
I am against Criminal Justice Reform but I am glad that Donald Trump signed that bill for it. It proved he was flexible

I am against the Police State. Some people feel the police are as much of an enemy now as others and I feel those views aren't that far off.

I am anti mafia for various reasons

I am against trolls making death threats against and harassing Supreme court justices over their Roe v Wade ruling. Those trolls should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law. If it was pro life protestors doing that to pro choice judges, the MSM and left would be in a uproar

I am against those fringe pro choice protestors harassing churches and pro life centers over Roe v Wade. Those fringe pro choice protestors should be prosecuted under the fullest extent of the law

Blacks probably do commit more crimes against Asians than non Asians do (based on statistics and an Project Veritas report). It's not out of racism or because they are black, facts don't care about your feelings. But I am nowhere near 100 percent sure on this, so forgive me if I am wrong. I also know the 'color of crime' thing so I am treading lightly here

While whites do commit the majority of hate crimes in America (53% of hate crimes); far more than blacks do (23 percent). This is misleading because whites are 60% of the population and blacks are 12% of the population. So if there were as many blacks in the US as whites, those percentages would be nearly identical (give or take)

Crimes committed by blacks should be reported the just as much and in the same exact way as crimes committed by whites are reported.  

I don't believe it matters if blacks, whites etc commit more crimes. The color of crime thing is right wing identity politics which is as annoying as left wing identity politics.  If blacks do commit more crimes than whites, it's bad (but I won't blame whites for that, but I will blame society for not lifting everyone up) but trying to help them assimilate (in a non woke way), fixing poverty issues, policing issues with everyone including blacks would go a long way in fixing that.  One thing is, say what you want about BLM ,at least they help me realize that people who think blacks are more violent than whites are fools. But them and their non black supporters are more social justice warriorish than whites 

Moreover if blacks do commit more crimes than whites, it will backfire on liberals so there is also that

I condemn people disrespecting the police (like throwing things at them, spitting on them, harassing them, calling for violence against them).

The police should not be defunded or abolished.

If we must 'reform' the police here are some ideas: 

Change Police Culture to Protect Civilians and Police, Restructure Regulations for Fraternal Order of Police Contracts (ie police union busting), Distributed sensing and virtual patrols, Artificial data and predictive policing, Address Officer Wellness, Evidence based policing 

If misled people want to stop perceived police 'brutality', police departments across the country should hire BLM members and anti police brutality activists as police officers since they would be the least likely people to use brutality on suspects.   

Blacks call the police more than non blacks so its counterproductive for them to get the police abolished or even defunded

I am open minded to vigilantism like in the Death Wish movies. However, I'd want all vigilantes to be trained in deescalation training, not to use chokeholds, to ask other people (including police) to step in for them if they used too much force, patrol on foot more than police, introduce themselves to the residents and even host BBQs for their community which may lead to violent crime drops. Also have some common sense adherence to International Human Rights laws for the vigilantes 

I am against Rashida Tlaib's senseless, illogical proposal to empty prisons. Prisons (all prisons) should be a fixture of society and getting rid of prisons is one the worst ideas I have ever heard. I will fight to make sure she never gets her way with that. Though less prisons= less right wingers in prisons, but whatever

Even though I don’t want anyone to suffer, I  have no sympathy for Kyle Rittenhouse because he went to a protest be didn’t agree with, with a gun and got into a fight. He shouldn’t have been shocked that he would have been charged with murder and vilified

I am radically mixed around on Ban the Box

I am against the Death Penalty being legal. Instead of the death penalty, inmates who commit capital offenses should be waterboarded every few years as an alternative along with being executed in effigy only 


I am against Fentanyl, Cocaine (non limited-privately cultivated/more than extremely small amounts), Heroin, LSD, Crystal Meth, Synthetic Marijuana, Purple Haze and Crack being legalized or decriminalized for rec use

I pretty much support non synthetic Marijuana being legal for medical use

I am fine with non synthetic Marijuana being legalized for rec use ONLY if at least 10 to 20 percent of cities in states where it is legalized make it decriminalized (instead of legal), illegal, or illegal but arrests for it are unenforced . 


