a hypothetical socio-fiscal system that can be labeled interchangeably as State Capitalism, Bureaucratic Collectivism, 

State Socialism and a unique Mode of Production. (ie what far left people today call 'USSR Capitalism' a way to sup

I support Arab Nationalism FY

My views on the Welfare State and Welfare are based on one or more of my economic views/views on hypothetical economic 

systems mentioned above. However I am never enthusiastic about welfare measures

I am against Neoliberalism (anti capitalism TM alt right f yockney) also alt right

fascist creep alt right We need a national revolution” against the existing liberal-parliamentarian order/I believe a healthy and non 

bigoted form of Ethnocentrism is a good thing to live by as it gives another perspective

I view the modern establishment GOP ,Conservatives and Republicans as decrepit and corrupt and I repudiate them alt right

We need more worker marches to show appreciation to our country's workers. Maybe when workers of all race-ethnicities are 

united in their jobs and there is no more class conflict, this can happen TM ,last part is communist talk sounding far right

neither left, nor right, but forward (TM, also Forward party)

We need to end Corporate personhood. Corporations are not people. TM to Anarcho group Phx

I am against Build Back Better though I do like the name of the policy (we need an ACTUAL Build Back Better that is different 

than Joe Biden's Build Back Better) TM infastructure

I am anti consumerism lifestyle blog FY

I distrust large financial institutions as corrupt alt right

I always wondered that maybe if Fidel Castro in the late 1950s/early 1960s inspired a similar revolution in the US that he did in 

Cuba, would our country have been better? Maybe it would have been better, it's hard to see how it could have been worse. If I 

wrote this in the US back then, they'd wrongly call me a Fidel Castro sympathizer and I'd have J Edger Hoover coming after me 

like Joe Biden sends his secret police after innocent MAGA and DJT supporters for no reason. FY

I want off shoring jobs to be extremely limited TM

I am anti consumerism alt right

Muhammad Gaddafi/ Gamal Abdel Nasser,(FY)

Not everything should be blamed on Globalists, Cultural Marxists, Marxists, Commies or George Soros. Absolutism doesn't exist 

and nuance is always needed. TM

aspects of F Yockey/T Metzger third position

I would never try to stop the spread of Communism and Stalinism (even though I really don't like Communism and Stalinism). My

combination of fiscal views that I have (i.e the ones in this blog) can be aided by the spread of Communism and Stalinism, at 

which point would cause Communism and Stalinism to become obsolete forever (F Yockey)

I am a non interventionalist (T Metzger)

Transnational Corporations are a threat to our society. They cause many of the race-ethnic issues and unrest that we have today (T 


I want shipping jobs overseas to be banned or extremely limited tm

I want the US to make their territories and colonies Independent (F Yockey)

I believe that more Americans need to be politically active

I support political leaders who don't force their will upon people

White collar criminals deserve harsher prison and more time for their crimes . Being rich shouldn't allow them to get breaks. We 

need to show poor people that white collar criminals get equal justice to non white collar criminals (T Metzger)

Greedy and corrupt Republicans and Far right wing Capitalists push the middle class to the left which is good for us but it doesn't 

absolve the Republicans and Far right wing Capitalists of their greed and corruption 

I am against globalism and would prefer radical localism over that. Which is why I am ok with bringing back the Articles of 

Confederation TM

My views on Build Back Better are based on my fiscal views, however it would be nice to see us rebuild our infrastructure TM 


I support economic justice (T Metzger)

I am generally Anti Capitalist (T Metzger/F Coughlin/F Yockey). My issues with Capitalism are that the rich get richer and the 

poor get poorer. (T Metzger)

I am against materialism. Materialism is a spook. God says that the only wealth that matters is spiritual wealth and ethical wealth 

since those are the only materials we can take from this life to heaven. So materialism loses its luster when you think of that way. 

We need to individualize spiritual wealth. 

I am against consumer culture and materialism. I feel people and their individualism are enslaved by materialism i.e their property.

