

Race is a myth. We are all one race, the human race.  All Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Indigenous peoples etc are of one or more ethnicities. There are as much differences between whites and blacks, as there are differences between Irish people and Russian people , between Japanese people and Thai people, between Greek people and British people, between Angolans and Ethiopians etc. So this is a perfect counter to racists, since when they are racist, they are real hating 'their own race'.

Marxist Leninism is good because it will destroy classes and income inequality which lead naturally to a non racist world 

I support economic egalitarianism , especially in Wages, Healthcare and Education that will help all people, including BIPOC+ but in this type of way. This is because these type of methods are better than race reductionist methods and are more inclusive than regular class reductionist methods. 

Whites are sadly the Aristocrat class in the US (but not white privileged is not real) . In the French Revolution the left abolished the Aristocracy, when we abolish all classes and create a classless society, we will luckily abolish the White Aristocrat class along with all classes

Equality trumps Equity 

I am conditionally tolerant of white grievance politics 

Workers need to be more hostile to Racial-Ethnic discrimination and fight against it since doing so can help ALL people of ALL races and ethnicities ,not just BIPOC+

Racial-Ethnic discrimination not only negatively effects BIPOC+ but is bad to working class people of all stripes as any discrimination practices between demographic sections of the working class cause a very divisive practice hurting the development of working class consciousness , creating barriers to class unity to take away attention from class exploitation which bolsters the rich. 

So by being more hostile to racial and ethnic discrimination and fighting against it, it can help all workers of all races and ethnicities since without the distractions of racism their attention would then shift to the evils of the rich corporate crony capitalists which would lead to the overthrow of those rich corporate crony capitalists, leading to the betterment of ALL people, not just BIPOC+ in all aspects. So helping BIPOC+ by doing something that appears woke (fighting against racial-ethnic discrimination) to make everyone better might not be that bad of an idea

I am against Asian students being discriminated against in admissions by colleges such as Yale. Colleges should stop discriminating against Asian students. I support Donald Trump's lawsuit against Yale.

If anti racial bias training can lead to the abolishment of quotas like Affirmative Action and maybe even Affirmative Action itself (since if it does what its proponents claim, quota like Affirmative Action and maybe even Affirmative Action itself won’t be needed anymore) , I would be very fine with anti racial training be used by jobs on their employees. If anti racial bias training does not do those things, then I do not support anti racial bias training.

I do support Affirmative Action, but sometimes it goes too far, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing

I love diversity but I feel an alternative to Quota like Affirmative Action is needed

Affirmative Action and Quota like Affirmative Action are mirages , genuine equality in jobs cannot be achieved by giving off a false appearance of equality.  Natural integration feels more tasteful. But since I love diversity I am forced against my will to say I support them so I am a good little solider 

I am not a supporter of BLM because BLM are a Neoliberal front and I am Anti Neoliberal. BLM need to focus on bringing in the socialistic revolution (big picture) instead of short term gains in this bourgeois, hierarchal system.

I much prefer the Black Hammer Organization (who I support) and New Black Panther Party NBPP  (who I am a fan of) to BLM.  

I do not support or like id pol writers like Ta’Neshi Coates and Margaret Atwood because they are bourgeois

I have never and I will never apologize for being white

There is nothing wrong with being any race/ethnicity . It is fine to be any race/ethnicity .

Every race-ethnicity, nation, people, and human on Earth are equal to each other and have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and possesses the sovereign right to live wherever they want. Race and sex have nothing to do with who or what we are. We’re all created equal.  Every life has value, and all people have equal value

In a post ironic way, I am between being Alexingly and morally (moral as in moral victory) a Proud Boys version of an ‘antiracist’ (Alexingly as in like Alex Keaton in Family Ties pretending to support the ERA to date a pro ERA girl even though he was against the ERA and he admitted as much in a nice way, I pretend that I am a Proud Boys version of an antiracist even though I am not and I admit that I am not, but in a nice way) . I am not an antiracist, I am a non racist

I am an affiliate of A.N.S.W.E.R . I between condone and wink at A.N.S.W.E.R's antiracist activism even though I am not an antiracist myself . I support them fighting for Palestinian rights.  If I was a migrant or illegal I'd believe their fight for migrant rights is great 

I condone Indigenous protestors and Black protestors rebelling and going against the Neoliberal (Hyper Capitalist) state

BIPOC+ (including BLM) protesting is a silver lining in that it shows that protesting is still an effective way to influence the government and corporations to do their bidding. 