Decriminalize non synthetic Marijuana for rec use but non synthetic Marijuana offenders be forced to live in halfway houses that are fused with drug rehab centers for a few weeks to a year or so and allow them to expunge their record when they are released 

Otherwise keep non synthetic Marijuana illegal for rec use but have criminals who are caught with it be sent to periodic detention for a few weeks or months for 7th strike and above (but their arrest doesn't go on record/if they are caught before the 7th time they get no penalty, not even a fine). They'll still spend most of their time out of detention at home. Each arrest after the 7th time won't add more sentencing time (so no incremental sentencing) Moreover they would be compensated long term if this arrangement caused them to lose a job or miss something important

Drug trafficking should always be illegal with drug traffickers going to prison for that for years

I support the private cultivation of coca (Cocaine) being decriminalized in the US with the penalty for it being a light fine and possible drug education

I also support Cocaine (non Crack) outside of that in the US remaining illegal but arrests being for it being vastly unenforced for extremely small and microscopic amounts of it. But on the forth time and up they are caught with such small amounts it is AUTOMATIC prison for those Cocaine (non Crack) users.

I also am fine with medical Cocaine (non Crack) being prescribed a lot more liberally by doctors and shrinks than it is now

Hard drug users who use Fentanyl, Cocaine (non limited-privately cultivated/more than extremely small amounts),  Synthetic Marijuana, Heroin, LSD, Purple Haze, Crystal Meth and Crack should go to prison

I wouldn't be against Crystal Meth being decriminalized in all amounts with the only penalty being a light fine but the penalty for 7th time and above is Civil Confinement (with 2 week annual holidays at home, marriage allowed, cabins for married users, family stay, equal pay, sending savings to family allowed, no uniform, leg irons or handcuffs, common living, no cells, freedom of movement inside confinement area, awards rewards relief for users, education music and theater for users) for a few years that is fused with Drug Diversion programs. When they are releases they would be on post prison bail for years

I am ok with mandatory minimum sentencing for hard drug offenses (for Fentanyl, Synthetic Marijuana,  Cocaine (non limited-privately cultivated/more than extremely small amounts), Purple Haze, Heroin, Crystal Meth, LSD and Crack) only if all those hard drug convicts convicted under mandatory minimum sentencing are given perks in prison that other inmates don't have for each anti drug milestone/milestone they meet in prison (meaning their best reward would be to be able to be about as free in prison as the prison guards and non inmate prison staff). 

Moreover, I'd want prisoners under mandatory minimum sentencing to eventually (regardless of they anti drug milestones/milestones in prison) to be transferred to a Corrective labor colony/chain gang hybrid system and then house arrest-community service system (where as a whole they'd get somewhat less time imprisoned during mandatory minimum sentencing than current criminals get during mandatory minimum sentencing convictions). 

Under the Corrective labor colony/chain gang hybrid system, prisoners would negotiate their salary on a laissez faire basis to work for market set wages and the voluntary choices of penal laborers to work and for employers to pay the wages   

All jobs should drug test employees for Marijuana, Cocaine, Crack, LSD and Heroin and other hard drugs. Nobody should use drugs recreationally on the job

I believe we need to focus a lot on drug prevention ie preventing unemployment, fighting poverty, and preventing family dissolution. We should also bring back the Just Say No anti drug campaign. I do not want people to use Cocaine, Crack, Heroin, LSD, Synthetic Marijuana,Fentanyl, Purple Haze, Crystal Meth for rec use ever. I want people to be drug free.

I don't want Alcohol and Liquor to be sold at theme parks, or at outdoor restaurants.

I support non binding blue laws and believe non binding blue laws should be implemented all 50 states with care and pragmatically (but 'liberally' the other type of liberally as in all over the place)

Stealing is wrong and people should go to prison for stealing.


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