It is wrong that people are obsessed with their property. It is pathetic that people wear the same types of clothes, follow fashion 

trends, have big flat screen TVs, wear Nikes sneakers or even sneakers themselves, and similar unneeded nonsense. We have to 

break people free of this bondage to consumerism and materialism. This in part because of corporate monopolies. See my 

lifestyle blog post for more

Consumerism and Materialism are by products of the evils of Capitalism where people are just objects by Capitalists and 

corporations to make a buck and get ahead (basically as stepping stones). Consumerism and materialism are at the heart of the 

soullessness of Capitalism

I am against consumer culture. I am an anti Consumerist. Consumerism fuels inequality and unequal social structures that create 

unequal hierarchies. Consumerism is bad because people consume to increase their social position and to keep up with others. 

There is no good reason people should continuously buy new and new material possessions. It is against God to do so. God gives 

us what we need, not more and more garbage.

Corporations push consumerism to make a buck at the expense of public welfare (due to things like social stratification, governing 

ethics etc). I also feel consumerism is bad because it is part of globalization in that corporations try to destroy other countries with 

their consumerism as they've done in the West. Consumers are treated like guinea pigs that corporations try new and new tricks on

to get them to obedient to their demands and that is wrong

Consumerism dehumanizes people and causes people to live immorally. Consumerism is shallow, hollow and makes people think 

they need things that they DON'T NEED. It also causes pollution and hurts the environment etc. Consumerism is basically 

corporations making us their slaves and that needs to end

People are compelled to use brand names since their identities are tied to brand names to compensate for other misgiving

convert the buying and use of goods into rituals, that we seek our spiritual satisfaction and our ego satisfaction in consumption. 

We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever-increasing rate"

Consumerism via advertisers intrude on peoples lives telling them what they 'need' and what is 'acceptable' when in fact them 

doing those things is unneeded and unacceptable. It is basically ad creep and unwanted. 

They try to force social standards. They make it seem their goods are the keys to happiness and that is disgusting, wrong and 

crude. Advertisers try to trick people into tying social and material together through their ads to make this happen. They contribute

to materialism and that needs to end. What is worse, these advertisers don't want consumers to be truly happy, otherwise their 

products would not be needed. It's basically a sick game for them

Advertisers ojectify the consumers and take their power (and freedom) away while making the consumer think they have the 

power (when that isn't the case). The short term nature of the gratifcation of commodities take away from a truly lasting happy 

society. Advertising creates a false mirage of the world which furthers my angst for consumerism and its tenants.

To quote New scientist magazine "subconsciously still driven by an impulse for survival, domination and expansion... an impulse 

which now finds expression in the idea that inexorable economic growth is the answer to everything, and, given time, will redress 

all the world's existing inequalities" While also writing "that consumerism is making these tendencies worse by encouraging 

consumption without limit." FY etc

BLM's protests do bring out the far right and alt right provocateurs/counter protestor trolls so if non BLM members enjoy seeing 

chaos, BLM protests are the place to be due to far right and alt right provocateurs/counter protestor trolls (T Metzg

me elements of Francis Yockney/ T Metzger third position

I support the liberation movements in various third world countries in the 19th century and 20th century (especially the anti 

colonial movements of the 1950s and 1960s) (F Yockey)

I believe when it becomes viable, I'd like to see the US implement free medical and healthcare (why should people have to pay if 

they are sick or need medical help?) But I'd only want this if the government has zero intervention in the health and medical sector

of society and if this can be done in a fiscally responsible sort of way ( T Metzger)

I am open to the idea of free schooling for our society if it can solve most of our country's problems (T Metzger)

I support nationalizing the Federal Reserve T Metzgerish Cali third position group 

I also am tolerant of some guerilla like factions from our planet throughout history (or in the cases of some, like the guerillas under

Fidel Castro, their alternate reality-history versions that were better people and aligned with the values of the modern day Forward 

US party from our reality) alt right

I am a Non Interventionalist (T Metzger)

