
 Migration/Illegal Immigration

I am against open borders and illegal immigration (except as noted below) , mostly because we need borders (ideally strong borders) in our current pre transitional and transitional change from Capitalism to Marxist Leninism to avoid conflict with and capitalist influence from capitalist countries (A lot of our migrants [god bless their heart] come from Capitalist or Capitalist adjacent countries). 

Strong borders mean less of that bourgeois capitalist conflict and influence (which we get now from mass migration, chain migration, illegal migration etc) as we lay the ground work for and begin to transition from a Capitalist country that sadly treats migrants like second class citizens to a Marxist Leninist ‘open border’ migrant utopia country. 

Strong borders aren’t for restricting migration, strong borders are for restricting capitalism and by extension the bourgeois and aristocratic baggage that comes with it (which by doing so will help the legal and illegal migrants who are already living in the US get richer and more equality since the closer we get to a Marxist Leninist society the more income equality grows and barriers between classes shrink which can only happen by stronger borders to prevent capitalistic barriers to this transition) to create a post Capitalist country that will be extremely more pro migrant than a capitalist country with lax or open borders can ever be. A little less migration NOW for MUCH MORE migration in the future 

Think of this like putting a tourniquet on a huge wound to stop the bleeding, here strong borders would stop the bleeding done by the commidifaction and abuses of capitalism , allowing our country to move to become Post Capitalist at which time the bleeding (ie the cronies of capitalism) will stop and we will be in Marxist Leninist utopia with open borders and as pro of a migrant country as we can have all thanks to transitioning from Capitalism to Marxist Leninism which cannot be done with the pettiness of capitalism pouring into our country via mass migration, illegal migration and chain migration 

I advocate protection of all workers rights no matter country of origin

So everything I write below is for the US until we usher in a Marxist Leninist revolution (and further cemented via an ushered in pan Marxist Leninist revolution) and also because I am being contrarian (being too pro migrant is a mainstream ‘liberal’ view to have, being like I am on migration is contrarian). 

Once we become a Marxist Leninist utopia like I want, I will be as pro migrant (which includes pro illegal migrant) as Amnesty International , Noam Chomsky and Rosa Luxembourg were and are pro migrant/illegal migrant since there will be no more Capitalism and thus no reason to not be like them on migration and illegal immigration 

However, until we become a Marxist Leninist utopia and a post Capitalist society, I believe the US should seriously look into building two offshore Autonomous Republics for legally born US citizens,  migrants, and illegal migrants etc. 

Those two lands would be Autonomous Republics of the United States (similar to how Crimea is a Autonomous Republic of Ukraine).  Migrants/illegals etc would be given heavy assistance from NGOs or indirectly from US government to move to these two US Autonomous Republics as an alternative to moving to the US mainland. 

All migrants and illegal migrants around the world would be able to move to these 2 US Autonomous Republics , as easy as migrants/illegal immigrants to the US would have been able to move to the US from the 1870s through early 1920s (which was very liberal) combined with how easy it is for Australians and New Zealanders to live in each other’s country due to the trans Tasman arrangement . Moreover, there would be a points based system (like in the UK) for illegal immigrants in these two US Autonomous Republics 

The vast majority of the cities and towns in these 2 US Autonomous Republics would be sanctuary cities and towns, for illegals . 

One of those two migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republics would be a real life version of mythological Atlantis, and be exactly where it is on this map

The other migrant, illegal immigrant US Autonomous Republic would be a real life version of mythological Antillia and be exactly where it is on this map

The US can use landfill, terraforming and other methods to do that.  Once the US mainland becomes a Marxist Leninist country, then we can allow all migrants from those offshore US Autonomous Republics to move to the US mainland for free, and thus we can all live in a Marxist Leninist open borders utopia on the US mainland. Once we reach our Marxist Leninist open border utopia we won’t need the above system anymore

After the US builds these 2 US Autonomous Republics for migrants and illegal immigrants, the US should then temporarily bring back the Immigration Act of 1924 but a non bigoted version of it that is fused with some Wilson Center immigration ideas ,Opportunity agenda immigration ideas and CATO immigration ideas to bring it left (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Because, I between pretty much lukewarmly sympathize with and compassionately play devil’s advocate for the anti migrant/anti illegal immigrant Left Wing Europeans views on migration and illegal immigration (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less) ,  even though I was and still am against the Border and Control Act of 2005, I would be passive to apathetic lean ironically neutral toward a Border and Control Act of 2005 with these amendments below (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less):  

Requires the federal government to take custody of illegal aliens detained by local authorities. This would end the practice of "catch and release", where federal officials sometimes instruct local law enforcement to release detained illegal aliens because resources to prosecute them are not available. It also reimburses local agencies in the 29 counties along the border for costs related to detaining illegal aliens.  changed to 

Requires the federal government to take custody of illegal aliens detained by local authorities. This would end the practice of "catch and release" if they are caught on the forth time or later, where federal officials sometimes instruct local law enforcement to release detained illegal aliens because resources to prosecute them are not available. 

