
Showing posts from June, 2022


itiatives[edit] If men or women from Earth went to another planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe and they married an intelligent life extraterrestrial who was of a specific sex/genders that is not found on Earth (but is somewhat rare in our universe or dimension).  In that hypothetical situation, I'd be ok with men or women from Earth using light domestic violence on those intelligent life extraterrestrial spouses on that planeta , in that other solar system, galaxy or universe who are of that specific sex/gender that is not found on Earth (but is somewhat rare in our universe or dimension) . My reason is, while submit for married couples who are male/male male/female female/female absolutely doesn't mean domestic violence or any violence or sexism and submit means exactly what  this author says that it means  (ie positive, pacifist and non sexist), that discretion doesn't apply if males and females from Earth married some intelligent life extraterrestrial spou

Link 2

A primarily meritocratic market-based system, with a combination of a balanced (cautionary and reform) and somewhat more limited equality of opportunity with a Merit based opportuntity system where parents are heavily encouraged or maybe even incentivized to raised their children like this parent   raised his child and to promote better education so the child has the best tools they need to get a fair chance (but a fairer chance than in a pure Merit Based Opportunity system since there would Equality of Opportunity, albeit a somewhat more limited version of it).      This would also include a Equitability of Outcome based on the Fairness Model but also heavily encouraging entitleds to counteract the Equitability (meaning if one worker goads the boss into everyone getting more pay but all being equal, then another worker who was the highest paid worker before this Fairness model Equitability of Opportunity was put in place then would ask for their own s

My story

 My story: As a kid in the 1980s I was apolitical but had positive reactions to Republicans (ie Ronald Reagan) In 1992 I supported Bill Clinton because George HW Bush sucked. In 1996 I endorsed Bob Dole for President, in 2000 I supported Bill Bradley and when he dropped out I supported George W Bush. I was apolitical to politics in the 1980s and 1990s. I became a Liberal Democrat in 2003 due to me turning against the Iraq War and becoming anti war . Once that happened, I use to take not of every Pro Iraq War celeb and put them on my enemies list (don't worry I've cooled on Iraq since then, see my International issues post) .For the rest of the 2000s I was anti war (which I still am today but for the reasons Mark Twain was against war not for the Lenin reasons I was against war then), hated George W Bush and his neocon Republican allies, was a Chris Matthews type Barack Obama stan, I basically had a lot of liberal views etc.   As a liberal in the 2000s, when I heard a 'right


Q) What does 'forth political position' or 'fifth political position' or '6th political position mean? A)  A forth, fifth or 6th political position is a political stance/position on issues that is neither support, against, neutral, liberal-progressive, conservative, centrist, indifferent, apolitical or 3rd political position but a hypothetical, political stance/political position that is as opposite of support and against as support and against are opposite of each other and is as opposite of liberal-progressive and conservative as liberal-progressive and conservative are opposite of each other.  Forth political position, fifth political position and 6th political position on political issues have never been seen before in our universe but those political stances/positions exists on political issues in other universes with different laws of nature than in our universe (just like there are primary colors that have never been seen in our universe but exist in other un