I am against American Universalism (F Yockey)

I am ok with Arab Nationalism (F Yockey)

I support fair trade 3p

ethnocentric socialism (alt right)

I distrust large financial institutions as corrupt alt right

Marxist materialism is less bad than Capitalist materialism FY Nat soc

I am against Neoliberalism (ie Hyper Capitalism) as I feel that Neoliberalism has inflamed or caused most of the problems the US 

is facing today and has negative effects on many people throughout the US third post fy tm mzt alt right

I support Indegenous protestors and Black protestors rebelling and going against the Neoliberal (Hyper Capitalist) state alt right

Mostafa Khomeini, (ONF third position)

I support the inalienable right of self preservation of Americans against punitive and unsanctioned control or National socialist

However I believe infrastructure development should also have indirect incentives including tax reductions with more direct 

funding in road, rail and other transportation projects. nat soc + TM

I support solidarity and liberation which will lead to a classless society without hierarchy. This is a natural progression. If we need 

to use far left National Liberalism to reach that point of getting to that classless society without a heirarchy, I guess we' need far 

left National Liberalism to do so as a necessary evil. alt right

(consumeirsm FY or similar) I am against Materialism. Materialism is unneeded. True happiness is not found in Materialism. 

Materialism is hollow, shallow, greedy and wrong. . The ills of Capitalism have caused Materialism and we need to defeat 

Capitalism to defeat Materialism

Instead of gaining material wealth people should gain knowledge, life philosophy and other non material and Christian values that 

the creator set out for us . Materialism makes people unhappier and is wrong. Materialism is tied with envy, possessiveness ,non 

generosity and those are terrible values.

People can never have enough and that is wrong. This is all due to evil corporations brainwashing people through consumerism, 

and through things like Globalizationlism and Globalism. People wrongly think they need things they don't need and that so off 

base. In many religions like Christianity, materialism is a sin (see Jesus's condemnations of Materialism in the Gospels for 

example). We must end Materialism forever and show people true happiness is non material. See my lifestyle blog for more

I repudiate the modern Republican GOP. I reject modern conservativsm as corrupt and decrepit (alt right

Tankies reddit

fill in gaps

Jewish people were persecuted in Europe in the Medieval age and Industrial age because their religious traditions made them isolate from society. The only reason there are more Jews who are bankers or similar positions is because those are the only jobs they were allowed to take due to anti semetic bigotry. For example, usury, underwent a transformation in Medieval Europe, society needed moneylending but Christianity forbade it, so this was left to the Jews to do as dirty work since it was one of the few ways they could be allowed to be apart of a society that was wrongly anti semetic toward them due to their religious practices. Thus usury was a way for them to fit in and contribute, but they are far from the only group of who did usury and maybe due to their religion, they were more compassionate with usury than most groups would have been.

The real culprits of the Great Depression were not the Jews but the corrupt liberal business people (including the corrupt liberal business people in the banking industry) of all stripes who ran Wall Street and the Federal Reserve into the ground in 1920s through unethical and immoral monterary loans. Their corruption lead directly to the Great Depression. The other culprits of the Great Depression were the Communists and Marxists. The rise of Communism and Marxism in the early 20th century also played a part in causing the Great Depression.    

I believe in the 1930s in Europe and the US, those corrupt liberals who caused the Great Depression should have been subject to the same harsh anti corruption punishments that China has employed in the 1980s 1990s 2000s against corrupt people (but in a Jeb Bush compassionate Christian way).  There should have been anti corruption political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s to clean up that corrupt mess and prevent such corruption from happening again.

Further more, there should have been political parties in Europe in the 1930s and early 1940s that were solely anti communist and anti marxist similar to the White Movement of Russia in the 1910s and 1920s (and rising up against the Communists and Marxists just like the White Movement did in Russia) and Falange in the 1930s (but without violence, racism and antisemetism). However if there were violent uprisings against these anti communist and anti marxist groups then I would be look the other way or even be tolerant of them doing a White Terror type thing (or even a Falange Spanish Revolution type thing) in response in self defense against those guerillas. 