Moreover, with groups like BLM protesting, it creates chaos, and chaos is a political ladder. Finally, BIPOC+ protestors (including BLM) are against some of the SJW, PC things we are against, so them rioting sort of fights those battles for us

I am against the 1619 Project being taught in schools. Many mainstream historians have criticized the 1619 Project . The 1619 Project is a lie created by the corporatist NYT who should stick to their day jobs (reporting the news).  

I am not against woke CRT housing policies like at Williams College or the VA and I very much am tolerant of those policies 

I am not against woke CRT things like black graduations or Family of Color playground night and I somewhat tolerate those policies  

My reason is because those policies are an attempt to make those places more inclusive and unified (and less divisive) those policies might actually help BIPOC+ feel more solidarity with each other so maybe they can focus on positive ways to fix perceived ills than perceived negative ways they already do and also because I am a libertarian. 

The above CRT policies are not anti white but they are controversial. The Family of Color playground night did not exclude whites either, it was just a creative way for BIPOC to connect after school to build bonds together. 

I support Standarized Testing in schools and the SAT

I am against Equitable Math being taught in schools. Math is not racist, there is nothing racist about Math or the way that is taught. Equitable Math is race norming disguised as being something innovative.  I hope Equitable Math gets banned in schools in the future.

I support Advance Math being taught in schools from pre school to 12th grade. I also support advanced students being skipped ahead a grade.

Students should not be required to take ethnic studies classes in high school. It's their RIGHT to not take that course and the government really has NO RIGHT to require students to take such courses in the first place. Ethnic studies courses should ideally only be taught in colleges (and ideally maybe vocational schools too) fute

Oral Roberts should not be penalized in any way shape or form for the views of their founder. Anyone who says otherwise is seriously misguided

I am a fan of Assata Shakur due to syncretic politics, her brand of 1970s wokeness being less offensive than modern wokeness and because I sympathize with her plight (but I don't condone her murder or crimes)

Under Fidel Castro's leadership his country was a model for equal rights and he cared for his people (when he wasn't doing bad things like human rights abuses to them). I also like how Cuba wasn't globalized. 

I always wondered that maybe if Fidel Castro in the late 1950s/early 1960s inspired a similar revolution in the US that he did in Cuba, would our country have been better? Maybe it would have been better, it's hard to see how it could have been worse. If I wrote this in the US back then, they'd wrongly call me a Fidel Castro sympathizer and I'd have J Edger Hoover coming after me like Joe Biden sends his secret police after innocent MAGA and DJT supporters for no reason.

I support Interracial Marriage

I won't argue with the view that the system of white supremacy is a cross class alliance between rich whites and working class whites.  I am sure there is at least a little truth in that 

Deep down inside, I tongue in cheekingly feel that blacks should kick the **** out of all racist whites and white supremists (real racists and real white supremists) and only get community service, suspended probation (effectively no probation) and a huge fine for doing so. 

That is a lot more bold than using cancel culture, SJWism, and hate crime laws to help their cause. 

It would knock sense into racist whites and white supremacists.   But even deep down inside and tongue in cheekingly I would never encourage them to do so. Violence is cringe

I am against anti white hate speech and anti white jokes. 

We need to pacifistly confront the anti white hatred that white people are getting on social media and by public figures like Sarah Jeong. We cannot allow anti white hate speech and anti white jokes to be normalized. I would feel this way even if I wasn’t white .

To whites and BIPOC,  stop the bickering, no more fighting between you groups, get along with each other (and for the fringe hardliners, at least pretend to get along ok?) .   Is that so hard? ? A house (country) divided against itself cannot stand.  We cannot have a socialistic revolution for the betterment of all people with such divisiveness amongst our diverse proletariat 

White people don't make up the majority of mass shooters and statistics back this up

The National Anthem should not be played at sporting events but if it is, if people want to protest it they should stand but turn away from the flag like Toni did at her high school basketball game in 2003

Blaming whites for everything is anti white hate and needs to stop. 

I am glad that Colin Kaepernick enjoys tweeting. At least he has a hobby now that his NFL career is long gone. 

However, I believe there are significant differences between humans and extinct species or subspecies of humans from Earth like Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus (in the same exact way that Racialists believe that there are significant differences between Whites and Blacks, Asians, Hispanic, and Indigenous peoples).    

I believe that Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus were of a difference race than the human race (the human race is Whites, Blacks, Asians, Hispanic, and Indigenous peoples)

I am 'racialist' against Denisovan, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo rudolfensis, Homo habilis, Australopithecus africanus, Paranthropus boisei, Australopithecus sediba, Homo ergaster, and Paranthropus robustus


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