
Showing posts from August, 2022


  Polemic I am a Tankie (Marxist-Leninist), Social Democrat (Luxemburgism/Social Democrats USA etc) , Third Camp Syncretic-Populist. I am also a Contrarian and in the Nazbol vortex I support Populist politicians in the Republican Party , Democrat Party other political parties in the US and also abroad.  I support the Populist Right (Republicans) , Populist Caucus (Democrats) and the Far Left (Worker's World Party/A.N.S.W.E.R/other Far Left in the US/Far left party and factions abroad) I support the Labour Party UK  (current Labour Party/New Labour/Third Way/Third Way Social Democracy/Social Democracy that is similar to mid to late 1910s European SocDem/Blue Labour/Predistribution). non election I prefer to “go my own way" as opposed to letting my ideas be influenced by those around me I support outsiders who band together in their individualistic struggle against society and in pursuance of their own curiosity, pride, and instinct against society. After we rightfully remove al

Condition expand

Pretend there is a far away reality Earth where where male humans could be born with XY chromosome or alt XX chromosome and female humans could be born with XX chromosome or alt XY chromosome. There would be no inward or outward difference between males born with XY chromosomes and males born with alt XX chromosomes and there would be no inward or outward difference between females with XX chromosomes and females born with alt XY chromosomes It would be about a 40 percent chance in that world that a male would be born with an alt XX chromosome and a female would be born with an alt XY chromosome


M ega

 From Marxism “Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels believed that an international proletarian revolution would bring about a socialist society which would then eventually give way to a communist stage of social development which would be a classless, stateless, moneyless, humane society erected on common ownership of the means of production and the principle of "From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs". Marxism rejected egalitarianism in the sense of greater equality between classes, clearly distinguishing it from the socialist notion of the abolition of classes based on the division between workers and owners of productive property. Marx's view of classlessness was not the subordination of society to a universal interest such as a universal notion of equality, but it was about the creation of the conditions that would enable individuals to pursue their true


If I was born and raised on another planet, I would say “I am pro extraterrestrial WBIPOC adjacent” If I was born and raised on a similar planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, on that planet I would say  “(extraterrestrial) White adjacent Privilege is not real but if people want to believe it is real, that is their right to believe that. I would never stop them from believing that”.  Then I would say on that similar planet in another solar system, galaxy or universe, “I think that we should counter such conspiracy theories in a peaceful, friendly and uplifting sort of way where we are not labeled racist or bigoted (if not we shouldn't counter that stuff). Besides labeling everything as 'privilege' will have a slippery slope effect which would backfire on (extraterrestrial) BIPOC adjacents so its a benefit for them not to label things as '(extraterrestrial) White adjacent Privilege' “  On other planets in other solar systems, galaxies and universes, I w