If you still ignorantly believe Jews have influence (even though they don't and that is an antisemetic trope) then either stop them from being persecutted and discriminated against so they can get other jobs and spread themselves out to other areas (and thus not be centered on perceieved 'influential jobs') which wouldn't change anything since the Jewish influence thing is a myth and an anti semetic trope or do a Blexit type thing but with the Jewish liberals so they become Conservatives and fight for our cause (since if they are so influential in politics, wouldn't it make sense to have them help us instead of fighting against them?)  But of course they have no influence so that is purely conjecture

Jewish voters are more liberal than non Jewish voters because most jewish people fled communism and socialism (which are liberal things) in socialist-communist Europe to come to the US and that led to them joining unions in the US (which at least at the time had values and goals similar to Communism and Socialism) and their descendants inherited that liberalness from them and so on.  So as a block Jewish people are liberal and any group of people who by and large votes liberal is a problem, whether its a British migrant block, a Hollywood block, a union block, a Jewish block, a Episcopilian block, an atheist block etc. However, its not a problem that they are jewish but because its another large block of people who vote liberal). 

To counter this, we need to get Jewish people to become Conservative (as mentioned above using Blexit type tactics) and to help them see that the evil Communist/Socialist countries their ancestors fled from in Europe are evil and are being recreated today with Communists like Joe Biden and AOC (and to tell them that unions are anti globalist). We are a big tent, we already have Orthodox Jewish people with us, we need to get the Liberal non Orthodox Jewish people with us. 

If any alt righters are still ignoring my message, then read this article by Alex  te https://web.archive.org/web/20170625221526/http://officialproudboys.com/columns/got-my-mind-set-on-jews-questioning-the-jq/

 My story:

As a kid in the 1980s I was apolitical but had positive reactions to Republicans (ie Ronald Reagan) In 1992 I supported Bill Clinton because George HW Bush sucked. In 1996 I endorsed Bob Dole for President, in 2000 I supported Bill Bradley and when he dropped out I supported George W Bush. I was apolitical to politics in the 1980s and 1990s.

I became a Liberal Democrat in 2003 due to me turning against the Iraq War and becoming anti war . Once that happened, I use to take not of every Pro Iraq War celeb and put them on my enemies list (don't worry I've cooled on Iraq since then, see my International issues post)

.For the rest of the 2000s I was anti war (which I still am today but for the reasons Mark Twain was against war not for the Lenin reasons I was against war then), hated George W Bush and his neocon Republican allies, was a Chris Matthews type Barack Obama stan, I basically had a lot of liberal views etc.  

As a liberal in the 2000s, when I heard a 'right winger' like Jim Gilmore or Jim Demint come on TV, I'd react like college liberals react today when a conservative speaker speaks (though luckily I was at home when I did this and thus didn't make a fool of myself like those spoiled rich whiny brats)

I would mostly find liberal 'safe spaces' to hear like minded liberal narratives like MSNBC (Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews), CNN, Democratic Underground etc. 

I remember watching Farenheigh 9/11 in c 2005 and being depresssed about Al Gore not winning the 2000 Presidential election (since I was so hardcore Liberal back then). I was thrilled Michael Moore exposed George W Bush since Moore gave us a voice back then (before I knew Moore was an a****e commie). In 2004 I initially supported Howard Dean and was upset when John Kerry got the nom.

When the Democrats took the House in 2006, I was so happy that the Democrats got power for the first time since Bill Clinton was President. When Barack Obama became President, I felt like my team won the Super Bowl (since 2004 I was a fan of Barack's). I even was an Al Franken enthusiast (I learned to hate Norm Coleman then, I didn't know better)

There are similar ex liberal stories to the ones above. I was your typical stereotype of a liberal back in the 2000s

Despite this I still wasn't overtly political in the 2000s. 