It also reimburses local agencies in the 29 counties along the border for costs related to detaining illegal aliens caught on their forth time or later (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Mandates employers to verify workers' legal status through electronic means, phased in over several years. Also requires reports to be sent to Congress one and two years after implementation to ensure that it is being used changed to

Heavily incentives employers to verify workers' legal status through electronic means, phased in over several years after the worker is hired and only if the worker hasn't assimilated to the job. Also requires reports to be sent to Congress and the Senate four and seven years after implementation to ensure that it is being used      (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Allows deportation of any illegal alien convicted of driving under the influence (DUI). changed to

Allows something between humane self deportation and humane voluntary departure of any illegal alien convicted of drunk driving crashes, DUI/DWI forth time or above, domestic violence and similar crimes (with their home countries taking the initiative in deporting and and re settling them in those countries) (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Causes housing of a removed illegal to become a felony and sets the minimum prison sentence to three years. changed to

Causes housing of a remove illegal to be penalized for the person housing the illegal by giving up their passport for 3 years, forced to have someone they know pay a heavy fine on their behalf (otherwise they go to prison for a year) , being forced to do community service and forced to sign a paper promising that if they ever do so again, they will go to prison for a minimum of 3 years (but a country club type prison that CEOs go to)  (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Increases penalties for employing illegal workers to $7,500 for first time offenses, $15,000 for second offenses, and $40,000 for all subsequent offenses. changed to

Increases penalties for employing illegal workers to $25,000 for first time offenses, $45,000 for second offenses, and $80,000 for all subsequent offenses. If they can prove that the illegals they hired were part of the community and helped their businesses more than legal citizens those fines would be reduced to $1,500, $3,500 and $9,500 respectively (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Prohibits accepting immigrants from any country which delays or refuses to accept its citizens who are deported from the United States (Section 404) changed to 

Forces immigrants from any country which delays or refuses to accept its citizens who are deported from the United States , to have to do feudal vassalage for a year or a few years if they want to become citizens of the United States (otherwise they are barred from moving to the US)  (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

Eliminates the Diversity Immigrant Visa (also known as Green Card Lottery) program.

changed to 

Keeps the Diversity Immigrant visa (also known as Green Card Lottery) program but migrants who win that 'Lottery' have to be put on a 'Just Short of a Path to Citizenship' (like the one in Build Back Better) to become legal citizens (but ONLY for migrants/illegal immigrants to the US mainland in all 50 states until the US becomes a Marxist Leninist country and NOT for any migrants or illegal immigrants to/in the above two US Autonomous Republics since I want the latter to have barely any migration/illegal migration restrictions and a little less and less)  

To promote community policing in migrant-illegal immigrant communities, police departments in areas with high migrant/illegal migrants would implement deescalation training, get rid of chokeholds, ask police officers to step in for other police officers if they used too much force or are too tough on illegal immigrants, have police officers patrol on foot more, have police officers introduce themselves to migrants, and even host BBQs for their migrant community. Also have some common sense adherence to International Human Rights laws for the police officers.  

But, despite what I wrote  above, if the US doesn’t transition to a Marxist Leninist society and stays statically Capitalist, then I want the US to go from being a traditional country into a Communitarian Nomadic Empire and thus have open borders by default

This way ,people would form natural communities throughout the Nomadic Empire US based on their connections to said communities. Moreover, their social idenities and personalities would be molded by their community relationships with some individiualism thrown into the mix. 

Migrants (there would be no such thing as illegal migrants in this system) to the Nomadic Empire US would form and find their own Communiatarian communies in this Nomadic Empire US based on shared cultural values. 

Eventually after decades or more of this, new districts (ie lining) would be created around these new communities which would be done to better reflect a new sort of cultural cohesion along with possibly brining back the US as the type of Constitutional Republic country that it is today.

This would be appealing to border-hawks in that they would have their own communities and could form alliances with other communities that match their values while not being forced to live in a foreign land of within their own post country world

Illegal immigrants and refugees in the US don't commit more or less crimes/violent crimes than legal US citizens

I don't believe that churches should snitch on illegal immigrants because that would be against God

Remember Jesus quote in the bible about David stealing the bread? I feel that is needed to provide nuance to the illegal immigration debate.

I am against illegal immigrants getting free health care

Migrants to the US should learn English

Illegal Immigrants shouldn't have more rights than legal citizens

I support a hard Brexit . I would be radically centrist to tolerant on a type of hard Brexit that Ritchie333 would support

I believe that the European Union should use a federated state model for its countries similar to the federal states model of the US (like a United Provinces of the European Union). This would mean no border checks between European Union countries (since there are no border checks between states n the US) .I would like to see the currency of the EU become more universalized.

I am a hard Euroskeptic . 

I don’t condemn Southern Europe’s tough stance on migrants because I am afraid if I push too hard for those countries to have lax humane liberal migration policies for them, it cause anti migrant backlash due to them being associated with western imperialism and thus violate the do no harm principal which would prevent a socialist revolution in those countries (since the migrants wouldn’t be able to lead a revolution due to the backlash). The best I can do is wait for an opening then push hard for laxer and humane migration policies in Southern Europe. #patience

I am against NAFTA


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