Little by little I became more and more . First it was me seeing how kids have it too easy nowadays via a inthe80s.com post, then it was me seeing the SJW nonsense in early 2007 about some sports thing and then it was seeing porn being glorified on Wikipedia, then it was seeing just how bad liberals are via the rise in the 2010s of social media.

After Barack Obama won in 2012, I finally became a Populist, Social Democrat (Social Democrats USA) Radical Republican .Since then I have supported Populist politicians in the Republican Party , Democrat Party other political parties in the US and also abroad (i.e the Populist Right (Republicans) , Populist Caucus (Democrats) and the Far Left (Worker's World Party/A.N.S.W.E.R/other Far Left in the US/Far left party and factions abroad)  I also now like the Reform Party

I am a politically now third stance. I want to the 'far right' to build alliances with the literal Far Left.  It's all about being anti establishment and populous and shaking up the system from both sides.  Far Left is scared to work with us, so we have to help them work with us.

The liberals just moved so far left, they left me, I didn't leave them.

From that moment on I became (and still am) what I wrote above "  I support Populist politicians in the Republican Party , Democrat Party other political parties in the US and also abroad

I support the Populist Right (Republicans) , Populist Caucus (Democrats) and the Far Left (Worker's World Party/A.N.S.W.E.R/other Far Left in the US/Far left party and factions abroad)

I am a politically Third Stance

I am a fan of the Reform Party

I support the Labour Party UK  (current Labour Party/New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy/Social Democracy that can be labeled as Yellow Socialism/Blue Labour/Predistribution)

Despite my change, I still like Bernie Sanders. I feel he would be the closest to enact my unique set of social and fiscal views . So in 2016 I was BernieorBust. In 2020 I was apolitical. 

Donald Trump was unique and different he reminded me of when I supported Bill Bradley for President in 2000. He wasn't as extreme of a Republican (i.e he wasn't a warmonger) and he wasn't as harsh as the Jim Gilmores and Jim Demints

 Since then I have been and will continue to be someone who appears to support Donald Trump publicly, but behind the scenes I donate to anti Trump candidates and try to lower the MAGA influence. My reasons are two fold and can be here found https://polticksmejcvy.blogspot.com/2022/05/polemicelections.html

In 2024, I am BernieorBust

The liberals have moved so far left, they would probably call the 2000s liberal version of me right wing (I was radically center left then not right wing). However since I use to be one of them, I know exactly how liberals think and act better than most conservatives do.  

Even if the Democrats liberals are right on most things (LOL), because of the way they refuse to effectively communicate why they do what they do (which could help right wingers like me be open minded to some of their far left policies), because of the way they attack, smear, censor, cancel and bully people on the right (I know its both ways but they are either worse or do it more or do it worse and more), and because of the way they look down on us right wingers and similar atrocities by them mentioned on my polemic post, I would still reject the Democrats and Liberals and continue to be just as Republican Paleoconservative as I am now even knowing I was wrong.  

In fact, if i found out us right wingers were wrong about most things, I would force those things we are wrong about to make us right about them just get get the Democrats back for the above atriocities against us.

I don't care about politics. I am apolitical. I have no perceivable political principles whatsoever. In the 1980s, 1990s, 2000s (mostly) and 2010s (mostly) I stayed away from politics (that apoliticalness I had back then is what people should be now and in the future since politics sucks). But since I got into political video games I decided to expand that into real life political 'games'. 

I prefer a full anarchism and a self governing society with no government (or at worst a Night-watchman state like the UK in the 19th century), radical localism, Isolationism and people following the two rules in Matthew (for hardened heart non Judeo Christians have them replace God with humanity, whatever God they serve, higher power, or whatever motivates them to live secular lives that are Christian like)

If I sound too conservative on some issues, its somewhat because being far right or right wing is counter cultural and its more fun to be counter cultural than being mainstream (see Hippies in 1960s for more). If I sound to liberal on other issues, it is because being liberal to far right people is counter cultural.

Take every thing I write in this blog with a grain of salt. Also anything I write has a chance to be tongue and cheek and irony


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